Chapter 1

The way with life
*not edited*
"Miss, we have reached London. Miss?" The air stewardess gently nudged me as I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the light  in the plane. 
"Damn." I groaned as I pushed my hair away from my eyes. 
I slowly unbuckled my seatbelt and stood up from my constricting seat. Economy life . Couldn't she have gotten me a better ticket? My legs were numb from sitting for 13 hours and I was feeling groggy. My overhead compartment was already opened, probably by the passenger next to me and all I had to do was reach out for my hand carry but my ugg boots was not doing any justice to my height. I huffed as I jumped, trying to reach for my bag and finally got my bag down with a loud thud. I hurled my hand carry down the narrow aisle, letting my bag noisily bump into the adjacent seats, not caring about the disapproving glances the air crew were giving me. Dudes, I pay you. 
Once I reached the immigration counters, I was aghast by the terrifyingly long queue and sighed as I clicked my tongue, waiting for my turn. As the immigration officer gesticulated to me for my turn, I suddenly felt a hard shove from behind, only to see a man behind me, pushing his way towards the immigration counter I was supposed to go to. 
"Hey! What are you doing?" I yelled at the man who was halfway towards the immigration counter. He jolted in  his tracks,turned around and gave me a small pout before walking towards me. I was a little stunned by his reaction but other than that, I was mostly stunned by his beauty. His chiseled jaw, sharp nose and deep eyes. His hair was a hazelnut brown and he had one of his ears pierced. Damn. So what? His attitude's crap. 
"I am sorry. My mother... She's in the hospital right now and I have to get to her right now. Please just let me go." The man gave me a pleading look as he looked at me with sincere eyes.
"So, you mean, if everyone here has their mum dying or something,you expect me to let each and everyone of them go so that I can spend my whole life waiting here for whatever nonsensical reasons? " 
The man cocked his eyebrows and walked more closely to me, his face inches away from me and growled silently," do you even have a mum?" 
I scoffed. 
"I never had a mum."  I replied nonchalantly back, before shoving the man away and slammed my passport on the immigration counter. 
I could feel the people queuing behind me drilling holes behind me and I swore I could hear a few curses my way but who was I to care? My life was bad enough. Once it got through the immigration counter, even as I felt a little bit of guilt within me, I never once turned back because I knew it was never worth it. 
As I trudged out of the airport and met with the cold wind that caressed my skin, I felt my phone vibrate, signaling a text message. I unlocked my phone and realised that the message was from my mum and glared daggers at my phone. 
Mum: Are you in London yet? I hope you didn't run away. Remember our deal. Don't ever come back or else. 
Oh please, don't worry I wont ever come back. You have been an in my life. 
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nina_b2uty #1
Chapter 28: nice story author-nim! but will there be a sequel? i hope there is.. anyway i love it!
Tinkerbell_88 #2
Chapter 28: sequel pplleeaassee~ please bring Daehyun back to Londoonn~~~~ and make the meet again~ pleeaasse please authornim pleeaaseee~~
sarahsohn77 #3
Chapter 28: Wait I want them together :( hope there's a sequel maybe!!!!!! Wonderful story :)
sarahsohn77 #4
Chapter 26: Dae so cute!!!!!! Hahahahahaha
eyesthatsing #5
Chapter 28: Oh my god didn't see this coming....
Thought it's going to be a happy ending, but... I guess this does just fine.
What a story! I'm looking forward to your next Daehyun fic :)
daexoxo #6
Chapter 28: omg :_((((
sapphire11 #7
Chapter 28: so heartbreaking....
iBabyYc #8
Chapter 27: Huhuhuhu.. Daehyun needs to go back to Korea T_T
sapphire11 #10
Chapter 27: omo.....omg.....ottokaji.....update soon authornim....