Concealed Promise

That night, Boohyun called all of dorm 2 in to their common room. He thought it would be a great time to do a bonding night between all of the dormates. Sunggyu, Hoya and Sungyeol happily made their way to their common room. They never met any of their dormates, so they thought this would be a great opportunity to make friends. The only people they knew for sure that they shared a dorm with was Sungjong and Myungsoo.

They made it to the common room, finding a group of boys sitting around the tv. Neither of them recognized the boys, but they looked like a fun bunch. They were playing a game of Mario Kart, yelling at each other as one got left behind. Two other boys were in the corner, pigging out on a bag of chips and watching the four boys with amusement. Boohyun was sitting on the couch, reading a book.

“Is this your idea of bonding, hyung?” Sunggyu asked as he, Hoya and Sungyeol made their way over to him.

“Ah, hey Sunggyu,” Boohyun said, looking up at the boys. “Well, they seem to be bonding very well on that game. But no, this is not my idea of bonding. I have a couple of games planning, but we are waiting for the other four boys to get out here.”

“You mean my roommates?” Hoya asked with a sigh, plopping down next to the RA. “Just as expected from them. I mean, I haven’t seen them since the orientation, but that’s because I’ve been with Gyu hyung and Yeol all day.”

“Yeah, them and my stupid brother,” Boohyun said with a sigh, shaking his head. “I don’t know why I even try with him. I try and make it seem like I’m proud of him, but you’ve seen his true colors. I’m sorry you have to deal with that, Sunggyu.”

“Its fine,” Sunggyu assured him. “Wait, did you say he’s in this dorm?”

“Yes, in room 214,” Boohyun replied, nodding his head.

“Wait, he’s right NEXT to me?!” Sunggyu asked with wide eyes. “No no no, that-”

“Alright, the party can start, cause I have now arrived!” a voice called throughout the room as Woohyun and his friends came walking in to the room.

“Stop being so conceited, hyung,” Sungjong stated, rolling his eyes.

“Boohyun hyung! It’s been awhile,” Myungsoo said with a deep voice, nodding at the RA. “It’s nice to see you.”

“It’s nice to see you too, Myungsoo,” Boohyun replied. “And Woohyun, calm yourself. Be more-”

“YOU’RE IN MY DORM?!” Woohyun cried, pointing a finger at Sunggyu. “Why the hell are YOU in my dorm?!”

“My thoughts exactly,” Sunggyu muttered under his breath. “So Boohyun hyung, what do you have in mind.”

“Well, first of all I would like it if everyone gathered around here,” Boohyun said, watching the other six in the room.

The two in the corner immediately threw down their chips and ran over to the couches. However, the four at the tv continued with their game. They kept refusing to let any of the others win. Sunggyu watched as one of the four boys made it past the finish line, resulting in a first place win. He threw his controller down, whooping loudly. The other three groaned and continued playing until everyone finished.

“Alright boys, please come join us,” Boohyun said, causing them to groan, but set the controllers down anyway and join the circle that was now forming. Sunggyu made sure he was sitting far away from Woohyun. “Alright, let’s go around the circle and introduce ourselves. Start with your name and what year you’re in. I’m Boohyun, and I’m a college alumni.”

“I’m Kim Sunggyu,” Sunggyu said, smiling at everyone. “I’m a first year.”

“I’m Lee Sungyeol,” Sungyeol said next, bouncing up and down in excitement. “I’m a first year as well!”

“I’m Lee Hoya,” Hoya stated. “And I’m also a college freshman.”

“I’m Zelo,” the boy who had one the game said, tapping his fingers on the floor. “I’m a college sophomore.”

“I’m Jongup,” the boy next to him said with a small smile. “I’m also a college sophomore.”

“I’m Yongjae!” the next boy cried, almost as excited as Sungyeol. “I’m a college sophomore too!”

“And I’m Daehyun,” the fourth boy said, placing his hand on Yongjae’s shoulder. “And I’m a second year.”

“I’m Myungsoo,” Myungsoo said, coolly. “I’m a college freshman.”

“I’m Sungjong,” Sungjong said. “I’m also a college freshman.”

“So many freshman!” Yongjae squeaked out.

“Yes, now quiet,” Daehyun said, patting him on the back. “Please continue.”

“I’m Nam Woohyun,” Woohyun stated.

“And I’m Jang Dongwoo,” Dongwoo added. “Both of us are freshmen.”

“Why did you answer for him?” one of the other two boys asked.

“Because Woohyun is stuck up and doesn’t want to answer for himself,” Hoya hissed.

“Wow, you guys have some history,” the other boy said, holding his hands up in defeat. “What’s wrong with this picture?”

“I don’t even know that kid,” Woohyun muttered, glaring holes at Hoya.

“Yeah, you don’t know me,” Hoya replied. “But you did hurt my friend.”

“Okay, boys, stop it,” Boohyun said with a deep sigh. “Now please continue boys.”

“Ah, I’m Himchan,” the guy next to Dongwoo said with a bright smile. “I’m a college junior.”

“And I’m Yongguk,” the last boy said. “I’m a college senior.”

“Oh, we have some oldies in here,” Woohyun said, smirking.

“Shut it, Woohyun,” Boohyun said with a sigh. “Guys, mind telling us who your roommates are and what room you’re in?”

“Of course,” Hoya said, smiling brightly at Boohyun. “I’m in room 210 and my roommates are Sungjong-sshi and Myungsoo-sshi.”

“I’m in room 212!” Sungyeol shouted, causing everyone to give him an odd look. “My roomie is Sunggyu hyung!”

“I’m in room 214,” Dongwoo said, nodding at Woohyun. “And Woohyun is my roommate.”

“Well, Daehyun and I are roommates!” Yongjae cried, throwing his arms around Daehyun. “We’ve been in this dorm since last year! We’ve also been roommates since last year! We’re in room 211”

“Jongup hyung and I are in room 213,” Zelo said, proudly.

“And that leaves us,” Himchan said. “Yongguk and I are in room 215.”

“Alright, thank you boys,” Boohyun said, smiling at them.

“So why are we here anyway, hyung?” Woohyun asked, stretching his legs out in front of him.

“We’re here to do some bonding,” Boohyun stated. “You need to get closer with your dormates.”

“Yeah, like I would want to get closer to him,” Woohyun hissed, gesturing harshly at Sunggyu.

“I don’t want to bond with you either,” Sunggyu growled, crossing his arms.

“This is EXACTLY why we need to bond!” Boohyun cried, rolling his eyes at the two. “We’re going to split into two teams.”

“Freshies against everyone else!” Yongjae called, almost immediately.

“I agree!” the other five older classmen cried.

“There’s no way in HELL I’m going to be on a team with the likes of them!” Woohyun shouted, gesturing towards Sunggyu and his friends.

“Why would you say that?” Boohyun asked. “Sunggyu’s a REALLY great guy. You need to give him a chance, Woohyun.”

“Hell no,” Woohyun said, shaking his head.

“You’re on his team, whether you like it or not,” Boohyun said, giving his brother a death glare.

“F-fine,” Woohyun whispered, backing away from his brother’s wrath.

“Alright, it’s settled. Please get with your teams,” Boohyun cried, causing everyone to nod in obedience.

Woohyun reluctantly made his way over to the side of the room where Sunggyu and his friends were sitting. Sunggyu watched him warily, not wanting anything to happen. As long as Sunggyu stayed in a good mood, then that meant not having to argue with Woohyun. Before Boohyun could get another word out, Sunggyu’s phone went off. Sunggyu gave everyone an apologetic look as he answered it.

“Hello?” he asked in to the phone.

“Sunggyu honey,” the voice of his mother said through the speaker. “How was your first day?”

“Good mom,” Sunggyu said with a sigh. “Did Ilhoon tell you what I told him last night?”

“Of course he did. I’m glad you made some friends,” his mother replied. “And that boy, you should befriend him too. I bet he’s only like that because he doesn’t have any friends.”

“That’s definitely not the case,” Sunggyu stated, glancing at Woohyun. “I’m pretty sure it’s quite the opposite.”

“Well either way honey, I’m glad you made some friends. You’re definitely stepping up from high school. The only friends you’ve ever had is Ryeowook and Shindong,” his mother stated.

“What about us?!” a new voice shouted as rustling was heard on the other line. “Gyu?! Is that you? How are you? Are you okay? No one ate you, right?”

“Why would someone eat me, Ryeowook?” Sunggyu asked, frowning.

“Ryeowook?” Sungyeol asked, taking the phone out of Sunggyu’s hands. “Ryeowook, this is Sungyeol! You remember, Sunggyu’s roommate? Yeah! That’s me! Guess what! I filmed something really cool of Sunggyu hyung today! I want to send it to you to show you how well he’s doing! You would be so proud! I’m going to text you my phone number through Sunggyu’s phone and then I’ll send it to you! Okay, bye!”

Sungyeol hung up the phone, before scrolling through Sunggyu’s contact list. Sunggyu watched as he made a hasty message to his best friend. After that was done, Sungyeol threw the phone back at Sunggyu with a wide grin. Sunggyu sighed and shook his head, putting his phone back in his pocket. He then looked at Boohyun, nodding for him to continue.

“Sorry about that,” he said, noticing all the stares on him.

“That’s fine, Sunggyu. Your mom probably misses you,” Boohyun said, nodding his head in understanding.

“Obviously whoever that Ryeowook person does too,” Yongguk said, smiling at him.

“He’s been my best friend for twelve years. We’ve never been separated until now. I would understand why,” Sunggyu said with a sigh.

“That’s deep,” Yongjae breathed out.

“Yeah,” Sunggyu replied, nodding his head. “So anyway, let’s continue this game. What are we playing, hyung?”

“Oh right,” Boohyun said, looking around at everyone. “We’re going to play charades.”

“I LIKE CHARADES!” Sungyeol cried, jumping up and down in excitement.

“Calm down, buddy,” Hoya said, laughing and grabbing on to Sungyeol’s wrist.

“Well, if that’s the case, does your team want to go first?” Boohyun asked, smiling at the tall boy.

“YES!” Sungyeol cried, nodding his head enthusiastically.

“Alright, then it’s settled. We’ll start with the freshies, then go to the others. I’ll stay back and keep score. We’ll give five minutes to each team.. The team with the most points at the end wins. I guess we’ll start with Sungyeol,” Boohyun said, causing Boohyun to cheer loudly and make his way to a bucket Boohyun was holding.

Sungyeol took out a small paper that had something written on it. He grinned widely and placed the paper in his back pocket. Then he started bouncing around the room like a crazy maniac. Hoya and Sunggyu immediately broke out laughing, not even trying to guess what their friend was doing. Everyone else just stared at him, dumbfounded.

“Uh, bunny?” Dongwoo guessed, watching Sungyeol carefully.

“Nope,” Sungyeol said, shaking his head and continuing to bounce.

“Kangaroo?” Hoya asked, causing Sungyeol to shake his head once again.

“A pogo stick,” Myungsoo suggested, causing Sunggyu and his friends to look at him in surprise. They didn’t even think this kid would participate in the game.

“Uh, no,” Sungyeol replied hastily before continuing with the bouncing.

“Jumping on a trampoline,” Sungjong stated, which Sungyeol replied with waving his arms in the air.

“Trampoline?” Woohyun asked, causing Sungyeol to nod his head and make his way back over to his friends. “How the hell is that a trampoline?”

“Just go with it, ,” Hoya growled, causing Woohyun to glare at him. “Okay, Gyu hyung, it’s your turn.”

“Ah, I don’t want to go,” Sunggyu said with a sigh, before walking up to Boohyun and drawing his paper.

On the paper the words “swimming on the beach” was written. Sunggyu frowned, trying to figure out how to do that. He then moved his arms around as if he were swimming. Sungyeol started shouting out words like water, swimming and race. Sunggyu stopped for a minute, because he didn’t know what else to do.

Sunggyu sat down on the ground and started air sculpting a sand castle. Everyone just stared at him in confusion, so he tried swimming again. He looked up at Boohyun and exchanged uneasy glances with him, before going back to swimming. Sungyeol kept giving random guesses, yet he still didn’t have it. At one point Sungyeol even said a bear, which made no sense at all.

“Swimming on the beach,” Woohyun stated, causing everyone to stare at him once again.

“Uh, yeah,” Sunggyu said, standing up and walking back to his friends.

“I don’t know how the hell you call that swimming on the beach, but it’s all I could think of,” Woohyun stated as Hoya went to grab a paper. “I could do a way better job on it.”

“Oh, I bet you could,” Sunggyu said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

The game continued like that, with Woohyun guessing every single thing correctly. Everyone was surprised at his participation, but decided not to elaborate on it. The other team took much longer guessing everyone’s things, even if they had less people. This resulted in Sunggyu’s team winning with 12 points and the other with only 7. Sunggyu concluded that they only one because, even if he didn’t want to admit it, Woohyun was the only one smart enough to get everything.

“Alright, that’s with our game of charades,” Boohyun said, setting aside the bucket. “And of course Woohyun never fails to amaze me with this game. You’ve gotten better at it.”

“Please,” Woohyun said with a sigh. “Mom and Dad still play it at every family gathering.”

“Of course they do. I wouldn’t expect anything less from them,” Boohyun said, nodding his head.

“Well neither would I,” Woohyun said, shaking his head. “Anyway, what are we doing next?”

“Oh, right,” Boohyun said, nodding his head and taking out all the old papers from the bucket. He then replaced it with new papers he had in his pocket. “To get to know your dormates, I’m gonna have each of you draw a partner you’ll have to help you clean the dorm. You and your partner with have a certain cleaning assignment, whether it’s doing the laundry or vacuuming each room.”

“Hyung, this is boring!” Sungyeol whined, stomping his feet on the ground.

“The older classmen will just stick with their roommates, since the six of them know each other well enough. They’ll be in charge of watching you guys. I also think the seven of you freshmen need to get closer and stop fighting amongst each other,” Boohyun continued. “There will be a group of three somewhere in there. I’m not sure who it will be. But I do have 2 ones, 2 twos and 3 threes.”

“You’re confusing me,” Hoya said, staring at the bucket.

“You will partner up with whoever matches your number,” Boohyun stated.

“You know that’s really not fair,” Woohyun said, frowning at his brother. “How come we need to have partners and the others don’t?”

“Because that’s the way of life, Woohyun,” Boohyun replied. “Besides, when have I ever been fair? This is a life skill you need to learn.”

“I hate you,” Woohyun growled, crossing his arms.

“Love you too, bud,” Boohyun stated, before shoving the bucket in his face. “Now draw. Don’t tell us your number until everyone has well. I’m hoping we can split up the roommates.”

“As long as I don’t have to partner up with him,” Woohyun snarled, glaring at Sunggyu.

“Be nice,” Boohyun hissed, moving on to the next person.

Once the seven freshman had their numbers, they all exchanged glances with everyone else. They were trying to figure out who had who, but Boohyun and the upperclassmen were watching them closely. Boohyun told the ones to step up, which resulted in Hoya and Dongwoo walking up to them. Hoya sighed in relief, glad to have someone who actually had some sense in his group of friends. Dongwoo was an interesting guy, who Hoya wanted to learn more about.

“Alright, can the threes come up?” Boohyun asked.

“Why are you skipping the twos?” Woohyun asked, frowning at his brother.

“Because I can, and I will,” Boohyun replied as Sungyeol, Sungjong and Myungsoo stepped forward. “And it looks like Sunggyu and Woohyun are the twos.”

“Hell no!” Woohyun cried, throwing his paper on the ground. “There’s no way in hell I’m going to work with him!”

“You better cooperate, Woohyun, or else I’m going to call mom and dad,” Boohyun threatened, causing Woohyun to step down. “Now that we have our partners, let’s figure out our chores for the week.”

“Okay!” Sungyeol cried happily, clapping his hands. At least one person could be happy about this arrangement.

A/N Hehe, are you guys enjoying this story?? I hope you are!! Do you like their little game of charades?? Isn't it hilarious?? Well, thanks for reading and subscring everyone!!! I love you all!! <3 I will have another update on Christmas!! With some presents!! And no, I will not have a Christmas special, sadly. But the next chapter you will surely love!!

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Chapter 32: I cant open the sequel authornim..
I'm still kinda buzy right now, looking forward to read this later authornim
KimchiCupcakes #3
Chapter 14: I kept laughing till my heart is beating now
Shadowsfyre #4
Chapter 22: I was excited for this chapter I am just going to say it. I LOVED it!!! It was like I was about to attend an Infinite concert. When they won I was literally squealing and jumping around in my seat and then around my room. My heart was beating so fast. For a relatively new fan of Infinite and someone who has not been able to see them in concert, thank you for bringing one to life for me. I haven't written a review until now, but I felt like I had to. Thank you so much for this chapter. :D
Chapter 30: Kiyaaa this is a perfect ending
Infinite will always be one
happy birthday woohyunnie!!!
straybangfinite877 #6
Chapter 29: Unnie miss miss you so much
why did you dissappear
Omo poor baby woo
sunggyu is a.big meanie lol!
nanagirl #8
Chapter 15: I love this chapter so much >w< soooooo cuteeeeee TTwTT both of them god they're just so cute
Chapter 28: yeayy they won !
Chapter 28: Yeahhhhh they won!!!!
2 more chappie only...
how sad T.T