EXO's Baekhyun 03

Vanessa's Oneshots
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This is a request by Melinda

Name: Kwon Sunyoung
Member: Baekhyun
Genre: Angst, Romance
Plot: Author's Choice


Korea was one of those rare countries which was still having their government controlled by the royals, which meant they still had king, queen, princes and princesses, who were admired and looked up to by all of their citizens.

Unlike the other system, Korea divided their government according to regions. There was the Lee controlling over Busan, the Kang controlling over Ilsan, and many more.

And their head-central, Seoul, was taken after by the Byun.

Byun family was the most powerful one over years. They were accepted as the family that had intelligence, grace and kind-hearted bloodline.

Byun family had lasted for more than thirty years, going through three generations. And now it was time for the four generation to look after Seoul. It was traditional for the oldest boy in the generation or the only son to be the next king.

Prince Baekhyun was no difference. He was the only son in the Byun for this fourth generation. He was handsome, graceful, intelligent in both study and treating people. He was expected to be the next king, and his other 11 friends were bounce to be his greatest mandarins.

He would celebrate his 20th birthday in two weeks, which was also the mark for his change as a prince into a king. His father and mother would resign from their positions as king and queen, and they expected him to be another great king, and of course, by his side had to have a great queen to look after the region.

Other prince would kill to be in his place, it was everyone’s dream to be the next king of Seoul, Korea, but to Byun Baekhyun, it was like the end of his life, of his love, of his everything.

It was hard enough for a rich boy to be with a poor girl.

And in this country, it was strictly forbidden for a soon-to-be king Baekhyun to fall in love with someone who could never reach his position.

Kwon Sunyoung.

Byun Baekhyun’s first love and he vowed to have her as his one and also last love.

But everything was not that simple. They were deeply in love, they felt like they had the whole world in their hands whenever they were together, but this big wall separated them was so huge that love couldn’t really solve anything.

Kwon Sunyoung was just a lowly bodyguard. Moreover, she was his bodyguard, ever since they reached ten years old.

And as much as they believed in each other’s love. The fact that Baekhyun had to marry a princess to be a great king was still there, in between their love.

“Prince Baekhyun, it’s lunch time and you are expected to present at dining area in five minutes”, Sunyoung bowed deeply 90 degrees in front of Baekhyun’s bed.

He was still lying lazily in bed until late in the midday, recently, Baekhyun felt like doing nothing, he had been too tired of all the preparing for his king-thing and too broken-hearted that Sunyoung returned to her cold-self, ignoring his sweet words and actions towards her. She distanced herself from him as much as she could.

Baekhyun pursed his lips, he was unhappy to have Sunyoung calling him formally and bowing at him pretty early when he woke up.

“Sunyoung, come here”, Baekhyun patted the space next to him on the bed and waved her over. But Sunyoung remained firm and shook her head, “Three more minutes and you have to be at the dining room. Please hurry up. I’ll be waiting outside, Prince Baekhyun”

Baekhyun let out a shaky breath. She slammed the door to his room shut and all left was the coldness of both the air and her coldness for him. “Why must I be the prince ? All I want to be is your man … Sunyoung, I love you”, Baekhyun shouted, throwing his pillows and blanket all over the room. It was a fortune that the palace was really big that no one could hear his shouting. No one but Sunyoung standing outside his room, she bit her lips and blinked fast to prevent herself from letting out a cry. It was blissful that Baekhyun loved her back, but everything would be a sin if she gave in and ignored all of the consequences once their love was known by the whole Korea.




“Your birthday party will be held inside our palace. There will be a dancing ball and we will announce your marriage with Princess Han of Jeju Island”, King Byun informed while the Byun were having their lunch. Baekhyun frowned, he shallowed harshly a piece of beef steak and gave his father a hard look, “Father, I don’t know Princess Han, and I am not going to marry her”

Sunyoung could feel her heart bounce crazily inside her ribcage, one because of the news, she was not supposed to feel jealous over this princess, knowing her place as just a bodyguard, two, because Baekhyun was rash and he might blurt out their forbidden love to his parents.

“I didn’t know your mother either, but we still fell in love and had you as a sweet fruit. I believe that you will have a great family in the future”, King Byun continued, ignored his son’s tone of voice.

Baekhyun’s jaw turned rigid, he knew that he had no reason to call of his marriage. All he had in his mind that Kwon Sunyoung, his love, and the only one he wanted to be with until the death of his life.

Luhan peered at Sunyoung, who was guarding at the side of the long table, with her arms crossed behind her back and her gaze strongly gazed around, watching if anything was wrong, if someone planned to murder her prince and protect him in time.

Baekhyun hated it. Baekhyun hated the fact that she had to risk her life for him, the fact that she was content to kill herself if he really was in danger. He still couldn’t forget the accident when he was eighteen, it was his graduation and a loud shot of gun caused a huge chaos at his elite school. Someone dared to murder Baekhyun with gun that time, but it was Sunyoung throwing herself at him and took the goddamn bullet by her arm. Her blood was everything Baekhyun could see at that time, she had risk her life for him, yet, she had to come back to work the day after with just a mere 24 hours rest.

“This is your dessert, Prince Baekhyun”, a maid came up with a plate of special dessert. It was a great thing to be a royal, you could try all kind of food in this world in just a flick of fingers.

But of course, being the royals themselves, they were careful of what they ate, there could be a great chance that someone would choose the way of poisoning their food to get rid of them.

“Sunyoung”, Queen Byun called softly and Sunyoung knew exactly what she had to do. She took a small plate and her very own spoon, scooping a small spoon of Baekhyun’s dessert into her plate and smelt it before tasting it first.

If anything was put inside the food, their bodyguard would be their replacement first.

And Baekhyun hated it too.

Baekhyun held his breath when Sunyoung brought the spoon to her lips and gulped on it. Please god, I hope no idiot decided to poison me in this way, because she will suffer for me. Baekhyun almost threw his arms around her when Sunyoung crashed onto the shiny ground with her knees, red blood came out of her lips and she lost all of color on her face immediately.

this , out of all way to kill me, they had to choose this way.

Baekhyun shot up and took several steps towards Sunyoung. She was close to black out and all she managed to say was, “It was toxicology, it must be one of the attacks from Ulsan, I expect to meet the chef today, he might be a hidden man from Ulsan”

Baekhyun almost broke out crying when Sunyoung coughed out more blood and her body fell on the floor. “Sunyoung, Sunyoung, open your eyes, please, open your-“

“Baekhyun, stay away from her, you might get the poison from touching her”, King Byun ordered and a few bodyguards grabbed Baekhyun gently yet strong enough to pull him away from Sunyoung. Baekhyun gasped, struggling against them but he wasn’t as strong as them to break free.

“Call Yixing to treat her”, Queen Byun told her own bodyguard and a few minutes later, the door to the dining room opened, revealing Zhang Yixing, their personal doctor despite his younger age, he was also Baekhyun’s close friend.

Following behind him was Huang Zitao, the head of the bodyguard line, who was also Baekhyun’s close friend. But Baekhyun wasn’t happy to see him, knowing that the Huang boy had a big crush on Sunyoung.

“Kwon Sunyoung, what happened to you ?”, Tao snapped angrily, he scooped her up into his arms easily and let her rest her head on his shoulder. Baekhyun heard something inside his heart crack when Sunyoung softly smiled at Tao to reassure the hot-headed boy. She was on the verge of dying because of you, and now another man is protecting her. What kind of a man you are, Byun Baekhyun ? What kind of a king you could be if you can’t protect your love right now ?. Baekhyun was angry at himself, and he was determined to not let Sunyoung slip away from him like that just because he would be a king.




Sunyoung let her heavy eyelids open to greet the sunlight shining through the window to her room.  

I am still alive ?

Sunyoung bit her lips and turned her head, a sight of two relieved face greeted her.

“You are awake !”, Tao exclaimed and held her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles gently. Sunyoung grew up with him and learnt fighting from him

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Chapter 32: Kyaa~~ this Jimin one-shot is so nice!! ^_^ And lol at the end XD This is the best one-shot I've ever read! (Even though Jimin is not my bias, I'm starting to like him more)
Hi^^ I'd like to request for a oneshot~

Characters: C-Clown's Ray, Lee Junah(OC),C-clown's Kangjun
Genre: Angst
Plot: Ray and Junah had been dating for years, and it'll be their anniversary soon. Ray had even bought a ring prepared a special event to propose her on their anniversary date,when suddenly he found out that Junah had been cheating with his own bestfriend,Kangjun.
Can you please create an ending for me? ^^

Thank you so much in advance! <3
Chapter 60: Ugh, there was a time while I was reading this that I almost felt my heart squeezing in agony ç.ç
But this was really beautiful.
And I know you just commented about this but... yeah, I totally saw how this was about Kris's leaving too.
But as how was said in the story itself, "Be happy Kris Wu" (Besides, is not like we will never ever see Kris/Yifan again. He will make a movie for what I know. Maybe he becomes an actor and we can see him a lot in future movies! *w*)
Can you use my real name , it's Hala and it means moonlight in Arabic , can you use it in the story please
I want a cute long and slight angst love story about me and Ken as always , being a chubby girl who hates her body and feels insecure but Ken is my childhood friend who knows there insecurities and he helps me through the depression of being bullied all the time by the world and he confess to me that he has loved me since we played hide and seek the first time as little kids but I try to block him fearing that he would be mocked by others because of me , please I know I'm too much hehe,
Chapter 59: Can I request again ??? Please - puppy eyes -
Chapter 59: His lips in that gif are so kissable oh I'm freaking out about him right now , my namja