JongYu [PG]

The Game

SEPTEMBER 19 2013, 12:39 AM

Anonymous: ♥ jinki really loved the way jonghyun

… sang in his sleep. His dedication to his work made Jinki’s heart stutter in his chest—there was nothing he respected and loved more about the man than his passion for music—and often times, Jinki would find himself closing his eyes and humming along to the whatever tune Jonghyun was singing that night.

If Jinki listened long enough, it felt like he was listening to the younger man’s thoughts; on nights when he was tired, it would be a soothing tune; after a long day of excitement, it would be a happy tune; when Jonghyun felt particularly sad, the song would go along with it—it was astonishing how much of himself Jonghyun put into his music.

And because of these precious moments, Jinki hardly ever got any sleep since they started dating years ago. Why would he when he’d much rather stay up listening to Jonghyun sing, than waste it sleeping?

He had yet to tell anyone about this, even Jonghyun himself. Jinki had decided a long time ago that this was a secret that he was probably going to keep forever; he’d keep those moments when he listened to Jonghyun’s heart close to his own.





the game.

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Chapter 34: Cutttteeeee!!!!!
Chapter 23: Onho sweet couple
Chapter 1: So cute ❤ love onkey
Been trying to find some old shinee fics and I'm glad to see this
Omg dude can I steal this concept from you xD
Chapter 42: Awwwwww!!!! The sweetness! XD