Chapter 10

The way with life

“Oh my god Daehyun. What happened to you?” I cried out in horror at the wretched state he was in He had a deep laceration across his cheek with a few bruises that mad egis face barely recognisable. My eyes widened as Daehyun weakly held onto my shoulder for support. He was badly hurt, that Daehyun. His eyes showed a sign of lifelessness and his eyes were threatening to fall. Although the weather was terribly cold, beads of sweat were glistening on his forehead and I could tell that the pain he was experiencing was excruciating. 

“Where do you live?” I asked, thinking of sending him back to let someone at home treat him. 

“Somewhere at the East End.” Daehyun managed to say in a wavering voice. 

“That’s too far. Come on, let’s go.” I said as I put Daehyun’s arm around my shoulder. 

“Where?” Daehyun asked as he panted.

“My house.” I said resolutely, not allowing Daehyun to insist on anything else. 

His breathing was hitched and irregular as we carefully ambled toward my house that was just 5 minutes away. I wrapped my arm around his waist, trying to give him more support and though I strongly hated skinship, the only thing I could think of was to get Daehyun treated in my house. I was awfully worried for him and I was curious as to how he got hurt like that. 

When we reached my house, I carefully let Daehyun rest on the sofa as I went on to find the first-aid kit in the cupboards of my house. Luckily, I considered the fact of having a first-aid kid for emergencies and it finally came in handy. 

I knelt down right beside Daehyun, watching his worn-out expression and quickly took out the antiseptic to clean his wounds. 

“It’s going to hurt, okay?” I said as I carefully dabbed the cotton ball of antiseptic on his cuts. 

Daehyun flinched and groaned in pain every time the antiseptic came into contact with his cuts but I had to clean out his wounds so I ignored his constant groans to quickly help his wounds heal. 

After adding on the last bandage to his face, I packed up the first-aid kit and grabbed an oversized t-shirt from my cupboard for Daehyun to wear as a little blood had created splotched of red on his white shirt. 

“Turn around.” Daehyun instructed me as he changed into his new shirt. 

“It’s my house. I do whatever I want.” I scoffed as I sat on the sofa, purposely staring at Daehyun as he changed. 

“Don’t girls shriek or something when they see a guy half-?” Daehyun asked, baffled as he changed into the new shirt. 

“I could be lesbian, you know.” I smirked.

“Liar.” Daehyun chortled as he sat beside me. 

“So what happened to you?” I asked as I pointed to his face. 

“I happened. I am handsome, aern’t I? Daehyun said conceitedly. 

“You know what I mean.” I frowned. 

“I got beaten up.” 


“Those drug dealers. They found me again. I moved to stop them from finding me after my mother’s death but they will come.” Daehyun sighed as he fiddled with his fingers. 

“You take drugs?” I asked, bewildered. 

“I used to but I stopped because of my mother.” Daehyun stared at me, his eyes glistening. 

“I never regretted the decision though. There’s this girl I am interested in and I feel happy that I stopped so that I can find out ore about her.” Daehyun continued listlessly. 

“How’s she like?” I inquired, curious as to what kind of girl Daehyun liked. 

“She’s really pretty and she studies in the same university too, psychology even. She’s smart and she’s amusing to watch too. I used to hate her but when I met her again, I realised that I fell in love with her like love at first sight, I guess. I know that I am supposed to hate her but love is just crazy. My heart just beats wildly whenever I see her and I really like her but too bad she has a boyfriend now.” Daehyun revealed. 

“Anyway, I really hope that you get her. Well, since you are talking so much, I guess you are okay enough to be sent off?” I asked, standing up when suddenly, I felt Daehyun standing up. 

“Can’t I stay here?” Daehyun whined a little. 

“Dude, we can’t stay together.” I said firmly. 

“Oh, come on. I will just sleep her on your sofa. You can go to your room. I won’t disturb you. Besides, the trains won’t be working at this hour. ” Daehyun protested. 

“Just shut up and leave. I will call you a taxi.” I said, a little annoyed at his persistence. 

“Can’t you just stop being so cold and let me stay here? What’s so bad? I am badly injured and now you are just telling me to just go away. Don’t you have a conscience?” Daehyun yelled, his eyes glistening with tears. 

“What is up with you? It’s my house. I get to decide.” I retorted back. 

“Don’t you get it?” Daehyun said in a tremulous voice.

“Get what?” 

“Get that I might like you!” Daehyun shouted as he slammed his fist against the wall. 

‘What?” I asked, a little taken aback at his confession. 

“I have a boyfriend.” I said as I mustered my strength to make my comment sound firm when in fact, it sounded so pathetic. 

Why couldn’t I easily say that Heejun was my boyfriend.
“Do you even like him? Daehyun said as he roughly put two of his hands on my shoulders and stared straight into my eyes. 

“Tell me!” Daehyun as he shook me in frustration.
“Of… of course.” My voice cracked a little. 

“You see, you don’t even like him. What a liar.” Daehyun let me go as he stared at the ground, letting a tear drop onto the floor.

“You are so frustrating. I don’t even know why I am interested in you at all. You killed my mother, well at least indirectly but I don’t know why I am going so crazy for you. I think about you all day and I really am supposed to hate you but I don’t know why I feel that I like you though I badly want to hate you. We barely met a few times and your attitude can be a totally because you just have something within you. I know it’s stupid of me to just push the blame of my mother’s death to you since I sort of caused it too. Taking drugs all day and coming back only once in a few days but I was so guilt-stricken that I wanted to push the blame to someone. When we met each other in the toilets, I started being intrigued by you and as I saw you in psychology every day, I try to restrain my liking for you and then, I could never find an excuse to hate you again. Then when I saw you with Heejun and noticed how uncomfortable you are with him. I thought that maybe, it was easier for me to find out more about you since you obviously didn't like him. I wanted to stay in your house to spend more time with you, find out who you really were. I am just so frustrated. I don’t even know what I am doing.” 

My heart was ricocheting against my ribcage as I heard Daehyun’s long speech that took me long to comprehend. 

“I am sorry. It’s your house. I shouldn’t just-“

No, just stay.” I sighed. 

What kind of did I bring myself into? I had to sort my thoughts right and today, I was going to sort everything out right with Daehyun.


I hope that you guys were able to feel the frustration Daehyun was feeling and the confusion he was in. ENjoy! 

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nina_b2uty #1
Chapter 28: nice story author-nim! but will there be a sequel? i hope there is.. anyway i love it!
Tinkerbell_88 #2
Chapter 28: sequel pplleeaassee~ please bring Daehyun back to Londoonn~~~~ and make the meet again~ pleeaasse please authornim pleeaaseee~~
sarahsohn77 #3
Chapter 28: Wait I want them together :( hope there's a sequel maybe!!!!!! Wonderful story :)
sarahsohn77 #4
Chapter 26: Dae so cute!!!!!! Hahahahahaha
eyesthatsing #5
Chapter 28: Oh my god didn't see this coming....
Thought it's going to be a happy ending, but... I guess this does just fine.
What a story! I'm looking forward to your next Daehyun fic :)
daexoxo #6
Chapter 28: omg :_((((
sapphire11 #7
Chapter 28: so heartbreaking....
iBabyYc #8
Chapter 27: Huhuhuhu.. Daehyun needs to go back to Korea T_T
sapphire11 #10
Chapter 27: omo.....omg.....ottokaji.....update soon authornim....