35 ~ "Capture Every Moment"

Why, You?


"Ma'am we're here." the cab driver turned around to get SooMi's attention. She looked out the window wondering if she would find the 'mystery man' here. Pulling out her earphones, she opened the door and stepped out. Walking into the store she heard the jingle of the door opening.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Welcome to Four Seasons cafe, with different refreshments for each season! Can I get you something to drink?" greeted a worker, smiling at the counter.

Hmm, a drink sounds nice.

SooMi glanced up at the menu and decided she would take a little break.

"Yeah, hi I'll take a Japanese Cherry Blossom. Oh, and also a Snowy Sunshine to-go." SooMi smiled.

Snowy Sunshine...Jay's favorite. Maybe he'll like it.

"Okay, Spring...Japanese Cherry Blossom..Winter...Snowy Sunshine.." the cashier mumbled, punching a few buttons into the cash register. SooMi paid when the worker told her the total. "May I have your name ma'am?"

"Jang SooMi." The cashier wrote down her name and began making her order.

As SooMi sat down, she took out the selca of herself that she had taken earlier with the polaroid. Rummaging through her bag, she found a pen and wrote the words and date on it to commemorate the start of her "adventure."

While she waited for her drink, she kept wondering if she would really find the owner of the ring. What kind of man is he? How is he going to propose? Is it going to be a cute proposal, or the regular just down on one knee proposal? All these things ran through her head, but was brought back to reality when she heard her name.

"SooMi-ssi!" a worker called as he set her drink on the counter.

"Kamsa" SooMi thanked the worker and headed back to her seat. "Oh wait!" she exclaimed. Setting down the two drinks back on the counter, she ran back to her table to fetch the polaroid. "Mind taking a picture with the drinks?" she asked excited. The boy was taken aback with her question. "Oh sorry, it's just that I feel like today's going to be a great day so I thought I'd capture every moment." she smiled.

"Sure" he returned her smile as he posed with the drinks. She clicked the button and immediately the picture began forming.

"Kyeopta!" she beamed at him. "Kamsahanmida!" she bowed and returned to her seat with the drinks in had. Pulling out the pen she wrote...

Our favorite drinks ~

...topping it off with a heart and a smiley. She smiled satisfied at the picture and put it back in her bag.

Scanning the place, she wondered if the person she was looking for was here when she realized something. She laughed to herself and at her thoughts as she stirred her drink.

This is like one of those dramas where the girl finds a lost item and she runs around the city looking for who it belongs to. Then when she finds the the guy, she meets him, they get to know each other, then eventually fall in love.

But she knew, of course, that that wouldn't happen to her because she already has Jay and nothing would change the fact that she loves him. In fact, she sort of wished that the way they had met would've been like the 'drama' she had just imagined. She thought over the plot again in her head only this time using herself and Jay as the characters. A giggle escaped as it replayed in her head. After finishing her drink she decided that it was time to start looking again. She walked up to the counter with the small box in her hand.

"Juhgiyo" she called getting the cashier's attention.

"Ne, SooMi-ssi?"

"Umm, I was wondering if, by any chance, you would know who the owner of this ring is." she said handing the cashier the ring box.

After looking at it, the cashier said, "Mianhae, I don't." The cashier returned the box with an apologetic look. 

"Oh. Well, thank you. I better find the owner in case, he decides to propose like now or something." SooMi laughed. The look on the cashier's face lightened as if a lightbulb just in his head.

"Actually, you know what? I do remember that there was a man in here who said something about buying his fiancee's favorite drink."

"Jinja? D-do you know where he is?" she asked sort of desperately.

"Well, I don't," he began. The look on SooMi's face dropped when she heard that. "But," SooMi's face lit up again. The boy laughed seeing her change in expressions. "I did see him, when he walked out he took a right." the boy said pointing outside and SooMi followed where his finger directed. 

"Oh, well how will I be able to find him?" she asked.

"I know that he was wearing a nice tux with a pink tie and pocket handkerchief. A little overdressed for a cafe if you ask me." the boy said tapping his chin, remembering the man's appearance.

"Really? Well that can't be too hard to find. Thank you!" SooMi smiled as she was leaving the cafe. "Ooh, wait how about we take a picture together?"


"Yeah, well today's a good day, I met you, you seem like a good person. What do you say?" she asked holding up the camera once again. The boy nodded and SooMi left with a new picture and...

A new friend  (>^.^)>  <(^.^<)

Only minutes after she left, someone else had entered.

"Annyeonghaseyo, welcome to Four Seasons cafe, with different refreshments for each season! Oh, hyung!" the cashier said after noticing the man.

"Annyeong dongsaeng-ah," Jay smiled. "Just a Snowy Sunshine, to-go please." Jay told the boy his order and he began making the drink. "So how'd everything go?" he asked while leaning on the counter.

"Perfect, just like you said. But you better hurry hyung, she's already headed in that direction." he made a gesture towards the door. 

"I will, I will" Jay laughed, ruffling the younger one's hair.

"One, Snowy Sunshine to-go." said the boy handing Jay his drink. "Good luck, hyung!" the boy wished his hyung 'good luck' with a thumbs up.

"Thanks." Jay smiled. "So I'll see you tomorrow night at 5, right?" he asked pointing at the boy as he walked slowly at the door.

"Yeah, thanks again hyung!" 

Jay remembered when he asked the young teenager to do this favor for him, Jay had discovered the boy had been a fan.


"Annyeonghaseyo, welcome to Four Seasons cafe, with different refreshments for each season! Can I help you?"

"Annyeong, umm actually you can. Can I ask you for a personal favor?" Jay asked as he removed his sunglasses.

"Omo! Jay Park!" the teenager gasped but loud enough only for the two of them to hear. He was smart enough to keep a celebrity's identity hidden.

"Ne, ne, so can I ask?"

"Sure, go ahead, what is it hyung?"

"Well, I'm going to propose to my girlfriend today–"

"You have a girlfriend?" the boy was quite shocked but still kept a low voice.

"Yeah, for a long time now." he replied grinning.

"Oh, well that's good for you. Congratulations!" 

"Thanks, now back to what I was saying, I'm going to propose today and the way I'm proposing basically is, I've been sending her around the city looking for the owner of a ring she found. The ring's actually going to be her's but she doesn't know that yet. Now this is supposed to be her second stop and I need you to act like you don't know the owner of the ring (me) and simply lead her in the right direction without letting her know anything or make anything too obvious. Is that alright?" he asked him.

"Gotcha. Wow, good luck to you hyung." the boy smiled.

"Thank you." Jay thought maybe he could do the teen a favor in return for helping him out. Maybe he could also do it as a fan service as well. "Listen, I really appreciate you helping out. Now if there's anything I can do for you..."

"Well, I don't want to seem needy.." the boy said rubbing his neck shyly.

"No, no, no tell me what is it? How can I help you?"

"Umm, I'm a big fan and uhh,"

"An autograph, a signed CD?"

"Actually, I was hoping I could get a training session with you, or maybe a few..But if that's too much then–"

"A training session?" Jay was a little confused, yet also curious.

"Yeah, I'm a dancer, a bboy actually and I do a little singing on the side." the boy smiled sheepishly.

"Oh really?" Now that got his attention. Jay was suprisingly interested and excited that someone looked up to him as a dancer/singer enough to ask for training. "How about this? I'll give you training sessions, not just one but a few. I'll see how you do and maybe I could take you in as an actual trainee under my supervision." 

"Jinja? Wow, thanks!" he was shocked and so happy that his idol was going to be his trainer. Jay smiled and left the shop counting on this boy to help make his plan go smoothly.


After taking a right when leaving the cafe, SooMi walked down the street, jamming to her new Walkman, which is ironic considering that the Walkman was a thing of the '80s. She decided that she would walk since it was such a nice day so as an apology to the cab driver she bought him a drink from the cafe.

"La la la," SooMi sang down the street. "La la la l– omo." her face lit up and anyone passing by could've seen the colors in her eyes. She came face to face with a park with green grass, blue sky, white clouds, kids running around chasing each other, kites flying, bubbles floating, people laughing, balloons rising, it was just breathtaking. So many people smiling together in one place. 

This is beautiful. Oh, but how am I supposed to find the guy in the middle of all these people? Let's see...nice tux, pink tie and pocket handkerchief...

She repeated the description to herself as she scanned all the people around her. Her eyes stopped at a balloon man and his cart. The light shining through the balloons dazzled her as the colors were reflected in her eyes. After what seemed like days of admiring, she came back to reality and took notice of the balloon man.

"Annyeonghaseyo ahjussi." she smiled.

"Annyeong, here to buy a balloon?" he beamed.

"Well," she hadn't planned on buying a balloon but when she looked up at the balloons, she immediately became attracted to a certain color. It reminded her of the color Jay's cheeks turn when he blushes. Thinking about it made her blush as well. "Yes, actually I'll take that one." she pointed to that specific one.

"Here you go." the man smiled, handing her the balloon. Suddenly an idea struck her. 

"Ah, ahjussi chakkaman..." SooMi held up a hand as she pulled out her polaroid. "Say cheese!" she smiled as she held up the camera wanting to capture this beautiful sight. 

"Cheese!" the man grinned and she was satisfied with the picture. Waiting for the picture to appear, she wrote another little message for this one like she did the others.

Gomawo ahjussi for giving me the color of my lover's blushing cheeks ^.^

She stuck the picture inside her bag along with the rest of them.

"Juhgiyo, would you like a picture too?" he asked politely. The thought had never crossed her mind. Liking the idea more and more, she handed him the camera and held the balloon.

"You ready?" he asked holding up the camera.

"Ne!" she smiled. Suddenly the wind blew almost stealing the balloon away from her but the man had already captured the moment. In the picture, it shows her holding her hair blowing in the wind, while looking up at the balloon that was almost taken away from her. Although it wasn't what she had planned, it still turned out to be a beautiful picture with the lens facing the sun, casting a shadow on the scene with the rays gleaming. The light however, had shone in the perfect spot, accenting the color of the balloon.

Now I can hold onto this color in my hand and forever in this image.

"Thank you ahjussi." she glanced at the man before returning her gaze to the balloon. SooMi reached into her bag to retrieve her wallet when he stopped her.

"You know what? Take it. It's on me." 

"Jinja? Gomawo!" she waved the man goodbye before continuing her search.

Now where am I going to find you Mr. Mystery-Man-Wearing-a-Tux-with-a-Pink-Tie-and-Pocket-Handkerchief-who-needs-this-ring-that-he-lost-to-propose-to-his-girlfriend? Wow. Long name.

SooMi sat down on a bench when she heard children laughing. She turned around to find a young couple playing with their child. Smiles took over their faces while they tickled their little boy. Her heart clenched at the sight of this happiness. 

I want that.

The feeling of longing had overtaken her body and she couldn't help but imagine herself in their position, only with Jay and their own child. Jay watching her from afar had seen what she was looking at. His shoulders slumped seeing the expression on SooMi's face.

Don't worry babe. We'll have that kind of happiness soon.

Jay made his way back to where he needed to be. SooMi looked away not being able to keep wanting that, yet not having it. She actually wanted to take a snapshot of that scene but, that would be little over the line. Suddenly, she saw someone who looked awfully familiar. Or at least she thought she did.

"JaeBeom?" she whispered standing up making her way towards this person who was so far away. "Jae...JaeBeom!" she began calling his name out as her pace fastened to a running speed. Right as soon as she thought she was getting close, she lost him. In the crowd. Disappointment was all she could feel at the moment. SooMi began looking all around her, turning in circles over and over again, soon without realizing it facing the way she began with. Not long after, that feeling of excitement took over her again when she spotted someone whose back was facing her, dressed in all back at a far distance. Maybe a tux, perhaps. Without thinking and without her knowing, she clicked a button. The picture printed out and she automatically stuffed it in her bag as she made her way to him.

Is it him?

Immediately she ran towards him, thinking that she can't lose him like she did that Jay look-a-like.

"Juhgiyo! Juhgiyo!" 

He began to walk in a different direction.

"Chakkaman! Juhgiyo! Please wait!" she pleaded trying to grab his attention. SooMi began to approach him when she noticed he was talking to someone. She didn't want to be rude so she waited until he finished, although it took everything in her to hold back. Once it looked like his conversation was over, she tapped his shoulder.

"Excuse me sir, I believe you lost something. Hopefully, you are the owner of this ring because if not...then that would be really embarassing for me." she laughed pulling out the ring, while setting her things down. The man didn't turn around to look at the ring so she started feeling a little insecure, thinking that this was not the owner. "Umm juhgiyo..." she said holding out the ring over his shoulder and putting it into his hand.


When doing so, she was able to sneek a peek and saw that he was wearing a pink tie with a pocket handkerchief.

This is him, it's got to be him!

"I'm sorry but, this isn't my ring." he said, still not turning around.

What a deep voice.

"I-It's not?" she asked. "But it has to be..." she whispered to herself.

"It's not. But, I do know who it belongs to." Her eyes widened in surprise.

"W-Who? Please tell me, I've been going around all day looking for this person!"

"Well, let me tell you about her. She's a beautiful young lady, on the inside and out. She's the kindest person you'll meet and the most caring. Even so, she still has her hot headed side, yet she's still a wonderful person. She's so strong and can handle anything thrown her away. She loves old vintage things, her sense of fashion is phenomenal, and she's someone who just captures every moment, wanting to treasure everything she experiences in life. Her favorite drink is Japanese Cherry Blossom boba from the Spring menu at Four Seasons cafe, but during the winter she loves Peppermint Mocha, and she's just a people person. She loves her friends since they're her family and everyone's in love with her smile. But none of them can compare to the fact that she's the love of my life. She was my first girlfriend, and she's going to be my last." he said with his back to her.

"So, w-who does it belong...to..?" SooMi asked already knowing who the man in front of her is.

"You." he whispered finally turning around and kneeling on one knee. SooMi gasped at the sight in front of her.


"Jang SooMi, I am so in love with you. There's so many things I want to tell you about how I feel but there's just so much to say, that I need the rest of our lives to keep telling you every moment of every single day. I love you. I love you. I love you. Will you please become my wife so I can love you every day and show you how much I love you? SooMi...

Will you marry me?"

There it is ^.^ I'm sure it's the moment you've all been waiting for. I've updated quite a bit this week. So please comment and tell me what you think :D Honestly, I don't know if this was a good way for Jay to propose. I wanted it to be really unique but this was all I could think of. I adore all your comments so don't be shy and feel free to give me feedback :)

Oh, and check out the new poster ^^ I found the time to make one, but I think I did a sloppy job. It looked a lot better in my head... Well, enjoy anyway! Goodnight!


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Chapter 36: Omg! That was really cute and romantic how Jay proposed <3 I was like OHMYGODDDD! (: I was bit confused though at the beginning of the chapter...Is the beginning like a flashback of them looking back? I was a bit confused :P. but other than that, I LOVED IT ! Eeeeeee their getting married! EXCITMENT~!
b2utiful_jwalker #2
I hope you get more comments so you can update (:
Chapter 7: wahh your story is so sweet~ >.< I love all of your description and your dialogue is really interesting~ >.<
good story~ x3 so sweet ^^ <33
b2utiful_jwalker #4
after2pm_khunhilover #5
elisaaaaa143 #6
Chapter 32: omfg. BEST. STORY. EVER. T.T
i fangirled so much. this should be a kdrama<333
Just saying I've been crying since chapter 17 I think yeah
Beautiful story <3
iloveswissrolls #9
Thanks for the update! :)
No, I don't mind. Thank you for updating~