
My Heart 1




Your POV

Today is the day I start as a trainee at Pledis Entertainment. I can't wait! I've been dreaming all my life to become the best singer and dancer as I can. I was so excited that I woke up early...then my phone rang.

"Hey _____! Glad to hear your awake. I will see you there with Kiara."
"Yes, I can't wait! I'll see you there Unnie" 

He'll be there.


There I see a crowd of new trainees inside the practice room but not greeting each othter but taking pictures of the popular, cute, handsome seventeen boys. I wanted to say hello too but we will see each other often anyways. There I was by myself, waiting for Bora unnie and Kiara. 

Kiara, my bestest friend and will be a trainee as well, the same as me. Hope we are together when we debut. 

Bora unnie, a sunbae in Pledis Entertainment and has looked after ever since I came to korea.

" Hey _____! We are here
"Finally your here. I looked like a loner."
"Ahaha Lol, Loner"  I smacked her, she pouted back. 

The teachers came in. We all had to introduce ourselves. He was there. Soon we will practice together.

So it has been 3hrs, all the new trainees have practiced. It was luch time and we saw Bora unnie coming in.
"So how was your first 3hrs?"
"Tiring, but great! You know there's some cute trainee boys" whilst nudging me. I gave her the stare.
"Well that's Kiara for you, in a rush to find love. Remember we will become idols"
"That's a long time"
"I guess. We need love to be able to do music as well"
"Well that's someone talking with some experience" winking at Bora unnie.
"Hey, shut up! We shall not talk about it again" 
"Really?! From what I saw this morning you were nervous to see J---"
"Yah!" as I got up from the floor.
"Okay guys stop, your making a scene here" With a little chuckle.
Looking around I could see them looking at our direction. Then Mingyu and Doyoon came over. We bowed. 
"Hey guys. Hey Bora. I noticed how you haven't talked to us seventeen members yet" said Doyoon.
"Just that you know you guys are popular and the other trainees were all over you guys and you know you guys could have come and talked to us first, but ---"
"What she's trying to say is you guys were busy with something else"

"But we are really Happy to meet our sunbae, Seventeen" Then the other members came and had lunch with us and the other trainees so they won't be jealous. 
"So Bora, sounds like you know them pretty well" said Seungcheol who is amazing when he sings, dance, especially when he is rapping.
"Yeah, I do. I know all their secrets and and they know mine and I know I can trust them" whilst hugging us both.
"Maybe we can tell you this..." Wonwoo said and there goes Kiara staring at him with her beautiful eyes.
"You know Seungcheol hyung has always had a thing for Bora noona" Mingyu continued, but then a muscular arm went round Mingyu's neck and put him in headlock.  Bora unnie was shocked by what she just heard, whilst me and kiara coughed and choked by what Mingyu said. 

"Ahahahaha, you know, what a coincidence, bora unnie lik---" This time Bora unnie's arm went round Kiara's neck and put her in a headlock. 
We all laughed. Lol. 


I stood there, outside in the cold, waiting for Kiara, who has my scarf. I waved goodbye to the others and then I felt a warm, blue thing going round my neck. I turned to the side and saw Hansol, never I saw a seventeen member this close to me. 
"Kiara told me to give you this" he said with a smile

"Yeah we'll talk about it more tomorrow" I heard from my bias in Seventeen, Jihoon
"Yeah ok"                          That voice...
Hansol-ah Let's go" He said whilst they walked over to my direction. 
No, don't come over...Kiara! 
Umm, anyways we better get going as well, see you all tomorrow, Good Night" as she held onto my wrist and pulled me away. 
*sigh* ....Jay...



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RainaSeoyounKo #1
Chapter 41: OMG.
Ahhh im so ready for My Heart 2 !

Cicniskxjxos *jumps around my room like a madwomen*

Dawwww ao many cute couples in seventeen >:D

Chapter 39: can't wait for the next chapter.
RainaSeoyounKo #5
KIARA HAAS TO SAAY YESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: Kiara has to say yes!! <33
RainaSeoyounKo #7
Chapter 39: AWEEEEEE <3
I got more excited during the little Seokmin and Kiara scene ^3^
Chapter 39: Yay!! _____'s dad like Hansol!!!!!
Chapter 39: Your boxing day is on the 31st? In Canada, it's the day after christmas. Lol
Chapter 38: Ahahaha the ending's just A.OK ! Perfecto!

Hyori, it up, Hansol's already over u, i tell u again,