JongYu [PG-13]

The Game

AUGUST 24 2013, 03:45 AM

Anonymous: Is your completing sentence game still on? if it is... 'Jinki stares at the Jonghyun's back...'

… fingers slowly tracing the outline of muscle. His heart races at the sight, thinking how that strong back had carried him all the way home when he twisted his ankle at the mall.

Jinki blushes, biting into his lip as his palms slide over Jonghyun’s muscular shoulder blades, wondering what it would be like to feel it without any clothes; but Jonghyun was asleep, tired after a long day, and Jinki would have to wait until later.

His disappointed thoughts are cut off, however, when Jonghyun suddenly turns around, catching Jinki off guard as his hands grip the older man’s wrists.

"ert," Jonghyun murmurs with a playful smirk, the red on Jinki’s cheeks turning darker at being caught. Jonghyun leans in to kiss that flustered look away, pressing softly against Jinki’s forehead, nose, and then lips. "What were you thinking about, Jinki?"

Jinki desperately wants to hide behind his hands, but Jonghyun’s grip is still tight, and their proximity keeps him from being able to look anywhere but the younger’s face. “N-Nothing,” he stutters, “I wasn’t thinking about anything.”

Jonghyun hums in response, almost knowingly as he presses their mouths together again, Jinki’s lips parting under his. “Well then, I guess I’ll tell you what I was thinking about,” he whispers when they pull apart.

"Hmm?" Jinki wonders, although reluctantly because he’d much rather kiss his boyfriend some more than talk.

"I was thinking about you…" Jonghyun’s expression turns from playful to almost predatory, with a glint in his eye that Jinki had come to recognize, deepening his blush immediately. "… me…"

"And?" Jinki asks even though he knows where this is going, knows it because he can feel Jonghyun’s hips pressing against his thigh with a tell-tale hardness that made Jinki whimper silently.

The last word comes out quick and breathless, not loud enough to hear because Jonghyun was already rolling onto Jinki, pressing the taller man into the mattress as he tugs at Jinki’s shirt and pulls it off.

Jinki never learns what Jonghyun was thinking about them doing, but he’s pretty sure he knows.





A/N: yep, still doing them~ ^^

the game.

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Chapter 34: Cutttteeeee!!!!!
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Been trying to find some old shinee fics and I'm glad to see this
Omg dude can I steal this concept from you xD
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