16 ~ "Abandoned"

Why, You?


"Oh my god, Suzi, STOP IT!!!"

"I can't Jayson, I'm just aaaaaahhh!!!!"

We were on the plane and I couldn't stop jumping around in my seat. Jayson was getting really annoyed with me.

"Excuse me, ma'm, would you please calm down? You are becoming a disturbance to other passengers." the flight attendant told me. I looked around and saw other people glaring at me. I smirked and replied the lady in English.

"Oh...really? I'm sorry.." I bowed a little.

"Hahaha the flight attendant had to tell you before you could stop, huh? Oh ok I see...nobody listens to Jayson...nobody" he whined.

"Yah! Stop that will you?" I said playfully punching him.

After a few hours, I fell asleep on his shoulder, and he, on my head. It was gonna take a while before we get to Korea...



"Yah Jay, come on man, we're gonna be late!" Wooyoung called out to me.

I quickly closed my phone before Wooyoung could catch me sneaking a peek at her picture. I tried holding in the tears...

"I'm coming, just a minute!" I yelled back.

I opened it one more time and the screen, wishing it was her face. Why would you just abandon me, SooMi? How could you leave and never come back? I don't even know what happened to you...I couldn't be with you...

I wiped away a tear that made a streak down my face. In the car, all I could think about was SooMi...Jang SooMi. Not a day goes by without me thinking about her. Every time a girl walks past me, I swear I see her face. But my heart breaks when I realize it's not here. Sometimes, I think that it's SooMi trying to send me a message, trying to tell me she's sorry that she left without me knowing. No...I can't think that...I can't think that she's...dead. More tears fell at the thought of her lifeless body lying in a hospital bed. I shook away the thought and wiped my tears right before Taecyeon snapped me out of it.

"Hey man...we're here" he said shaking me as if I were asleep.

"Ok.." I said weakly as we all got out of the car and entered the club. The second I walked in the door I heard someone call out to me as they jumped on me.


"Hey you," I smiled.


"Suzi....Suzi...Come on, Suzi get up.."

"Mmmm?" I grumbled as I felt the sun shining on my eyes.

"Come on, get up now..."

"Jae...?" I asked hopeful.

"Yeah, it's me..."


I opened my eyes immediately.

"...Jayson, now come on we've gotta get off the plane now." Jayson said as he got our carry-on's from the storage above us.

oh...JaeBeom...I really thought it was you...

After spending about 15 minutes waiting for our luggage, we headed out to the rental car place to rent a car. While we were waiting in line, I heard the radio playing on the intercom.

"Oh my god...it feels so great to hear everyone speaking Korean again!" I said to Jayson in English.

"Haha...hey Suz-"

"Ah ah ah...we're in Korea now...it's SooMi"

"Haha ok, SooMi...what are they saying on the radio?" Jayson asked me. I listened for a little and then shot up from my seat.

"Oh my god Jayson! Oh my god!"

"What? What are they saying?"

"They just said that Jay Park has a new single out and they're gonna be playing it in a few minutes!!!!"

"Jay Park? You mean the Jay Park???"

"Yes!!!" You guys remember I said how JaeJae's also pretty famous in America, so Jayson knows who he is.

"And by Jay Park you also mean...JaeBeom?" Jayson asked me. Yes, he also knows about my life story and my history with JaeJae, Wooyoung, and Taecyeon. I was silent for a little while..

"...yeah..." I said a little depressed.

"Aww...come on, SooMi...cheer up! Come on, let's listen to that new single." he tried to cheer me up. I smiled at him and hugged him.

"Yeah..let's listen to it." I said as I broke the hug. We listened as the radio talk show host came back on.

"And now here is Jay Park's new single, "Abandoned!""

Abandoned? Why does it sound so sad? Jayson looked at me waiting for me to translate. I told him the title of the song and we both listened as it started playing. He gave me a worried look. I just closed my eyes and listened.

I remember the day,

When you said to me,

Baby I'm sorry, but right now, that I just gotta leave,

Is this song made...for me, JaeBeom? I did say that to you...

Then I remember seeing you turn your back,

Seeing you turn your back,

Your lovely, lovely back


How could you do me like that?

You were my world,

You were my other half

You took my love and flushed it right down the drain

Now all I'm feeling is pain and there's no way to save it

What? Why does it feel like he's blaming me...? We love each other JaeBeom...or is that not the case anymore? I know I hurt you, but I didn't mean to...JaeBeom...

You're the one who call it quits

And then just walked away

I didn't call it quits! You're the one who told me that it wasn't goodbye! It's not goodbye...you repeated that to me over and over again. JaeBeom, you know that I didn't want to leave you...how could you say this?

Everytime I close my eyes

I can just picture your cold face

And the way you did me so wrong

It was like no other pain

I was madly in love with you

But you were just playing games

Games? You think I was playing games? JaeBeom that wasn't a game and you know that! How could you think that my love was a game? You were madly in love with me, and I was madly in love with you...you think all those years were just lies? You think that I did you wrong? Cold face? I already didn't like this song...it's almost the same as him saying it directly to my face...I could feel a lump in my throat.

I'm usually the type to move on to the next one

Gone to the next one

The next one? So are you saying that I was "the next one" after the one before me?? Are you saying that after me, you moved on to the next one too? JaeBeom..it hurts..

But girl you're the best one

Ok, that made me feel a little better...

Got me twisted

Can't accept that you moved on

But I didn't move on...how could I? I couldn't talk to you at all since I left...how could you even think that I moved on?? JaeBeom, there's no way I could move on after meeting you...

Girl where have you gone?

Why'd your feelings go lukewarm?

JaeBeom I'm right here! I know I was gone for a while, but I'm here now! and my feelings are still the same as they were the moment you asked me to be your one and only...

Abandoned ~ I know you're so bad for me

I'm in pain but you just laugh at me

It's such a tragedy

I want you back with me

Even though you're bad for me

I'm bad...for you? I'm laughing at your pain? Sounds like you're laughing at mine JaeBeom...laughing at my pain...I can't believe you would write this about me! and is that what you think? You think I abandoned you? Abandoned?

I couldn't take it anymore, tears were falling, my breath was getting heavier and I just needed to get out of there.

"Jayson, can we please get out of here?" I begged him.

"Huh? Oh yeah, just wait a second..." he went to go get the keys from the front desk and we drove away from the airport. In the car, I just kept crying...and crying...and crying...and crying....

I can't believe he wrote that song about me...even if it wasn't for me and it was for another girl, it hurt to think that it was for a girl he was with after me. But still, there's no way it wasn't for him. I know I hurt him but...*sigh* maybe I deserve this.

Jayson was just sitting next to me driving in silence while holding my hand. He knew I was hurting, even though he didn't understand what the song was saying back at the airport. He didn't understand, but yet he was still there for me...comforting his sister like the brother I never had.

Jayson...why can't I fall for you?

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Chapter 36: Omg! That was really cute and romantic how Jay proposed <3 I was like OHMYGODDDD! (: I was bit confused though at the beginning of the chapter...Is the beginning like a flashback of them looking back? I was a bit confused :P. but other than that, I LOVED IT ! Eeeeeee their getting married! EXCITMENT~!
b2utiful_jwalker #2
I hope you get more comments so you can update (:
Chapter 7: wahh your story is so sweet~ >.< I love all of your description and your dialogue is really interesting~ >.<
good story~ x3 so sweet ^^ <33
b2utiful_jwalker #4
after2pm_khunhilover #5
elisaaaaa143 #6
Chapter 32: omfg. BEST. STORY. EVER. T.T
i fangirled so much. this should be a kdrama<333
Just saying I've been crying since chapter 17 I think yeah
Beautiful story <3
iloveswissrolls #9
Thanks for the update! :)
No, I don't mind. Thank you for updating~