OnKey [PG]

The Game

AUGUST 23 2013, 11:41 PM

Anonymous: Kibum wasn't jealous watching Onew's sitcom...

he was just… upset.

Onew was his boyfriend, after all. He shouldn’t be looking at anyone else like that, like he wanted to kiss them. Kibum had seen that look on Onew’s plenty of times, usually directed towards him of course.

He wasn’t jealous, nope. Not even a little bit.

And it especially wasn’t why he was ignoring Onew when he came back to the dorm, all smiles and crinkling eyes.

"Aw, are you feeling jealous, Kibummie~?" Onew teased, cornering his boyfriend on the couch.

Shooting him a glare, Kibum turned up his nose and looked away. “Shut up.” he huffed. “Why would I get jealous by your third grade acting?”

Onew’s lip pulled into a pout, a hurt expression on his face. Kibum felt a pang of remorse—he shouldn’t have said that—and turned back towards his boyfriend.

"Maybe I was. B-But just a little bit," he admitted shyly, cheeks tinted pink as he looked at his boyfriend from beneath his eyelashes. It was then Onew’s frown turned into a knowing smirk, eyes glinting mischievously as he leaned over and stole a quick kiss.

Laughing, he sang, “I know you were~”

Humiliated, Kibum smacked Onew across the face before grabbing at his collar and pulling him in for a deeper kiss. “Shut up,” he panted when they parted for air. “If you kiss her next time, I’ll just have to make you remember why you love kissing me so much.”

Onew’s low moan was worth the embarrassment, Kibum thinks smugly as their tongues tangle.




A/N: lol, i hope you liked this, anon. <3 i actually didn’t know why this was in my ask until like 15 minutes later haha. xD;;;

the game.

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