o7 ~ A World Of Chances

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A world of chances~

“Kris gets up!” Tao says as he shakes me to fully wake up.


“What! Where’s Amelie,” I mumbled into the pillows, my voice deep and raspy.


“She’s already gone with the girls. You need to get up Kris!”


I groan turning over, looking up at Toa I give him a huge grin. “I’m getting married today,”


For two years Amelie and I had to plan our wedding through phone calls, text messages, and webcams. With Exo going worldwide we were going on tours having only weeks to rest, before starting again. I’ll admit it was hard planning the wedding, especially for Amelie. Every single detail she wanted to pass by me. There were times I couldn’t be reached and she would get upset.


It was difficult for both of us because I wanted to be there planning my wedding, and with Exo at the same time. I remember there were days when we were in tour and I would break down before a show. I was exhausted, stressed out, and I wanted to see Amelie.


Tao and Kai were always there for me though, to pick me up when times got hard. Without them or the rest of the guys I don’t think I would have survived to be here today.


I sat on the edge of the bed stretching out. “Are the boys here already?” I asked him.


“Yeah, Luhan and Sehun are on their way, and the rest of the guys have showered and are getting ready.” He patted my back. “You nervous?”


I shook my head. There was no reason for me to be nervous about today, I have been looking forward for this since I asked her to marry me. A small smile spreads on my lips as I remembered that day.


Amelie and I had met in Vancouver, Canada; she used to work at a café I normally went to when I was in town. She caught my attention right away because she was tall. She was a few inches shorter than me and it amazed me, I had never meant a girl around my height.

She won me with her smile though-that smile its what makes my day. I went to the café everyday; even before I would get there she would have my coffee ready. She knew who I was and what I do, but she never asked me about my career. She seemed to be more interested in me.


We started dating a few weeks before I went back to Korea. I had no idea how we were going to make it work. I could tell she was thinking the same but neither of us broke it off. For half a year, I called everyday, I had to hide myself in the closest to just talk to her, since the guys would be asleep.


When the tour ended I had made up my mind, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Tao and I went to a jewelry store in Korea and we picked out a engagement ring. I didn’t care if it had a huge diamond on it, or if it was the simplest ring. I just wanted to make her mine.


I got her an all around in-crested diamond ring, I didn’t even ask for the price, the ring was the one I wanted for her. Arriving back to Vancouver, Amelie was waiting for me at the terminal gate. Taking in a deep breath, I walked up to her, got on knee and proposed in the middle of the airport.


She couldn’t even speak, her hands covered , and tears were streaming down her face. She finally nodded and that’s when I knew that I was the happiest man alive.


I was fixing my tie when Karina, Amelie’s best friend barged in. Clear panic was shown on her face.


“We can’t find her,” She spat out.


“Who can’t you find?” I asked.


“Amelie, we got her ready and we all went into the room to change, and when we came out she was gone.”


The guys all looked at me with concerned expressions on their face. I couldn’t show them I was panicking; if I panicked they would panic too. I inhale deeply, where had she gone?


“Have you looked for her?”


She nodded. “She’s been missing for an hour, Kris. The wedding starts in twenty-minutes.”


My mind was going on over-drive. Ameilie wasn’t the girl to do this; she wouldn’t runaway, especially on our wedding day. If she didn’t want to get married she would’ve told me, she wouldn’t cause a big scene like this.

“We can go find her,” Chanyeol offered.


“No, finish getting ready. I’ll go look for her,”


“Kris,” I heard Toa say.


“No, she didn’t. She wouldn’t,” My voice cracking at the end.


I ran out the room towards the stairs. Today we were getting married in her parent’s country home. Ever since she was little she loved coming here for the summer. This place was her dream home. When I asked about the venue she said it was already covered. I thought she would pick one of the top places in Vancouver, but she picked here.


We had spent a week here before the wedding; she would run off in the morning to the lake. She said every time she missed me or felt like she couldn’t handle the pressure she would go there.


No one knew Amelie as much as I do. I knew where she was but I was afraid of what was going to happen. There was a part of me who knew maybe she didn’t want to marry me after all. It broke my heart thinking she would leave me on our wedding day.


I found her at the end of the deck by the lake. The reception was being held right in front of it, but from it was being held you couldn't see her. They could have searched for her everywhere and they would never think to look for her here.


Her back was facing towards me. She was sobbing like a child. The only thing that hurts me more than not being able to interact with my fans, is hearing Amelie cry. Her pain can be the death of me. I wanted to approach her and tell her for whatever reason she was crying, it was going to be okay. But my feet wouldn't bulge. I felt my eyes watering too; she really was upset.


"Amelie..." My voice trailed off.


She quickly turned around, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. "Kris, what are you doing here?"


Her eyes were red and puffy, and mascara trails were down her cheek. Even with her being in distress she looked beautiful. She truly was my princess.


"Why are you crying?" I asked her.


"I had a overwhelming moment," She tried to give me a smile.


I walked up to her and picked up her face so she could look at me. "Tell me,"


Her eyes began to water again. "I'm scared." She confessed. "I'm scared I won't be able to live with out you,"


"I'm not going any where. There isn't any reason for you to be scared."


She took hold of my hand and took it away from her face. "I know your not going anywhere. But when you have to go back to Korea, you spend months there, and I don't know if I want to live a life like that," Her face scrunched up in pain.


"Exo is part of my life. I know I'm gone for long periods of time, but it never bothered you before,"


Why was she all of a sudden worried about this? We made it work in the past and we could make it work now.


"It hurts though, I know I can't make you choose between Exo or me. I love the guys and I know you love your job. And that's why it makes this so hard," She cried.


There was always a concern in the back of mind this would happen. It was bound to come across; I know it not easy for her. It isn't easy for me. Having to be gone for long periods of times is an issue. I don't want her to feel alone or having her cry like this. There comes a time when you have to choose between what you love and what matters. Giving her up would be ripping out a piece of my heart, and leaving Exo would be like killing a part of me. I couldn't win. Someone had to lose.


"I have moved mountains before to be with you, and I'll do it again." I whispered. "Life with me isn't going to be easy, but it'll be worth it. I know you’re scared about the future and so am I, but we can face it together,"


Amelie runs into my arms hugging me tightly around my torso. "Why am I so scared to lose you when you’re already mine," She sobbed.


I wrapped my arms around her, kissing her forehead. "I don't know, but don't ever scare me like this," I whispered. "I'll go crazy if I lose you,"


"I got upset because I heard the girls talking about you leaving and I having to stay. They said it would be hard for our relationship, I was scared they might be right," She sniffled.


I rolled my eyes. Her friends never really were the best supporters. Karina, I could count on her when I'm away, but the rest their lost causes.


"They don't know the relationship we have," I told her.


She nodded. "We're unbreakable,"


"We are." I smiled.


From where we were standing I could hear the guys calling out for me. Amelie stood back smiling at me. We were ready. I took hold of her hand; together we walked back to the house. Karina took her upstairs to fix her make up, and I went outside to the gazebo. Tao was standing there with a smile on his face.


"She's okay?"


I nodded. "Yeah, she nearly made me die." I laughed.


The music started playing, I straighten myself out and looked at the white glass doors. I was eager for this to happen. Even what happened earlier I think it has made us stronger. They opened; standing there with a bouquet of flowers in her hand was Amelie. Her eyes weren't red and puffy; they had redone her make-up. She wasn't frowning but instead a huge smile plastered on her beautiful face.


"This is it, you ready?" I heard Tao whisper behind me.


I smiled happily. "I'm ready to spend my whole life with her,"



Name: Gladys Vanessa

Country: Texas

Age: 18

Title: A World of Chances

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Chapter 8: good job. an 11 year old singaporean. IM SO PROUD OF U OMG.
Chapter 12: Okay....i understand why people chose this one. I laughed at the first sentence.
KpopLover415 #4
Chapter 20: 32,22,20,13,14,12,10,8
Chapter 12: I personally think that 22 and 12 are the most popular...is there still a need to keep voting? LOL
wondergirl49 #6
Chapter 22: I'm gonna vote for 22
XiuMinMin_ #7
Chapter 12: voting for le 12 :D

is it the only crack fic? lol
shiningUnicorn411 #8
Chapter 12: 12 for sure. period. xD
black_pearl88 #9
Chapter 22: I vote for 22!

Mine KaiSoo Feelings