MinKey [PG]

The Game

SEPTEMBER 21 2013, 02:17 PM

Anonymous: ♥ Minho pouted and Kibum...

… simply laughed, patting the younger man’s head affectionately.

"Maybe next time," Kibum says with a smug smile, and Minho’s nose scrunches up in frustration when his aegyo doesn’t work. "You know I don’t like playing video games—you always win."

"Yah," Minho whines, stomping his feet almost comically. Kibum would be lying if he didn’t look absolutely adorable doing it, but the elder wasn’t going to give Minho the satisfaction of knowing that. "That’s the best part! Plus you promised that you’d play!"

Kibum rolled his eyes, cocking his hip as he looked up at the younger pointedly. “And whoexactly promised me that they’d go shopping with me last week? And who didn’t end up going?”

This time Minho is silent, a guilty look gracing his face. “But,” he begins explaining, “in my defense, the last time we went shopping together I ended up with only 2000 won and a few strands of pocket fuzzies in my wallet. Do you understand how disheartening that was for me? Pocket fuzzies, Kibum! Pocket fuzzies!”

The way Minho says ‘pocket fuzzies’ makes Kibum squeal internally because holy that was adorable; the fact that he had even thought that makes Kibum cringe. “Stop that,” he says aloud, only half on accident.

Minho’s expression contorts into one of confusion. “Stop what?”

"Acting cute. It makes me mad."

The taller man sticks his tongue before singing, “Buing, buing~!”

Kibum ends up chasing Minho around the apartment for a good part of an hour with a potted plant in hand.





the game.

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