JongYu [PG]

The Game

SEPTEMBER 26 2013, 12:12 PM

Anonymous: ♥ Jonghyun get jealous when he saw Jinki upload Joon's picture...

… because of their history together.

"I don’t like it when you talk to Changsun-hyung," Jonghyun tells him as they lay next to each other the floor, watching the ceiling fan turn overhead.

Jinki looks over and flashes him a knowing smile. "And why is that?" he asks anyway.

Jonghyun doesn’t want to admit that he feels jealous, but he’s not going to lie. “You guys dated before, that’s why.”

Jinki laughs, eyes crinkling. “But I’m dating you now,” he says reassuringly, sliding his hand down Jonghyun’s arm to entwine their fingers. “There’s no reason to feel jealous.”

A tingle travels down Jonghyun’s spine and curls his toes, and a small smile twitches up the corner of his lips. He tightens his grip on Jinki’s smaller fingers. “Yeah, but when you two used to date, you’d talk about him all the time. It made me jealous back then, and it still does now.”

Jinki’s smile widens. “That’s funny,” he begins, “because he said the same thing.”

Jonghyun frowns. “That you talk about him alot?” Jinki shakes his head. “Then what?”

"That I talk about you alot,” he replies, rolling over and straddling the younger man’s hips so that he was leaning over him. “And that I’m happier with you.”

Jonghyun swallows thickly, expression serious even as a cheesy grin threatens to appear on his face, hands sliding up Jinki’s thighs to rest on the elder’s waist. “… Really?”

Jinki nods before flashing him another million-kilowatt smile, surging forward to press their lips together, the kiss languid and slow. Jonghyun feels boneless afterwards, breathing harsh as Jinki whispers against his mouth, “Really.




the game.

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