JongYu [PG]

The Game

SEPTEMBER 17 2013, 06:46 PM

Anonymous: ♥ Jonghyun knocked on Jinki's door...

… high on his nerves as he clutched a bouquet of flowers tightly in his fist. His heart was slamming against his ribcage, threatening to jump out of his throat if he waited any longer. Jonghyun had spent years dreaming of this moment, hoping and wishing that someday it would come true. And now that he was finally here, the panic inside him rose higher and higher as more minutes passed and Jinki still had yet to come outside.

What if Jinki didn’t want this? What if Jinki decided to blow him off, what if Jinki wasn’t even—

Suddenly the door creaked open and all his fears dissipated in favor of making him choke on his breath; Jinki looked absolutely stunning, black suit pressed to perfection, blonde hair swept to the side, bright eyes sparkling as he gave Jonghyun a smile that made him float all the way up to cloud nine. Ten years of unrequited love for his best friend had finally amounted to this—their first date—and screw everything if Jonghyun wasn’t going to make this the best first date ever.

With an easy smile (practiced at home in the mirror for days) yet racing heart, Jonghyun handed Jinki the bouquet of flowers, reveling in the beautiful grin that stretched across older man’s face at the sight of the camellias (his favorite, something only Jonghyun knew). “For you,” he said, feeling the heat creep up his face despite the smoothness he was trying to convey.

But Jinki couldn’t care less if Jonghyun was smooth—they’d known each other far too long for that—and he received the flowers happily. “Thank you,” he replied, sniffing the camellias before giving Jonghyun a teasing smile. “I didn’t know you could be so considerate.”

The red flush on Jonghyun’s face darkened. “For you, I can be,” he responds simply, feeling his confidence soar when Jinki’s cheeks tint pink.

"You’re so cheesy," Jinki chuckles, stepping closer to peck chastely against his lips. When he tried to pull away, Jonghyun wouldn’t let him, instead sliding his hands around the elder’s waist and bringing him closer, the flowers nearly crushing between them when he pressed their lips together more firmly—this was what he called a real kiss (but he enjoyed it more because it made Jinki blush harder).

When they finally pull apart, cheeks a little redder, lips slightly wet, Jonghyun laces their fingers together.

“Let’s go.”





the game.

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