Chapter 7

The way with life

I ducked my head in embarrassment as I muttered a little “excuse me” before I made my way out of the toilet. 

“Stop there.” 

I sighed as I waited outside the toilet for Daehyun to catch up with me and I was practically red-faced now from the embarrassing situation I was in. 

“I have classes.” I spoke out partly in annoyance and because I wanted a hole to just swallow me up away from this world. 

“How can I let you go for classes when I have just found some strange ert lurking about in the male’s toilet?” Daehyun curtly stated. 

“What? Me, a ert?” I coughed out in ridiculousness. 

“I caught you red-handed in your act. Never did I know you were so erted and so overly obsessed with a man’s human body.”Daehyun shook his head in disgust as I opened my mouth in utter disbelief. 

My heart was raging in an array of emotions and as much as I was frustrated, I couldn’t think of words to explain myself. My mind was left in a likewise blank sheet of paper, as if it was meant for me to write what I wanted to say on it. Luckily, this area of the school was rather secluded and only a handful of people came about here so along this empty hallway was just Daehyun and I. 

“I was just-“ 

“I just have to bring up this matter about you to the management office.” Daehyun interrupted. 

“Oh, would you just look at how deluded you are right now? Did you even wait for my very own explanation? Were you even here throughout the whole incident. Do you think I am so cheap like that? Very well, go to the management office for all I care. I had enough of this of London and Brown.” I burst out before walking off. 

My hands were trembling from anger and I was practically boiling side me. Why, oh why, did Daehyun have to come to Brown? My life in London was already a hell of crap for me and to have Daehyun bugging me by my side in Brown was bad enough. What a life. 



 The next day at psychology, I was trying my best to ignore Daehyun as I was still embarrassed and angered at the incident the previous day. I admit, I was one hot-tempered girl but I never held grudges because I had too many things in the world to care about than little things like this. I was prideful too but as I thought about the incident more and more, i thought back about how this incident could relate to the airport incident, about how I indirectly caused Daehyun’s mother’s death. I was very prideful and the more I thought about how much pain and frustration Daehyun could have felt because of me, I felt more and more guilty but I was so prideful to the extent that I did not want to admit to my own fault. I felt that I really did not have the right to be furious with Daehyun and really, it was my own fault for being so careless. How could anyone actually enter the wrong toilet? However, since Daehyun was one of the first ones, after my mother, to have confronted me like this, I was not going to be defeated. I was going to fight back no matter what. How many times have I ever seen a guy like that? 

“Darling! There you are! I was looking all over for you and Erin said that you would be in psychology class now.” Heejun said as he saw me. 

I flinched as he drew me into a hug. I seriously hated kinship but through this hug, I could tell how much feelings Heejun had for me. I knew how much he liked me and I didn’t dare disappoint me. I was cold and idiotic but I was still not that insensitive towards another’s feelings. How was I ever going to tell him I didn’t feel the same way for him? 

“Can we go grab some coffee after your psychology class? I will be waiting for you outside.” Heejun pouted as he stared into my eyes. 

I nodded and watched as Heejun dizzily skipped out of the lecture hall when the professor came in.

“He really loves you,huh?” Hilary, a girl sitting beside me commented. 

I nodded hesitantly. See, even others can tell. 

“You are one lucky girl. All the exes I had were either deemed as gay or something.” 

I gave her a reassuring smile before I looked in front to listen to the professor give his lecture. 

“I will be giving back your scripts today. Some of you did pretty well while the other lot of you do need to buck up. Please come collect your scripts as I call out your names.” The professor said, leaving the students to groan. 


I spotted Daehyun who got up from his seat at the corner of the room as he hung his hand loosely in his pockets, a black beanie prominent today. I could hear some girls cooing as he walked past them but he did not even give him a sign of recognition. 

“He’s handsome, isn’t he?” Hilary said,earning a smirk from me. 


I ran down the soft velvet carpet steps of the lecture hall, feeling a little wind in my face. 

“Good job. You must have studied hard.” 

An A plus. I gave a little scoff before walking back to my seat. 


Psychology was finally done and I remembered having to meet Heejun outside the hall. Suddenly, I felt someone pull me to a corner and I gasped in horror. 

‘What on eart-“
“Shut up.” The voice growled as the person cupped his callused hand over my mouth. 

Immediately, I knew that that voice belonged to Daehyun and stopped fidgeting. His hand smelled like lavender and he had this manly smell about him. My heart was beating irregularly and I could feel that my palms were starting to sweat. The school must have spent a lot of money on heating. 

A few minutes later, Daehyun finally let go of me as I glared daggers at him, wondering what he was up to again. 

“I didn’t go to the management office.” Daehyun muttered as he stared at the ground, obviously embarrassed. 

“Sorry, say what?” I purposely said, though I had heard Daehyun very clearly. 

“I didn’t go to the management office.” Daehyun said a little louder. 

“I told you to, didn’t I? I replied, though my heart just wanted myself to say “thank you”. 

“I have my reasons to.” Daehyun said, as he stared at me, making me notice how beautiful and deep his brown eyes were. 

“Was this all you wanted to say to me?” I gave a little cough after we both stared each other a little too long. 

Daehyun hesitantly nodded.

“So did you really have to pull me in like that, making me think that you were som ekidnapper or something?” I asked in annoyance. 

“And let your boyfriend interrupt our very conversation?” Daehyun cocked one of his eyebrows. 

At least, he was smart. 

“He’s going to come find you so bye.” Daehyun said, walking away. 

I spotted Heejun leaning against the wall, looking at the hall’s exit in anticipation for me to come out and I was glad that I had agreed to his little date since he was looking for me like that. Reluctance was indeed overwhelming me but at least, I just had to fulfil my duties as a girlfriend now right? 



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nina_b2uty #1
Chapter 28: nice story author-nim! but will there be a sequel? i hope there is.. anyway i love it!
Tinkerbell_88 #2
Chapter 28: sequel pplleeaassee~ please bring Daehyun back to Londoonn~~~~ and make the meet again~ pleeaasse please authornim pleeaaseee~~
sarahsohn77 #3
Chapter 28: Wait I want them together :( hope there's a sequel maybe!!!!!! Wonderful story :)
sarahsohn77 #4
Chapter 26: Dae so cute!!!!!! Hahahahahaha
eyesthatsing #5
Chapter 28: Oh my god didn't see this coming....
Thought it's going to be a happy ending, but... I guess this does just fine.
What a story! I'm looking forward to your next Daehyun fic :)
daexoxo #6
Chapter 28: omg :_((((
sapphire11 #7
Chapter 28: so heartbreaking....
iBabyYc #8
Chapter 27: Huhuhuhu.. Daehyun needs to go back to Korea T_T
sapphire11 #10
Chapter 27: omo.....omg.....ottokaji.....update soon authornim....