OnHo [G]

The Game

DECEMBER 26 2013, 10:39 PM

Anonymous: Kid Minho took Jinki's bycicle ...

… and the older boy huffs angrily, holding back tears as he bites his lower lip.

"hey!" he whines as minho rode around the elder in circles, laughing playfully. "give that back!"

minho shakes his head, grinning ear to ear as he goes faster. “don’t wanna~!”

jinki’s lower lip releases from the grip of his teeth to let out a broken sob, little hands turning into fists as he stamps his foot. “it’s my bike, not yours! you never asked if you could ride it!”

feeling guilty, the younger boy slows to a halt next to jinki. “i’m sorry,” he begins, climbing off. “i should have asked first. can i please ride it?”

the two of them stare at each other for a few minutes, jinki assessing the younger one’s sincerity through tearful eyes. finally he huffs in response, stalking off in a different direction. “do whatever you want! i don’t care anymore.”

suddenly the bike doesn’t seem as much fun anymore, and minho drops it in favor of running after the older boy, heart heavy in his chest as tears prick his eyes. “hyung, i said i was sorry!” he cries, legs a little too short to keep up with the taller. “please don’t hate me!”

jinki pauses to look back at the smaller boy, hesitating before rolling his eyes. “fine, i’ll forgive you,” he mutters, holding out his hand as minho desperately grabs at it, fingers tight around the larger hand, grinning a million-kilowatt smile with teeth missing from his mouth.

many years later, minho’s hands are the larger ones between them as their fingers entwine, and jinki is almost upset that he has to look up to make eye contact with the man. but when minho leans down for a kiss, jinki decides that he doesn’t particularly mind.




the game.

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