OnHo [PG]

The Game

AUGUST 24 2013, 03:59 AM

inhumandisaster: Jinki hyung, I don't think this stethoscope is working properly...

Minho says, flustered as he rushes over to the older man. He looks breathless and a little scared, and Jinki smiles fondly up at him, taking the offending instrument from his shaking hands.

"Minho-yah," Jinki coos, running his hands over Minho’s tense shoulders in an attempt to sooth the tightness, "there is nothing wrong with this stethoscope—I just used it in front of you, remember? But you don’t seem okay. Are you alright?”

Minho bites his lips, cheeks dusting pink; Jinki always manages to read him so well, and his large hands twist unsurely into his white lab coat as he tries to think up an answer. But no matter how he tries, under Jinki’s sincere gaze, he ends up spilling the truth.

"I’m just a little nervous," he murmurs, feeling just the slightest twinge of relief at confessing. Jinki does not judge him nor does his expression harden; his smile just turns brighter, more comforting as he runs his hand down Minho’s arm to tug his hands away from the white coat and interlace their fingers together instead.

"That’s normal," Jinki assures him, "it’s your first day—everyone gets nervous. How about we practice together some more, hmm?"

Minho’s eyes light up immediately, a goofy grin spreading across his face as he nods enthusiastically. “Yeah,” he says happily, stress decreasing by the second as he tightens his grip around Jinki’s hand, “I’d like that.”







A/N: yay, some doctor!AU onho~ <33

the game.

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