Concealed Promise

Sunggyu, Hoya and Sungyeol walked down to the auditorium for freshman orientation. Sungyeol had his arms wrapped around Sunggyu and Hoya’s shoulders, chatting excitedly. He was telling them about his life back home, exaggerating over every little detail. Hoya and Sunggyu genuinely laughed at all the appropriate parts. They found Sungyeol to be a very funny guy.


The auditorium was full with kids, leaving only five open seats. The three exchanged glances with each other before taking three of the open seats. Sungyeol took out his laptop and positioned himself in his seat, ready to take notes. Sunggyu looked over at Hoya, who looked very uncomfortable. Beside him was a guy who was staring blankly at the front and a girlish looking boy who was texting away on his phone.


“Nice of you to join us, Howon-sshi. You know you could’ve walked with us,” the girlish boy said, brushing his pinkish-blond hair out of his eyes.


“That’s fine, Sungjong,” Hoya said, not even looking at him. “I met up with some friends of mine.”


“You’re sitting in Woohyun and Dongwoo’s seats,” the other boy said.


“He can deal with it. We’re not moving,” Hoya hissed, glancing at Sunggyu.


Sunggyu nodded in agreement as he watched a teacher walk on to the stage. She bowed to the students, before looking around for a microphone. She almost tripped over a chord once she found the mic. The whole student body laughed, which angered the three friends. Sunggyu took actions, standing on his chair to get everyone’s attention.


“Yah!” he called out, causing everyone to turn on him. “Will you leave her alone? It’s really rude to laugh at someone when they embarrass themselves! What if YOU tripped on stage, would you like it if someone laughed at you? Show a little respect to your elders!”


“Thank you, Mr…?” the teacher said, smiling at him.


“Sunggyu, Kim Sunggyu,” he greeted, bowing at her.


“Okay Mr. Kim, you can have a seat now,” she told him, causing Sunggyu to nod and sit down.


“I got that on video,” Sungyeol said, grinning at his roommate. “I’m gonna find a way to send it to your friends to show them how well you’re doing!”


“Ah, thanks Sungyeol,” Sunggyu said, giving him a soft smile. “They really wouldn’t believe it if there was no proof. I wasn’t like this in high school. I mean, they’ve known me my whole life.”


“That’s amazing, dude,” Hoya said, fist bumping his friend.


“I’ll stick up for you guys,” Sunggyu promised.


“Alright boys and girls, welcome to Daekyung University! My name is Dr. Jung and I’m the headmistress at this school,” the lady at the front announced. “I hope-“


“Sorry we’re late, Miss!” a new voice announced as the door flew open.


Sunggyu turned, only to find the guy he’s been trying to avoid. He strolled in with a smirk on his face. He made it seem as if he owned the place as he and his friend made their way over to the row Sunggyu was sitting in. He stopped when he spotted Sunggyu, glaring at him. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot.


“The three of you are in my seat. Move,” the guy ordered.


“No,” Sunggyu said, making eye contact with him. “There are two seats right there. There’s nothing wrong with them, so sit there.”


“Just sit down,” his friend said, massaging the guy’s shoulders.


“Mr. Nam, you better take a seat right now,” Dr. Jung called out to him.


“Fine, but you owe me, jerk,” the guy hissed, jabbing Sunggyu hard in the chest. “Yah, Lee Sungjong, give me a pen!”


“Hyung, how many times are you going to forget a pen?” the pink haired boy asked with a sigh.


“You owe me as well, especially after giving my seat to this ,” the guy growled, jabbing Sunggyu once again.


“Sorry Woohyun,” Sungjong said, sighing once again and handing a pen over to his older friend.


“Will the two of you stop talking and let Dr. Jung continue?” Sunggyu hissed, glaring at the two.


“Thank you, Mr. Kim,” Dr. Jung said. “Alright kids, one of our alumni is going to come talk to you. Once upon a time he was our head boy, and now he’s our RA for building A.”


“I never met our RA,” Hoya said, looking at Sungyeol and Sunggyu.


“Me neither,” Sungyeol agreed, nodding his head.


“Our RA will help you with anything you need for those in building A. He’ll have a monthly inspection as well as a monthly dorm meeting with each dorm. Look for his schedule,” Dr. Jung said, backing up.


“Annyeonghaseyo boys and girls, my name is Nam Boohyun,” a voice said as the very familiar face to Sunggyu walked on to the stage.


“Since when did my brother become the RA? This is going to be hell for me,” Woohyun whined, throwing his arms up in the air.


“I heard that, Woohyun!” Boohyun cried, frowning at his brother. “Anyway, I’m the new RA for building A. Of course all of you are welcome to talk to me whenever you’d like, whether you’re from building A or not. I graduated here this spring-“


“Blah blah blah blah blah,” Woohyun muttered, causing Sunggyu to glare at him. “I already know that.”


“Well some of us don’t,” Sunggyu hissed. “Now shut the hell up.”


“There’s a committee I worked for, which all of you can too, where we would go out and scout for high school juniors and seniors. They would have to be a singer and we would have to really like them,” Boohyun continued. “Then we would out four full-ride scholarships to this school. One of the four for this year’s is my own brother. I only bet one other kid in this system. He’s a really bright, kind and outstanding young man.”


Sunggyu smiled as Boohyun talked about him. He was definitely very different from his brother. Sunggyu didn’t understand how it’s possible that they’re related. They’re the complete opposite from each other. Sunggyu looked over at Woohyun, who was mocking everything his brother was saying.


“This boy has such a strong passion for music. His friends and family are very supportive of him as well,” Boohyun continued. “He’s great at writing music and composing songs. You can ask him if there’s anything you need help with. He would probably be glad to help. I worked with him a lot this summer.”


“Who is this guy?” Woohyun shouted at his brother.


“His name is Kim Sunggyu,” Boohyun replied, causing everyone to take small glances at Sunggyu.


“Who the hell is that?” Woohyun asked, looking at his friend sitting next to him.


“I do know what the other scholarship boys look like, just so you know. Funnily enough, all four of them are sitting right next to each other. I wonder how that happened,” Boohyun stated. “Will the four of you come up here please and introduce yourselves? All four of you are very special additions to this school.”


Sunggyu smiled and stood up at the same time as Woohyun and his friend. He was surprised to see Sungyeol stand up as well. Sungyeol gave his laptop to Hoya, before linking arms with Sunggyu. The two smirked at Woohyun, before skipping ahead to the stage. Woohyun stood dumfounded, watching the two go on stage.


“Alright, all four of them are up here. I’ll allow each of them to introduce themselves to you,” Boohyun said after Woohyun finally decided to step on to the stage, handing the mic to Sungyeol.


“Annyeonghaseyo, Lee Sungyeol imnida. I really like coffee! If any of you ever need tutoring, we can meet at a coffee shop! I’m a straight A student,” Sungyeol said, bowing to his fellow students. “I might seem crazy, but I loving helping people.”


“Thanks Sungyeol,” Sunggyu said, laughing as Sungyeol ed the microphone in to his hands. “I’m Kim Sunggyu, which I guess all of you know already. Sorry for yelling at all of you. I just wanted to help out Dr. Jung a little bit.”


“Teacher’s pet!” Hoya cried from his seat, causing everyone to laugh. “I love you Sunggyu hyung!”


“I love you too, Hoya,” Sunggyu said, laughing at his friend. “Anyway, Sungyeol and I are roommates, so you can find us in the same place. I am not a straight A student, but I can definitely help you with anything music related. As Boohyun hyung said, I would love to help every single one of you.”


“Believe him,” a voice cried, making everyone turn to find a kid standing in front of the audience. “Kim Sunggyu went to the same school as me! Just four months ago, he was a shy, unsociable boy who only talked to his two, crazy, best friends. I swear, those two guys were Sunggyu’s life. It’s weird not seeing them here with him. The only time he talked to other people was when he was singing during our concerts. I mean, he would always help anyone who needed it. He helped me with a few projects, that’s for sure. He’s truly amazing. It surprises me how much he’s changed in the last four months.”


“Thanks Kyuhyun-sshi,” Sunggyu said, bowing to the kid and handing the mic to Woohyun’s friend.


“Annyeonghaseyo!” the guy cried with a wide grin. “My name is Jang Dongwoo! I came all the way from Canada, and Woohyun-sshi’s my roommate! I was the student president at my school and my job is to make everyone happy and laugh. If you want to find me for help on anything, you’ll find me with Woohyun and his friends.”


“I’m Nam Woohyun,” Woohyun stated, taking the mic from Dongwoo.


He then gave his brother the mic before strolling off the stage. The other three bowed to Boohyun and the students, before also leaving the stage. Sungyeol looped his arm with Sunggyu again, dragging him back to their seats. Luckily enough, Woohyun didn’t take their seats. However, he did attempt to trip Sunggyu as he walked by.


The orientation continued, telling everyone about what the school offered. They were told everything about student and dorm life. A few upperclassmen even came to talk to them. Sunggyu learned there was 6 dorm buildings, three for boys and three for girls. They met all of the other RAs.


The orientation ended, which meant everyone was free for the night. The headmistress said that classes would start the next day. Sunggyu and his friends stood up and stretched, watching as Woohyun stormed out the door with Dongwoo trailing behind him. The three just rolled their eyes, making their way out the door. It was time to enjoy their last night before school starts.


“Hyung, will you buy us ice-cream? Please?” Sungyeol asked with wide, hopeful eyes as he put his laptop in his bag.


“Yeah, Sunggyu, please!” Hoya cried, throwing his arm around Sunggyu’s shoulders.


“Sure, why not!” Sunggyu agreed, walking out of the auditorium.


“Stop right there, you ,” a voice hissed, causing Sunggyu to turn and find Woohyun leaning against the wall.


“What do you want?” Sunggyu asked, rolling his eyes.


“You still owe me,” Woohyun growled.


“I don’t owe you anything,” Sunggyu said, turning around and pulling his friends along.


“Yah! I’m talking to you!” Woohyun shouted, only to get a hand wave in return.


“He’s really driving me crazy,” Sunggyu said with a sigh.


“Well, at least we know his name now,” Hoya said, crossing his arms.


“What’s your history with him, anyway?” Sungyeol asked. “You two obviously didn’t just meet today.”


“He’s the one from the bus,” Sunggyu said, looking at his youngest friend. “The one I was telling Ryeowook, Shindong and Ilhoon about.”


“Oh, I see,” Sungyeol said, nodding his head. “The jerk?”


“Yes, the jerk,” Sunggyu said, laughing.


“More like ,” Hoya stated. “And he’s calling YOU an ! You never even did anything!”


“Oh well, let’s just leave it! It’s time to get some ice-cream and have some fun!” Sunggyu cried, pulling his friends along to the closest ice-cream shop. “Let’s just forget about him.”


“Okay!” the other two agreed, nodding their heads as they skipped behind him for the ice-cream shop.

A/N And here's a new chapter for you guys!!

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Chapter 32: I cant open the sequel authornim..
I'm still kinda buzy right now, looking forward to read this later authornim
KimchiCupcakes #3
Chapter 14: I kept laughing till my heart is beating now
Shadowsfyre #4
Chapter 22: I was excited for this chapter I am just going to say it. I LOVED it!!! It was like I was about to attend an Infinite concert. When they won I was literally squealing and jumping around in my seat and then around my room. My heart was beating so fast. For a relatively new fan of Infinite and someone who has not been able to see them in concert, thank you for bringing one to life for me. I haven't written a review until now, but I felt like I had to. Thank you so much for this chapter. :D
Chapter 30: Kiyaaa this is a perfect ending
Infinite will always be one
happy birthday woohyunnie!!!
straybangfinite877 #6
Chapter 29: Unnie miss miss you so much
why did you dissappear
Omo poor baby woo
sunggyu is a.big meanie lol!
nanagirl #8
Chapter 15: I love this chapter so much >w< soooooo cuteeeeee TTwTT both of them god they're just so cute
Chapter 28: yeayy they won !
Chapter 28: Yeahhhhh they won!!!!
2 more chappie only...
how sad T.T