Chapter 19

The way with life

Oh damn whenever I see you guys comment, it just makes my day. Way too sweet guys^^. Oh gosh, idk what I did to deserve such great comments okay. Anyway, I hope you guys will keep enjoying the story and please take care of yourselves! 

I think in gonna end this story soon haha. 5 chaps maybe? I'm not sure. Then I will start writing "Insecurities with love II" so please support me on my next story too okay! Thank you! 


After the date with Heejun, I headed down to the lake just in front of my apartment and seeing how placid and clear the lake was, I decided to sit down on the barren grass to reflect. Reflections gave me a sense of tranquility and a sense of accomplishment because this was when all your unsolved mysteries within your heart piece together. I could finally sit down and contemplate on what step I should take next as I went on with decisions in my life. After all, making decision was the hardest thing in the world and that was when indecisiveness kicked in with the many prejudices and peer pressure. Hence, as i looked at the clear lake with little ripples forming and disappearing whenever the wind blew and softly played with my hair, I could make a decision carefully. 


I closed my eyes, letting Heejun rest on my mind and concentrated on how I felt whenever I went on dates with him, how I would feel when he gave me hugs and touched me. My heart rate would speed up a little then regain its composure after a while. 


Then, I let Daehyun revolve around my mind and focused on how I felt hen I visualised him lying lonely on the hospital bed, whenever I saw him and the time when his face was so close to mine. I immediately blushed red at that incident and my heart started racing uncontrollably though we hadn’t directly kissed. I closed my eyes and did the same thing again, gaining the same reaction and that was when I knew who I liked. I immediately flagged a cab, heading down to the hospital again and once I reached the hospital, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. 


“Hey JungAh!” The nurse greeted and I managed to holler out a greeting to her as I dashed past the corridor, alarming some of the patients. 


Just before I burst into the ward, I heard a voice inside and stopped in my tracks to catch my breath when I recognised that voice to be Heejun’s and inched forward to hear what he had to say. 


“Hey Daehyun, how are you now? Things have been fine with me and JungAh but something’s amiss with her. Whenever I am on dates with her, she seems so listless as if she’s thinking about something but I can’t figure what. I really like her a lot but actually, there’s something I found out. You… you like her right? I see how you look at her, how you are together with her but is it true? I mean, I know I had this overprotective problem over her but it’s kinda obvious that you like her. I am afraid though, that JungAh will go to you when she knows that you like her because she’s my life and I don’t think I can live without her.” Heejun rattled on and on desperately. 


“I mean… what am I saying? She won’t ever leave me right since we are together now.” Heejun chuckled uneasily. 


“Anyway, I will be coming to visit you with JungAh tomorrow and I have to attend to something now so goodbye!” Heejun said before I could hear footsteps coming towards the door. 


I immediately stood up and hid behind a nearby pillar as I watched Heejun walking down the corridor.


My eyes widened and heaved out a deep sigh, glad that Heejun was gone. I hurried into Daehyun’s room and leant against the wall, shocked about what Heejun said. He knew? He knew that Daehyun liked me? 


“Hey Daehyun. I am here again.” I chuckled. 

“You heard what Heejun said right? He knows. Were you really that obvious?” I shook my head in amusement.


"You do know that tomorrow is the last day of the the deal,right? I think you won. I finally figured  my thoughts out and when you wake up, I am going to confess to you." I gave a little laugh as I gently held Daehyun's hand.


"I have been a really selfish person,thinking about pride, thinking about how I could continue going on with Heejun but I realised that it's all wrong. I wanted to show you that I still "liked" Heejun even after you woke up but my emotions got over me. I just couldn't. Whenever I see you lying on this bed, my heart hurts so much and I get so worried. Every night, I put my phone right next to my ear so that whenever the hospital called me,I would be the first to be there, first one for you to see and the first thing I would tell you is that I love you then we would go on dates, that beach again and spend so much time together. It's funny how crazy I became after getting rid of my barriers,huh? I am still thinking about how I am going to break this news Heejun but I think it will be better when you wake up. It's going to be hard for Heejun, I know but I am going to owe Heejun a lot for bringing him into this state." I sighed as I gently caressed his hands and slowly brought my hand out to his face to trace his features. 


I stared out of the hospital window -- young trees that cast temporary shadows on me through the window pane, showing that spring was slowly seeping in. Realisation then dawned upon me, that this was how raw Daehyun and my relationship was going to be when we were going to started and we were going to have a lot to work on. 



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nina_b2uty #1
Chapter 28: nice story author-nim! but will there be a sequel? i hope there is.. anyway i love it!
Tinkerbell_88 #2
Chapter 28: sequel pplleeaassee~ please bring Daehyun back to Londoonn~~~~ and make the meet again~ pleeaasse please authornim pleeaaseee~~
sarahsohn77 #3
Chapter 28: Wait I want them together :( hope there's a sequel maybe!!!!!! Wonderful story :)
sarahsohn77 #4
Chapter 26: Dae so cute!!!!!! Hahahahahaha
eyesthatsing #5
Chapter 28: Oh my god didn't see this coming....
Thought it's going to be a happy ending, but... I guess this does just fine.
What a story! I'm looking forward to your next Daehyun fic :)
daexoxo #6
Chapter 28: omg :_((((
sapphire11 #7
Chapter 28: so heartbreaking....
iBabyYc #8
Chapter 27: Huhuhuhu.. Daehyun needs to go back to Korea T_T
sapphire11 #10
Chapter 27: omo.....omg.....ottokaji.....update soon authornim....