MinJongTae [PG-13]

The Game

AUGUST 26 2013, 01:44 AM

Anonymous: "What the hell is this?" Key asked as he saw Taemin and Jonghyun...

… making out in the closet like they’d been deprived of for days instead of just yesterday, when Key had chased them out of their shared dorm room.

"You never let us do anything!" Taemin pouts, and Key would usually cave a little if the youngest didn’t look like he’d just been mauled by a pack of wolves, his copper hair in disarray, wrinkled shirt ed down the front, and his neck littered with hickeys.

Instead Key chooses to shoot Jonghyun a seething glare—e! he thinks loudly—and the elder, seeming to read his mind, just wiggles his eyebrows suggestively with a lewd smirk.

"Wanna join in?"

Key just scoffs. “Do I look like Minho to you?”

There is a brief pause and Key can see the gears turning in the other two boys brains before they both have identical erted grins on their faces. Key groans—great, he’d given them an idea—watching the two of them scramble out of the closet and stumble into the hall, Minho’s name on their lips as they make a sprint for his room.

Not even ten minutes later there is a knock on his door and Key opens it to reveal a rather flustered looking Onew, who looks like he’d just been hit in the head with bat.

Key chuckles. “You okay?” he asks with an amused smile as he lets the older man in.

Onew just shakes his head, still in shock. “I may or may not have seen my roommate in a rather compromising position between my other two friends.”

Key shudders at the thought, nodding sympathetically.

"Join the club."





the game.

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Chapter 34: Cutttteeeee!!!!!
Chapter 23: Onho sweet couple
Chapter 1: So cute ❤ love onkey
Been trying to find some old shinee fics and I'm glad to see this
Omg dude can I steal this concept from you xD
Chapter 42: Awwwwww!!!! The sweetness! XD