Chapter 21 : Explanation

I Don't Like Him-right?
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"Stay out!!" Chanyeol screamed as he pushes Chen out of the-Ehem! 

"I know everything! Let me in!" Chen protested and tries to- Ehem!

"No! You're just lying so you can hear- EHEM! ARE YOU DEAF RACOON?! 

What do you want Baekhyun?! Go back into the story!

Can I tell the chapter through my POV like I used to?



Because I'm doing fine without your POVs. 

Your last chapter was rubbish.

Shut up before I'll throw you out of the story.

You wouldn't dare..

OH YEAH?! Watch me.

I'm your bias. You'll just let me back into the story.

TT^TT Shaddap. Now I here by declare today is POV day! I guess..Now take it away BACON. (OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST WROTE A FAKE CONVERSATION BETWEEN ME AND BAEK. I'm slowly going bananas. sob. sob. THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS PROVE OF THE INSANITY OF THE CUTE AND AWESOME RACOON. I warned you. )

Baekhyun POV

"Stay out!!" Chanyeol shouted as he shoves Chen out of our room. See, even my first sentence is better than yours. (I GET IT. GO ON BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND.)

"Let me in!! I know everything!!" Chen protested as he tries to pass the giant.

"No! You're lying! You just want to know the whole story!" 

"I know everything! Should I just tell hyung instead? Do you want to see Clara move?" Yes. Yes, I do. Atleast Chanyeol doesn't get to disturb my girl anymore. (My girl? *insert cricket sounds*) Yes, my girl. Do you have a problem? (Nope.)

At the mention of Clara's name, Chanyeol pulls Chen in and locks the door. (How about you? Are you invinsible or something?) Me? Oh, I was just sitting on my bed, trying to process the fact that Kim Jinmyun aka Clara Kim aka the girl I grew up with aka the bratty cat princess aka the cute cupcake aka (okay..that's enough) Myun Cat aka Myun Myun aka my crush might be Park Chanyeol aka Park Dobi aka my best friend (one more aka, I'll take over.) aka my room mate's girlfriend.

Chen sits beside me while Chanyeol checks if there was anyone else spying on us. But that didn't make sense, everybody was too lazy to go up that horrible flight of stairs anyway. Chanyeol sits on his bed, opposite us.

"You, Park Chanyeol. Have some explanation to do." I said pointing at him with my index finger before crossing my arms. (Good one. You sound like a jealous girlfriend. BAEKYEOL IS REAL~)

"Me? Don't tell me you didn't get it that I was going to confess to her when I asked you to leave!" Of course I did! I didn't think Clara would accept it this well! 

"It was obvious. Chanyeol was so nervous and-" Both me and my 'soul mate' glared at the semi-unwanted guest for him to shut up.

"Were you stalking us, Kim Jongdae?" 

He quickly shooks his head and hands in defence, "I was just walking and I heard this very familiar voice-"

"And you stayed and eavesdropped?" I asked. It was unbeliveable.

Chanyeol looks at Chen, "Isn't that stalking?"

"Well, should I tell hyung?" Chen said, smirking. This troll. As long as Clara doesn't personally tell hyung, Chanyeol will be under Chen's control.

"You know what's weird.."

"What?" Chanyeol and I said almost in unison.

"Clara..she did a whole lot of aegyo that day..Very weird.." 

Chanyeol's eyes gets 10x bigger, and his eyes is already big..It's creepy.. "Ara always does aegyo! It's not that rare..right?" He said grinning while creeping beside Chen. That giant must be so happy that Clara only does aegyo around him. Yah, right. 

"Really? Not around me.." Chen said shrugging. And that exact moment, my tall giantic friend was grinning from ear to ear. Doesn't his face muscles hurt? Plus, it's creeping me out. 

"She does aegyo all the time. It's just we don't really see it as aegyo anymore. The pouting, the cheek puffing, the sudden whining, it gets really out of control when-" My two members were giving me weird looks now. Why did I say that? I'm even more surprise how I noticed so many little things about Clara. Chen raises his eyebrow,

"What?! Why are you looking at me like that! We've been friends since we were 4! It's not like I like her or something!" I said standing up. I just couldn't take the weird glares this two were giving me.

"We didn't say anything about you liking her." 

"We didn't say anything at all.." 

I cleared by throat to get rid of the awkward atmosphere, "So..are you and Clara dating right now?" Honestly, I don't even want to know the answer.

"No..she said-"

Once again Chen cuts Chanyeol off, "Clara said she'll think about it and I swear I saw her face palming herself but then she could just walk side to side with Chanyeol to class that day."

Chanyeol playfully  hits Chen, "Yah! I was going to tell that!"

As my two members start debating on how Clara might accept Chanyeol or she won't even give an answer, I started to float away. I was starting to float into the sea of memories. Something suddenly ran through my mind.

"Can you be more like a girl?" A boy said as he helps the 12 year old Clara up. She has once again fell from the tree while climbing up the ladder of the tree house she and Baekhyun shares.

"What do you care, it's my life." She hissed holding back tears. It must be painful but luckly she wasn't hurt badly.

"I just don't want my friend end up being a lonely old woman who lives with cats." Clara glares at him before continuing to check for scratchs and bruises on her arms and legs.

"I'm 12, Byun Baekhyun. I'm 12." She mumbled.

"Yes, yes you are. I'm 12 too and I just got a box of chocolate from a girl I don't even know today. And you? You fell of a tree, again." He said helping Clara to sit down under the tree.

"You just took it? I wonder if it's poisoned..." She said tapping her chin lightly.

"Tsk.  Not everyone is as evil as you Myunmyun."

Clara sighs as she looks at her newly scarred knees. "I'm so dead today. My mum is so going to kill me for falling of the tree again." 

He pats his friend's back lightly, "Good luck. And find a boy friend."

Clara slaps his hand away and gives him her 'you wanna die' look.

"You know what, I don't th

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OMFG 102 SUBBIES. HUGS. xoxo Ara


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really want to read this storyyyy!!! pls accept my friend request... aishh.. nak baca~~~
fren123 #2
Chapter 42: Woohoo!!! A sequel !! Thank you authornim :-)
fren123 #3
Chapter 40: Poor Chanyeol :/ ~~
Update soon authornim :)
iuiuiu_ #4
i am waitingg for chapter 38~
update soon~
pinkgangstas_hyoyul #5
Chapter 39: more suhye moment tooo~
baekyeol_xoxo #6
Baekhyun and Claraaaaaaaaaaaa
Sterlinglight123 #7
Chapter 39: luv it the baekhyun and clara moment!!! awwww;)
Chapter 36: Gah-! I can't deal with all this frustration I got from this chapter it's a mere misunderstanding!?