OT5/Dubulge [PG-13]

The Game

AUGUST 24 2013, 10:33 PM

Anonymous: Onew was stunned and horrified as he saw HQ pictures of his...

… crotch all over the internet, various edits of his so called “dubulge” littering Google.

He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, scrolling down, eyes glued on the images—he knew his was big but he didn’t know it looked that big—until he came across something rather unexpected.

"Is that a fanart of your ?!” Jonghyun half-shouts, half-laughs, suddenly appearing next to Jinki with his eyes comically wide. “That’s your , isn’t it? Wearing a top hat? With a mustache?”

Jinki’s cheeks flush pink, nodding slowly, unable to peel his eyes away.

"And HOLY , it’s moving!” Taemin yells, now on Jinki’s other side.

Minho is hovering above Jinki’s head, and he leans in closer to the computer screen. ", it’s talking too! Those are words coming out of his mouth!"

Jinki is just about ready to curl up and die when Kibum materializes out of no where, glancing at the screen, and then says, “Obviously you guys haven’t heard of Tumblr.”

The four other members turn around slowly to look at Kibum, who has a nonchalant look on his face as he gazes down at his phone. He shows them the app, a smirk on his face.

"Just wait until you read the fan fiction.”




A/N: lol what did i just write. the talking with the mustache is inspired by intoxicatedontokki and myshamespiral’s side blog “ask-sirdubulge

no longer taking in any more sentences, guys.
i’ll do the ones i just got, but i’ll also be turning off my ask for now.

the game.

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