Chapter 16

The way with life

I think this chap is confusing but oh well, I wanted to try something new. 


“I am booking you tonight, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.” Daehyun casually said just as I was about t step into the lecture hall. 

“Can’t I have some time for myself?” I groaned,staring at Daehyun who was lightly plodding into the hall. 

“Hey JungAh. Are you and Heejun okay?” Erin asked as she tapped me on my shoulder. 

I sighed and nodded. 

“Call me if you need help, okay? I am an expert.” Erin winked as both of us proceeded to enter the hall that was raging with commotion. 

A crowd was gathered around one of the seats and since Erin and I couldn’t be bothered by it, we ignored the thriving crowd that was pulsating with what seemed like a negative vibe. 

“I wonder what’s wrong.” Erin mused as she took her lecture notes out, getting ready for the lesson. 

“Weird hormonal adults I guess.” I shrugged. 

“You have gotta come.” A girl donning a cute bow and a brown trench coat hurriedly said as she grabbed onto my arm.

‘Wha-?” I managed to say before I was roughly pushed to the middle of the crowd and inwardly gave a gasp when I saw Daehyun and another guy fighting. 

“You don’t own this seat. I pay for the fees too!” A guy that I didn’t know yelled at Daehyun as he jabbed a finger at his chest. 

“Get off me! It’s just a seat. What’s the big deal?” Daehyun hollered back as he pushed the guy away, leaving the crowd to gasp while some cheered at the drama that was about to unfold. 

“Exactly. Why must you be so protective over a seat?” The guy retorted. 

“Because my girlfriend is going to sit there!” Daehyun curtly replied.

“What ? Oh please, stop being such a lovesick fool. There are so many seats around here.” The guy spat out in disgust.

Wait, Daehyun had a girlfriend? Then why did he ask me out? 

Just then, Daehyun craned his neck, as if he was madly searching for someone and once he saw me, his eyes brightly lit up.

“JungAh! There you are!” Daehyun exclaimed.

“What on earth are you doing Daehyun?” I whispered harshly, dragging him away from the crowd. 

“I think that’s his girlfriend.” A voice called out, making me blush in embarrassment. 

“He isn’t!” I protested.

“She is!” Daehyun said as he wrapped his arm tightly around my shoulders, making my eyes widen. 

“What are you doing?” I roughly jabbed Daehyun, causing him to yelp in pain.

“I was trying to save you a seat. I should have walked in with you.” Daehyun gave an exaggerated sigh as he shook his head. 

“Get out. Now.” I tugged onto Daehyun’s arm in anger and the embarrassment I was experiencing. 

My heart was hammering against my chest and I had the temptation to kick Daehyun on the shin but I was suppressing my anger.

“But that sea-“ I slapped my hand over his mouth, shutting Daehyun’s mouth. 

“What is your problem?” I burst out, once we got out of the hall. 

“I just wanted you to sit with me.” Daehyun faked a whimper. 

“And embarrass the hell out of me? And what is going to happen if Heejun actually hears about this?” I angrily replied. 

“We had a deal.” Daehyun softly said. 

“And if I knew that this deal was like this. Would I have agreed? Please Daehyun. Stop being so childish. It annoys me.” I furiously said. 

“And if you are like this now, why aren’t you like this with Heejun? Do you even realise that what he’s doing is out of hand too? How overprotective he is of you, why don’t you ever get angry at him?” Daehyun emotionlessly asked. 

“Because he’s my boyfriend and he doesn’t attract a crowd like you did.” 

“Did you see how the crowd reacted towards that?” Daehyun scoffed.

“I wanted you to wake up, you know. You don’t know how much it hurts for me to see you so stiff with Heejun and you don’t know how much I yearn for you. I have feelings too. Can’t you just at least look at this justly. It’s our future we are talking about. What we are going to do together.” Daehyun explained infuriatedly. 

“I am pretty sure both of you are not on talking terms because of this overprotective problem, am i right?” Daehyun continued. 

As I stared at the ground, I was thinking about what Daehyun said to me that was making a little sense to me but I didn’t want to succumb to defeat. 

“Isn’t what I am doing now the same as what Heejun does to you? Didn’t you notice that I feel the same frustration as the guy just now when I see you two together? Didn’t you realise how ridiculous that whole situation was?”

“No, I don’t realise it. I have no feelings for you at all and that’s that. I only lo-love Heejun.” I stuttered a little. 

“And you will soon realise that Heejun and your relationship won’t work out because whatever i have done is just a replay, just in a different context.” Daehyun faked a smile then continued,” 

“Let’s call off the date today. You need time to think but don’t take too long. We only have a month.” 

With that, Daehyun walked back into the hall, leaving me to stand lonely at the corridor. I was deeply troubled and conflicted by what Daehyun said and truly, I would need a lot of time to think through this whole relationship thing. I wash’t even sure about what I wanted. Since I was deeply inflicted with problems I had to solve, I skipped the entire lecture, walking around the school till school ended since my belongings were still in the hall.

After getting my belongings when the lecture ended, I trudged wearily back home, wanting to get a hot shower as I was feeling emotionally tired from the day’s events. 

Suddenly, my phone gave a shrill ring, signalling a phone call. I dug into the deep pockets of my bag and was a little bewildered from the unknown called ID. Who could that be? 

“Hello?” I asked into the phone.

“This is King’s College Hospital. Is this JungAh speaking?” The person asked at the end of the line. 

“Yes.” I replied, a little befuddled at the fact that a hospital was calling me. 

“Do you know of a Mr Jung Daehyun?” The person asked.


“I am sorry to say but he got into an accident and we need you here in the hospital to confirm his particulars. You were on his speed dial so we guessed you were of some importance to him and the best is that you inform his parents as well.” The person replied.

“He’s in the hospital?” I asked in disbelief when I last saw him hours ago. 

“Yes. Please come now!” 

After hanging up the phone, I immediately flagged a taxi down, heart pounding with worry and on the verge of tears.

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nina_b2uty #1
Chapter 28: nice story author-nim! but will there be a sequel? i hope there is.. anyway i love it!
Tinkerbell_88 #2
Chapter 28: sequel pplleeaassee~ please bring Daehyun back to Londoonn~~~~ and make the meet again~ pleeaasse please authornim pleeaaseee~~
sarahsohn77 #3
Chapter 28: Wait I want them together :( hope there's a sequel maybe!!!!!! Wonderful story :)
sarahsohn77 #4
Chapter 26: Dae so cute!!!!!! Hahahahahaha
eyesthatsing #5
Chapter 28: Oh my god didn't see this coming....
Thought it's going to be a happy ending, but... I guess this does just fine.
What a story! I'm looking forward to your next Daehyun fic :)
daexoxo #6
Chapter 28: omg :_((((
sapphire11 #7
Chapter 28: so heartbreaking....
iBabyYc #8
Chapter 27: Huhuhuhu.. Daehyun needs to go back to Korea T_T
sapphire11 #10
Chapter 27: omo.....omg.....ottokaji.....update soon authornim....