JongYu [PG]

The Game

DECEMBER 26 2013, 11:38 PM

Anonymous: Onew knows that this is the right thing to do but...

… how can he resist climbing onto jonghyun’s lap, straddling the mafia boss’s son and kissing him? he was supposed to kill jonghyun like he’d been assigned to do by the police force, but he dropped his gun the second he’d seen the hurt in the younger man’s eyes.

"why are you doing this?" jonghyun mutters against the officer’s lips, hands shaking even as he holds him close. "aren’t you supposed to kill me? don’t confuse me like this, onew, because if you don’t want me i’d rather di—"

the older man’s heart clenches painfully in his chest, kissing jonghyun again before he can continue his sentence. “my real name is lee jinki,” he finally reveals, pulling back so their gazes can meet and jonghyun can feel his honestly. “and i can’t kill you, jjong.”

jonghyun’s eyes are glistening with unshed tears, but there is a hope there that wasn’t there before. “why?” he asks, grip tightening on jinki’s waist. “why can’t you kill me? isn’t that why you’ve been planted here by the government in the first place? isn’t that why you’ve stayed by my side all these years, to catch me at my most vulnerable and take my life?”

the officer can’t deny the truth in his words, and he nods in acknowledgement, tears spilling down his cheeks. “you’re right, that’s why i’m here.”

"then why?" jonghyun asks again, kissing jinki harshly, and biting until the older man’s lips are swollen and bleeding. "why haven’t you killed me? why are you hesitating like this?”

jinki’s smile is soft as he cups the shorter man’s cheeks fondly with his hands, thumbs brushing away the tears that have tracked jonghyun’s face before murmuring so quietly that it might have been jonghyun’s imagination:

"how can i kill someone that i love?"





the game.

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Chapter 34: Cutttteeeee!!!!!
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