OnHo [PG]

The Game

AUGUST 24 2013, 03:03 PM

Anonymous: "Jinki would like to think that if he were chopsticks then Minho would be his spoon..."

… that if Jinki was the moon, Minho was the sun that made him shine.

Thoughts like these swirled around in Jinki’s head as they lay together in bed, Minho fast asleep with his larger body curled around Jinki’s smaller one.

Long nights with his roommate, Jonghyun, in college had made Jinki somewhat of a night owl, not that he minded—he could instead take that time in the middle of the night to admire Minho’s flawless tan skin as it bathed in the pale moonlight, the way his pretty eyelashes fluttered while he slept, lips slightly parted as soft breaths pushed past them.

Careful so not to wake the younger up, Jinki pressed soft, adoring kisses across the planes of Minho’s toned chest, snuggling further into the taller man’s arms as he closed his eyes. If Jinki could stay like this forever, then every desire that he ever had would be fulfilled.

"I love you," he mouthed soundlessly into Minho’s neck. His ears grew hot when he felt a responding kiss press onto his forehead, able to hear the deep rumble of words as Minho sleepily mumbled back:

"I love you more."





the game.

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Chapter 34: Cutttteeeee!!!!!
Chapter 23: Onho sweet couple
Chapter 1: So cute ❤ love onkey
Been trying to find some old shinee fics and I'm glad to see this
Omg dude can I steal this concept from you xD
Chapter 42: Awwwwww!!!! The sweetness! XD