o32 ~ Lucky

♡ єχσgℓσвαℓ12 Admin Search One Shot Writing Contest! ♡


The sound of laughter and screams filled your ears, even if you had already walked away from the carnival minutes ago. The sun was going to start setting behind the sky any moment now, while the laughs of teenagers and children remained strong. Your feet were sore from all of the walking around today even though you were wearing a pair of worn sneakers that somehow still fit you. You were hand-in-hand with Chanyeol, your boyfriend, who swung both of your intertwined hands playfully. Chanyeol was a giant compared to you, towering over pretty much everyone no matter where you went. When you got lost in a crowd, he would tower over and look for his short girlfriend, coming to your side within seconds after spotting you. Chanyeol was the first person you’ve ever dated, and the relationship has been strong for nearly a year already. You both got along so well, as a couple, and as long-time friends.

Suddenly your foot caught on a piece of loose gravel and you stumbled, Chanyeol’s strong arms preventing you from wiping out on your face as they grabbed you around the waist tightly. You blinked and steadied yourself, a pair of big dark eyes meeting yours worriedly.

“Yah, jagiya, are you alright? You almost face-planted on gravel!” Chanyeol asked quickly, checking to make sure you were alright. You smiled and nodded. “I’m okay, Channie. My feet are just tired from all of the walking around today and I must not have been paying attention to where I was walking,” you admit with a small chuckle. Chanyeol huffed and stepped out in front of you, kneeling down with his back facing you. You stared at him with a confused look until he turned his head to look at you.

“Get on. I’ll carry you.”

You looked at him, still with a confused expression on your face. It’s not like you were that light! You weren’t like other girls, slim and tall. You were short with some small curves, and surely you weighed more!

“Channie, I-I don’t think that’s the best idea. I’m too hea-“you were cut off, squealing when Chanyeol backed up and grabbed the back of your legs, forcefully pushing your body onto his back. Before you could move, he pushed you up and held onto your legs, standing up with complete ease as he succeeded in giving you a piggy-back ride. He looked back up at you, smiling. “That wasn’t necessary, Channie….” You mutter while a small blush escapes your cheeks, Chanyeol hoisting you up more until you were just right. He was always so gentle and he cared so much about your well-being.

“But I wanted to do it,” Chanyeol replied without another word, adjusting the black fashion glasses on his face, before carrying you away from the carnival.


10 minutes later, Chanyeol and you had reached the edge of town. The carnival was just outside and within walking distance of the small family-run businesses skirting the edges of town. He stopped in front of an ice cream shop, few people mingling around the area, as it was evening already and the shop was nearing closing time. He knelt down slightly and you slid off his back, wincing when your feet hit the ground, but the pain went away in seconds. Your feet felt much better now that they were rested enough to walk some more. Chanyeol opened the door and both of you entered the small old-fashioned shop, bowing and greeting the owners and employees. You loved ice cream, and so did Chanyeol. He’s known about your love of ice cream for the 5 years that you’ve known each other, and he laughed every time you dragged him inside an ice cream shop whenever you were both on a date. You went up to where the ice cream was and eagerly looked at each flavor, Chanyeol coming to tower next to you. He already knew what kind you wanted.

“Two cones; one vanilla and the other strawberry please,” he said to the female employee, who nodded and began getting you your ice cream. When she finished, she handed the ice cream to Chanyeol, who gave you the strawberry, giving a couple of won to the lady. You both thanked her and on the way out, you hopped like a little kid down the steps and landed on the street, sitting in a metal chair outside of the shop eating your ice cream. Chanyeol sat in front of you, and a song began to play, and you recognized it as EXO’s Lucky. It was a very pleasant song, and you sang along to the beginning until during the chorus Chanyeol caught you off guard.

“Jagiya, I think this song describes us together.” You looked at Chanyeol for a moment and laughed.

“Channie, we weren’t both born in Korea. I wasn’t born here, silly.”

“But we do speak the same language! You’ll see soon enough. Now, how about we go watch the sunset again?” You sighed and nodded, letting Chanyeol finish up his ice cream, as you had finished awhile ago. Chanyeol then stood up and took your hand, going into a jog with you next to him. But because you had just eaten, you laughed, hurting your stomach. “Channie, stop! You’re going too fast! I’m going to throw up all over you!” you managed to get out, your boyfriend laughing before speeding up.


He ignored you. You couldn’t stop laughing though, and his deep laughter only made it worse. And finally, you had reached your destination without throwing up all over you boyfriend.

I can call your name and I can hold your hand

Is the falling sunlight only shining on me? Can I be this happy?

You call my name and you lean on my shoulder

Chanyeol looked at you as you both climbed a flight of stairs, opening the old door with his big hand, sunlight hitting you as you slowly walked through. Your hand immediately shielded your eyes from the sudden direct light until you made it out of the stairwell, your light-colored eyes adjusting gradually. You were both standing on the rooftop of a building, not a very high one, but it wasn’t a one level building. The sun was right in front of the both of you, and the way the light hit Chanyeol made him look dazzling. His hair shone like liquid gold, reflecting the color of the sun, and his usually dark colored eyes were a warm chocolate brown.

Is the sky’s sunlight shining only on you?

Can you be that dazzling? So lucky, my love

Both you and Chanyeol sat down on the edge of the building, on another small roof that could hold just about a couple of people. The view was amazing, but the view of the man sitting next to you was far greater then any sunset on the face of the earth; just by looking at him made your heart and stomach do little flips of joy, and the reality of having someone like him as you boyfriend was simply wonderful.

The two of you lay down on the roof, enjoying each other’s company when Chanyeol got an idea, resting one elbow to face you with a grin on his lips.

“Hey, let’s take a photo, jagiya,” Chanyeol said softly as he pulled out his phone from his back pocket. You nodded and sat up, turning around so the sunset could be seen behind you, Chanyeol doing the same. He raised his phone above the both of you and SNAP!

You grabbed his phone immediately after the photo was taken and went into the photo library, Chanyeol pointing the recently taken picture out for you. One tap on that picture was all it took to make you feel warm inside. The picture was beautiful, with the sun setting behind you in colors of red, orange, yellow, and purple. Your head was rested on the side of his face, Chanyeol’s signature ‘Happy Virus’ smile bringing the picture to life.

We smile brightly in the photo, we’re a perfect harmony

I think I’m a lucky guy, it’s so good like we’re in a fairytale of our dreams

Oh my God, it’s the best thing to hear

Her voice melts me like ice cream

She is picture perfect.

“Oppa, this is my favorite picture we’ve ever taken. And this feels like our first date again,” you say softly, setting the picture to his phone wallpaper, not forgetting to send it to yourself to keep forever. Because you’re my first, because this song is about you I’m smiling like this, so only you can see, are you looking at me right now? I have a new dream, it’s to be one a better man Because your eyes that look at me Make me run once again more than anything else Chanyeol smiled and wrapped your arms around you, pulling you into his lap while he gave you a soft kiss on your cheek, letting your back rest on his chest while you both watched the sunset together. You suddenly looked up at him, still holding his phone in your hands. “I think I understand why our song is Lucky, Channie,” you whisper, your breath tickling his chin.

“Oh? And what would that be?” Chanyeol looked down at you curiously with a smile.

“It’s because I’m lucky to have someone like you in my life. I think I’m the luckiest girl alive. I’ll always be lucky…. And I always will be.”

So lucky, my love.

So lucky to have you 

So lucky to be your love

I am.

Name: Serena Etcheson
Country: United States
Age: 13 (14 on September 29th)
Title of one-shot: Lucky

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Chapter 8: good job. an 11 year old singaporean. IM SO PROUD OF U OMG.
Chapter 12: Okay....i understand why people chose this one. I laughed at the first sentence.
KpopLover415 #4
Chapter 20: 32,22,20,13,14,12,10,8
Chapter 12: I personally think that 22 and 12 are the most popular...is there still a need to keep voting? LOL
wondergirl49 #6
Chapter 22: I'm gonna vote for 22
XiuMinMin_ #7
Chapter 12: voting for le 12 :D

is it the only crack fic? lol
shiningUnicorn411 #8
Chapter 12: 12 for sure. period. xD
black_pearl88 #9
Chapter 22: I vote for 22!

Mine KaiSoo Feelings