OnHo [PG]

The Game

AUGUST 29 2013, 06:23 PM

Anonymous: "Jinki watches Minho curiously..."

… as the younger man casually approaches him. Minho’s face is beet red, shoulders stiff and arms in sync with his legs as he comes to a complete stop in front of Jinki. He has a paper tightly clenched inside his right fist, knuckles white as he holds the crumpled sheet towards Jinki for him to take.

Curious, Jinki takes the paper—he practically has to yank it out of Minho’s tight grip—and realizes with mild amusement that it’s an envelope. On the back it says ‘To Jinki-hyung' in Minho's large, awkward handwriting.

"What is this?" Jinki asks as he fiddles with the envelope’s seal.

Minho’s face turns a deeper shade of red (if that was even possible), eyes glued to his shoes as he stutters, “C-C-Confession l-letter…”

"A confession?" Jinki questions, eyes wide in surprise. "For wha—" His words catch in his throat when his mind finally processes the words, and Jinki’s own face flushes red immediately. "Is it for…?"

"Yeah," Minho replies, focus still fixated below. Then he glances up, gaze shy as a small smile quirks the corner of his lips. "Yeah, it is."


Jinki has never been happier.





the game.

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Chapter 34: Cutttteeeee!!!!!
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Omg dude can I steal this concept from you xD
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