o8 ~ Mistakes

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Before you ask any questions, read what I've written below. 
I'm dead. 
Not now, at the time of writing this, I'm not. But very soon we will be. Nine members of our team are dead and now it's only me and Kris left. 
Very soon, we'll perish just like the others did. We'll die gruesome deaths and maybe, just maybe, our bodies may be found. But it'll be better if our bodies weren't found. The corpses so far, the ones that we can actually identify are disgusting and vomit inducing. 
Enclosed with this letter is my diary, and although I won't be able to post it, maybe someone will find it one day. My research is also there, but I don't think you will need it. 
The diary details everything that happened over the course of the almost month and all the deaths, plus evidence. Please treasure it - it will probably be the only proof that humanity shall ever have their hands on. I think Kris has a journal as well, but he's dying and I don't know where it is. I shall try to search for it, but at the moment I need to tend to him and finish up with his grave. 
In hindsight, it's good that you didn't come along, eh? The fact that they chose Sehun over you in the squad of eleven, isn't it? 
The events over the last few days have been bad. We came here thirty days ago, and you won't believe the carnage that occurred...
Please, Tao, don't try to save us. Just read the terror that shook us and never make the mistakes that we did. 
Day 1 afternoon
It's amazing! The arctic is sooooooooo cold and plus the beauty of the place is exquisite. Even though we're not here to harvest ice or whatever, we still played on the place for a while. Baekhyun threw my gloves onto the ice, but when I got them back, I threw him into the water. Hehe it was funny. 
We managed to find a spot for our base. It's really neat, a large cave with a medium opening and convenient compartments, six of them in total and almost identical in size. We've doubled up in each 'room', using four as bedrooms, the largest as the bathroom and the last one as a small cooking area, though I doubt we'll be doing any cooking here - all of our equipment has come with food, all packed in freeze dry packets and ready to eat. 
This is fantastic! I'm sort of dreading when we have to start work, though. Not looking forward to it. 
Day 1 night
OMG, can you believe it or not?! I can't sleep! I asked Joonmyun and he said it was because I was too hyped up from today. Pfft, can you believe that? 
I need to relieve myself. Will my pee go hard? So interesting, I have to find out!
Day 2 morning
Man, I want to kill Jongin! He dumped snow on my face to wake me up a few minutes ago. What a freaking jerk! 
Can you believe that I fell asleep on the toilet? Actually it's not a toilet, more like a hole with snow we put inside after we're done with our business. 
Turns out I was peeing and forgot to shovel snow on, thus I fell asleep with my face inches away from the frozen yellow. Freaked the heck out of me!
Going to murder Jongin now. Byeeeee
Day 2 afternoon 
Ok. I've calmed down now. 
I'm going to go crazy with happiness I'm so sorry for the lack of punctuation marks but that's how excited I am OMG I'll write later. 
Day 3 afternoon 
So I skipped writing for two periods. So what? It was awesome and I don't think I can phrase everything here, so whatever. Kyungsoo is especially happy now, and he won't stop jumping around and screaming. 
Day 4 afternoon
Something's...a little off about the pit that Chanyeol and Kyungsoo are investigating. Yixing told me he feels the place is cold all the time, and what's more, Sehun saw a humanoid figure even though there wasn't anyone there. Is it possibly haunted? I asked Chanyeol about this, but he just laughed in my face. 
Day 5 night
All right, it's really eerie, even though Chanyeol hasn't said a word about it yet, Kyungsoo has told Joonmyun and Kris that it's really creepy and there are odd sounds when they walk there. 
Today it's my turn to go investigate. Honestly, I really, really don't want to go. 
Day 6 morning
You won't believe what happened last night. To be honest, I'm still shaking from that experience. 
So I was walking into the tunnel, all right? With Minseok, and suddenly there was this vague shadow that just blinked in front of me. It scared the out of me and Minseok saw it too, so there's no denying that it didn't happen. It was like a cloud, white but translucent. 
I'm so glad that I'm only scheduled to go look there once a week. I haven't told the rest yet. 
Day 7 morning
Oh my freaking god. After a few days of our discovery, Luhan has gone missing. We searched the entire space for him, but he isn't there. All of his belongings which were stored in the cave are still there, so he hasn't run off or anything. He's just gone and it's really creepy. 
We've suspended our findings for a while until we manage to find Luhan. It's freaky, especially after what Minseok and I went through, that creepy figure. My heart is pounding so fast now it hurts. 
Day 7 night
OK, so this is Chanyeol borrowing Jongdae's diary for a while to report. Jongdae himself is asleep now, but it isn't peaceful here. 
Right now, Sehun and Kris are off trying to locate Luhan, and every few seconds they radio back frantically with no results of Luhan. 
I read the entries above and I don't seem like a very emotional person, eh? Well, let me tell you something. Truthfully, I'm going to crap my pants with all of this fear. 
Day 8 morning
Sorry, this is Chanyeol again. Jongdae's in a state of shock now, and he's crying too hard to update the diary. 
We found Luhan, but let's just say that he isn't alive. 
Yes, Luhan is dead. We found his corpse dumped right in the toilet room, bloated and rotting. The smell...ugh, it was disgusting. 
Jongdae isn't particularly close with Luhan...wasn't particularly close, but he found the body, explaining why he's like this. He isn't responding to anyone talking to him and is crying. 
We've brought the black corpse for a failed autopsy. Since Jongin is our junior pathologist, we had him see how Luhan died, but to no avail. 
The most disturbing thing is that usually, blood will pool at the bottom of the body, but we checked and Luhan's back had no signs of blood. He doesn't have any more blood to pool, and the only sign of how he died is a small pinch on his throat. That's all. 
I don't think Jongdae will be able to write in here, and I'm not that free - hell, no one is now - but I'll try to get whoever's free to update it. 
, Jongin just asked us to go and check the cadaver. He's found something and says that...Luhan...
Day 8 night
This afternoon was probably the goriest in my entire life. I've never seen so many...entrails strewn around in such a horrifying fashion. 
So Chanyeol wrote that Jongin found something, right? Well, I see Chanyeol didn't elaborate and say that Luhan's chest abruptly fell into pieces. His heart, lungs, stomach and guts gushed out, and what's more...they were all chopped into pieces. 
Jongin says that it isn't possible for someone to murder a person like that, so we're all on edge now. Now it's just one death, and who knows what's next? 
Day 9 afternoon
You didn't expect me to continue writing, eh? We're all taking turns to do so, and I guess I didn't want to think about Luhan's death any more...so yes, I'll be writing here today. 
My previous posts seem so silly now that the situation has worsened a tenfold. Why was I so happy? Just a day ago, I came into brush with death, and it was simply shocking. 
I never want to go out again, but I have to. We're stuck here till the end of the month. We have no choice. 
Day 9 night 
Oh . I just heard a soft whining noise in the room beside me. The freakiest thing is that there isn't a room beside Baekhyun's, Jongdae's and mine...
Fack. A thud. 
I don't dare to venture outside. It's dangerous.  
I'm such a coward. 
Day 10 morning 
This isn't happening again, it can't be. Sehun and Minseok have disappeared, and as with Luhan, their belongings are still safe in their rooms. Joonmyun, Jongin and Kyungsoo, Joonmyun being Minseok's roommate and Jongin and Kyungsoo being Sehun's, are shocked. They all said last night, the two were safe. 
I really don't want to find their bodies, hell, I don't want them to be dead. Does the noise I heard last night have any relation to the disappearances? 
Day 10 night
All of our equipment has gone missing or is broken, lying in shards. Now we cannot contact the outside world. 
We are truly trapped here. 
Day 11 afternoon
I'm sorry for not writing this for today, although Chanyeol seems to have done well updating the thing. 
We're hoping to find Minseok and Sehun, but tonight...I met the apparition again. The blinking one. 
I was in the toilet, relieving myself. After shoveling snow, I tried opening the door, but it was jammed. So I tried kicking it open, but it stayed jammed. It was like that and I shouted for help, because that happens sometimes, but suddenly it was as if someone had deafened me. 
At that precise moment, two red eyes appeared in front of me and the red eyes grew a body, snakelike and slender. I don't think I can describe its face because I would've gone blind if I looked at it, I knew. 
I heard something like a whip snapping and then the thing just vanished. The door swung open and concerned, Yixing and Joonmyun burst in. 
I nearly peed in my pants once more when I saw the...thing? Is it a ghost? I don't think I can sleep tonight. 
Day 11 night
We have lost another member of our party, but the worst thing is that now, I was part of the whole thing. We were walking in the snow, calling out to each other, when suddenly I saw this bright flash of light that blinded me. 
Then two red eyes appeared, and I heard a soft whining noise. It scared the out of me, and I tried yelling for Yixing, but my vocal cords had frozen and I couldn't call out. 
I stayed like that, paralyzed, when my torch flickered off. Joonmyun found me and saved me from a certain death. The red eyes disappeared, and Joonmyun didn't see them. 
We called out for Yixing, and I was squinting in the darkness when I spotted him. 
Then the same whining noise, but this time by my ear, followed by a dark, maniacal laugh. Joonmyun definitely heard it and stared at me, shocked beyond words. 
Something breathed hotly down my neck and my legs pumped by themselves, forcing me to move. I ran, dragging Joonmyun with me, and saw Yixing. 
There was a large crevasse right in front of him, with a wide slit in the snow Yixing was standing on. He turned around and I swear, his expression, lighted by Joonmyun's torch, was haunted. 
A short bark of crazed laughter. 
Then wind blew so strongly, so unlike the Arctic, and Yixing...Yixing never stood a chance. He plummeted straight down, and a few seconds later we heard the dull crack. 
We called out for him, but it was clear he was dead. 
Joonmyun and I are going to try to retrieve the body tomorrow morning, but for now we're too disturbed to do anything. 
Now we have two confirmed dead, two missing, and who knows what's next? 
Day 12 afternoon
Kris and Joonmyun went to pull the body out of the place where Yixing had fallen, and I decided to follow. Kris told me not to, both of them did, but I persisted, even though I was rather unnerved by their dark looks. 
Now I'm really regretting the decision. The stench from the dead body is overpowering and I think I'm seeing things. 
I really wish I was joking about that. I just saw a shadow flick around Joonmyun and Kris, and then it dissolved into the white ground. 
It resurfaced a few minutes ago, but this time it sank into the crevasse and didn't come out. 
Day 12 night
We managed to retrieve Yixing's body and lay it beside Luhan's, but it's so badly decomposed I can't believe it's only been a day. 
However, we didn't retrieve the body...
Baekhyun told us in the afternoon that there was something wrong, that there was a dark aura. Not hearing the laugh, I dismissed it, but Baekhyun began acting up crazily. 
And then there was a cold gust of wind, exactly the one that I had felt the night before. 
Yixing's body levitated out of the gigantic hole in the ground. 
Yes, it's true. Aided by unknown forces, his body hung in the air above us for a few seconds before it slammed to the ground. There was a horrifying snap and blood exploded out, covering us in the sticky substance. 
His eyes have been gouged out and his teeth ripped out from his gums, the gums themselves seemingly having been torn apart, thrown through a paper shredder...it's disgusting. His nose and lips have been stitched together, and his ears have been cut off and were sewn into his empty eye sockets. His head has been cracked open and brains have dribbled out of the hole, slopping messily onto the snow. 
Other than that, his body is perfect, untouched. It's the unspeakable gore on Yixing's head that's sickening. What sort of sick beast could've done this? He couldn't possibly have sustained those tortures just by falling down a crevasse. 
Day 13 afternoon
Sehun and Minseok are dead. That's all I can stomach to write so far. 
Day 14 morning 
I'll describe what happened to them so poor Jongdae doesn't have to...
Remember, Joonmyun, Kyungsoo and Jongin are all roommates of at least one of the dead. 
The victims' blood...were used to soak the rooms, faeces were strewn around and on the door of the toilet was written...
'Don't hide' in blood. 
Sehun and Minseok mysteriously appeared alongside Yixing and Luhan, disfigured and mutilated mercilessly. 
Day 15 morning
Today, another message came written in blood, and Sehun's body went missing. 
'Don't mess with us' 
What's more, Jongin has fallen ill, coughing up blood and retching often. His temperature is sky high and he looks as pale as death. Fits come and go, the cold shakes overwhelm him, and he appears as if he's going to die. 
Day 16 afternoon
Very bad news. Kyungsoo has contracted the same disease as Jongin, and now both have been isolated in the faeces-covered room of theirs. 
Sehun's body has re-appeared in our makeshift morgue, but his head has been cut off, his tongue seemingly stapled to his chest. 
I have a feeling supernatural forces are at work here. 
Day 16 night
I heard the same whining noise tonight, only there was a growl and a shaky scream that came with it. Baekhyun and Jongdae don't seem to have heard it. 
. Oh no 
You can't escape 
Day 17 afternoon
Chanyeol is dead. The post above was unsigned, the last three words having being written in purple ink and stamped with a hexagon. 
Red eyes? These are what Kris has reported as well...and with my experiences with the tentacle whip, I don't think this bodes well for us. 
Day 18 morning
Jongin and Kyungsoo are getting weaker and weaker, their anguished cries, begging us to save them. But none of us are going near them, in pure cowardice and fear of contracting the mystery virus. 
Yes, to keep it blunt, we are leaving them to die. It's disgusting. But we have to do it. 
Day 18 afternoon 
Both of the diseased ones are dying, I can tell. In fact, I think they have hours to live, not even a day. 
Why do I think this? Well, the creature just made an appearance. It was the same as all of the reported ones: Red eyes, glittering with hate, and then a long, slender body, no face, a sound of a whip snapping. 
A cold wind was also present. Soft whines and growls, as well. This time though, it was an angel of death, I'm almost a hundred percent sure. Leathery, black wings unfolded out of the thing's back and it made a throaty chuckling sound near my ear before it disappeared. 
The screams continue. 
Day 19 morning
For some reason, I am feeling rather weak now. It can't be the disease, though I vomited a few minutes ago. Nothing to worry about, I hope. 
Day 19 night
They lived longer than I expected, honestly. But now Jongin and Kyungsoo are both dead. 
The remaining of us dared to enter the room, musky with disease and death, when the howls of pain and fear stopped, and we saw two unmoving corpses. 
And then, the angel of death was floating over them. It laughed, a chilling cackle, before it disappeared, and Baekhyun fell to the ground. We discovered that he was both deafened and muted - permanently. 
Day 20 morning 
I didn't notice just how little of us there are now. Luhan, Sehun, Minseok, Chanyeol, Jongin, Kyungsoo and Yixing are all gone, leaving a deaf and mute Baekhyun, Kris, Joonmyun and myself, all who are not in the best physical state. Sometimes I feel as if the world is twisting, turning, and I throw up. 
Kris and Joonmyun aren't that hot either, in terms of both mental and physical health. They're still shaken from Yixing's death, especially Kris, and Joonmyun seems to have lost everything he owns - his strength, his mind, his sanity. He's quiet most of the times. 
There isn't any noise, or anyone to make any noise, and Baekhyun himself can no longer hear or make noise, spending most of his times studying the corpses. We only talk to each other through pathetic hand gestures. We still don't know why that happened to him, but our best guess is that it was the 'angel of death', as Kris has dubbed it. 
The hauntings have screeched to a stop now, though. 
Day 21 night
The past day has been uneventful and since I'm incapable of talking now, what else can I do but record my thoughts here?
It's so unfair. Why can't I communicate now? I can't speak or hear what they're saying and they treat me differently now, as if I'm not one of them. 
Now, all of us are in one room, the others having being deserted in favour of us being safe as one. 
Jongdae is throwing up uncontrollably. Does he have the disease? Tonight I'm not going to sleep so near him. 
Day 22 afternoon
Joonmyun has contracted the fatal disease that was started by Jongin and Kyungsoo. We've isolated him in the room of darkness, where Jongin and Kyungsoo were held before they died. He screams of terrifying hallucinations and begs to be freed, all to a mystery creature. We don't want to investigate. It's the Jongin/Kyungsoo escapade all over again, only this time it's much worse because we are so little in number. 
Day 24 morning
The previous day has not seen any action, but I found Baekhyun dead, his throat carved open and eyes rolled to the back of his head. We didn't bother with an autopsy now - we know the angel of death killed him. 
An ear piercing scream pierced the air last night, and then, the crazy giggling which sent chills down my spine. The angel of death. 
Why does this angel of death want to murder us? Have we trespassed? We were innocent, and we have nowhere to go now. 
Day 25 afternoon
It's funny how we don't interact any more. We're all going to die, so why waste our time? 
Joonmyun is still crying. 
Day 27 morning
Double attack punched me in the gut - I saw the angel of death again, and someone was running fingers down my back. Hallucinations of shock drove me crazy and now Kris has fallen foul to the sickness. 
Day 28 afternoon
I think I'm going to die. Please stop this suffering, angel. 
Day 29 morning
Joonmyun was a good man. He was kind and brave, and never raised his voice. I'm sorry. I should be dead instead of him. Kim Joonmyun is dead. 
Day 29 night
The disease has progressed quickly in Kris and he will die by tomorrow. I don't want to stay alive. 
Day 30 morning 
Alas, I too have fallen ill and right now, Kris and I are in each other's arms, suffering the sickness together, going insane as one. 
Day 30 afternoon
When I awoke, Kris was dead, his mouth torn open and his tongue savagely pulled out. It was on the wall of the room, written in purple ink was 'You can't escape'. 
I'm dying. 
Now I know I am dying. I am dying. I only had enough strength to write the note to Tao before I collapsed. 
I am staring at the ceiling, praying for the suffering to end. I stare at Kris and Joonmyun's corpses in the corner, disfigured and ugly. 
The angel of death appears, and for once I see its face. So beautiful...
It reaches out and I drop the diary, the cold book cover slinking under my back. 
The angel of death smiles tenderly and in a flash, draws a knife, striking through my heart. 
I'm going, I'm going...I'm gone. 

Name: Nadine

Age: 11

Country: Singapore (-1 Korea, so it's somewhere near Korea's time)

Story Title: Mistakes


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Chapter 8: good job. an 11 year old singaporean. IM SO PROUD OF U OMG.
Chapter 12: Okay....i understand why people chose this one. I laughed at the first sentence.
KpopLover415 #4
Chapter 20: 32,22,20,13,14,12,10,8
Chapter 12: I personally think that 22 and 12 are the most popular...is there still a need to keep voting? LOL
wondergirl49 #6
Chapter 22: I'm gonna vote for 22
XiuMinMin_ #7
Chapter 12: voting for le 12 :D

is it the only crack fic? lol
shiningUnicorn411 #8
Chapter 12: 12 for sure. period. xD
black_pearl88 #9
Chapter 22: I vote for 22!

Mine KaiSoo Feelings