OnHo [PG]

The Game

SEPTEMBER 11 2013, 03:22 PM

kyungsung: Jinki wondered if Minho ever...

… thought about kissing him because Jinki certainly did. He would stare at Minho’s lips all day if he could, just thinking about how soft they would feel against his, wondering if they would be wet or dry, or if he would prefer to kiss or be kissed—he wondered if Minho would moan or grunt, if he would pull Jinki close or press him against a wall until his legs went limp.

Jinki often caught himself staring for far too long, the taller man shooting him curious looks every time the elder was caught. Jinki’s cheeks would flush pink, gaze gluing to his shoes, but it would never stay there long, just lingering until he was sure the younger man had looked away.

And sometimes Minho didn’t look away, his eyes bright and mischievous when Jinki met them again for a second time. It was usually then that Jinki was stuck, unable to tear his gaze from the other’s.

"Hyung," Minho began with a smile curling his lips, "hyung, why are you looking at me?"

Jinki would give him the real answer if he could, face ablaze as he stammer out instead, “N-Nothing, Minho-yah. I was just looking.”

Usually Minho’s face would contort into one of disappointment, failing to hide it as usual, nodding in agreement before looking away. “Oh,” he would reply, twiddling his thumbs together.

Sometimes Minho wondered if Jinki thought about kissing him because he certainly did. And he would, definitely—it was his goal—, when he finally got his courage up to it.

But for now, this would do.





a/n: just have one more of these left to fill out! ^^ i’m not taking any sentences at the moment, but as a heads up, i’ll be taking half-sentences again sometime this week~

the game.

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