o19 ~ The Surgery

♡ єχσgℓσвαℓ12 Admin Search One Shot Writing Contest! ♡

The Surgery

“Hey, _______-ah. Can you come over to my house today? I have something to tell you.” Chanyeol said.

“Okay Channie. I’ll come over right now. Is that alright?” I said.

“Yeah, it’s okay. See you.” Chanyeol stated.

“See you.” I answered.

I hung up. He’s finally going to tell me what’s been bothering him. That’s good, because I wasn’t sure if I should ask him myself. I thought.

I walked over to my bag that was on my chair, and dropped my iPhone into it. Then I went to my closet and picked out a plaid pink shirt and light blue jeans. After I had dressed, I picked up my bag and ran downstairs.

“_______, where are you going?”

I looked behind me and there my mom was, wearing an apron with flour all over her hands.

“Oh, I’m just going to Channie’s house. Is that okay? I won’t take long. I should be back in hour. Maybe earlier.” I said.

“Sure, you can go to Chanyeol’s house darling.” Mom looks out the window. “I think you should take a jacket too. It looks cold out there.”

“Okay Mom.” I ran to the door, took my Hollister sweater out of the closet and put the sweater and my converse sneakers on. “Bye Mom!”

“Bye honey!” My mom answered.

I opened the door, stepped outside, and closed it behind me. I’m glad Mom told me to bring a sweater. It’s so cold! But then, it is winter soon. I thought, while breathing in the cold air. My neighborhood looked really pretty with all the trees having different color leaves you realized. I said wistfully, “I’ll miss you when you’re gone autumn <3. But right now, I have to get to Channie’s house.” Then I started off to his house.


~15 Minutes Later~

I looked up at Channie’s house. It was a light red, like the color of fire. The windows were spotless and had blue hydrangeas flowers on the windowsills. I walked to the front door, and rang the doorbell. After waiting a few seconds, the door opened. It was Chanyeol’s mom.

“Oh, _______, you’re here. Chanyeol! _______ is here!” Chanyeol’s mom yelled.

I heard a door open upstairs, and down came Chanyeol.

“Channie!!” I ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

He hugged me back, and smiled. He said, “C’mon, _______-ah!” He took my hand and dragged me upstairs into his room. He made me sit on his messy bed and he let go of my hand to close the door. Then Chanyeol walked over, sat next to me and took my hand. “_______-ah, I want you to listen closely.”

“Okay.” I responded.

“I have this disease called autosomal dominant polycystic kidney. I got diagnosed because I have one cyst in each kidney. When it gets to the end stage, which is when I’m between forty and sixty years old, I will have a very low life expectancy.” He said slowly.

I gasp. “Low life expectancy….so you might die?” I start tearing up.

Chanyeol notices my tears. “No, no, no! Don’t cry _______-ah!” He lifts up my chin and leans in slowly, kissing you on my lips. I blush and kiss him back.

He pulls away and wipes my tears with his hands. “I need to have a kidney transplant. That’s the only way I can live longer.” Chanyeol says.

“Have you scheduled for that?” I asked.

“Yes, this Thursday, at that hospital Asan Medical Center.” He answered.

“Thursday? Today is Tuesday. So it’s in two days. Okay. I don’t think I’m busy that day. I’ll go with you, sitting there in the waiting room, praying for it to go well.” I said.

“You’ll be there? Waiting for me? I love you _______-ah!” He opens his arms wide and I lean in and hug him.

“I love you too!” I exclaimed.


~The Next Day~

Chanyeol and I were in the park sitting in the grass. There were many people in the park. Toddlers were going Whoosh! Down the slide, girls were swinging on the swings, boys were shooting hoops, parents were sitting on the bench talking, women were jogging, and men were checking out the ladies.

“I’m worried _______-ah. Even if it’s successful, I could get diagnosed with something else. I looked it up, and the website said that I could get lymphoma, a type of blood cancer.” Chanyeol sighed.

“Channie! It’ll be fine! It’s a living donor right? So if they have healthy kidneys, it’ll be fine.” I insisted. “And I’ll be there, cheering for a successful transplant!”

“Everything is better when my _______-ah is by my side chanting. Even if we aren’t really side-by-side.” Chanyeol grinned.

I smiled and kissed his soft cheeks. I said, “Of course it is!”

“Successful! Successful! Successful!” Chanyeol chanted, standing up, pumping his fist in the air. “Let my surgery be successful! Successful! Successful!”

I stood up too, pumped my fist in the air and chanted, “Successful! Successful!”

People looked at Chanyeol and I strangely and we both stopped and sat down, embarrassed.

“Successful!” Chanyeol whispered.

I laughed and Chanyeol kissed me <3.



~The Next Day, At The Hospital~

The car screeched to a stop. Chanyeol, his mom and I unbuckled our seatbelts, opened the car doors and stepped outside into the parking lot. I stretched, because I was feeling kind of stiff. “Ahhh. That feels MUCH better.” I said.

Chanyeol walked over to me and took my hand. He pointed to the hospital and said, “Let’s go!”

“Okay okay.” His mom said. She locked the car and started walking toward the hospital, with Chanyeol and I behind her.

The doors opened automatically when we neared the door and the three of us stepped inside. The air smelled strongly of medicine. We all walked toward the front desk and Chanyeol’s mom told them that Chanyeol was there for his kidney transplant.

“Okay, go to room 61.” The lady said.

“Thank you.” Chanyeol’s mom replied.

Chanyeol squeezed my hand that was still in his. He said nervously, “This surgery will go well. It will be successful. Successful!” He pumped his fist in the air like he did at the park.

“Successful!” I confirmed. I went on my tippie-toes and kissed his soft lips. “For good luck.”

Chanyeol smiled and swung me around, while kissing me passionately. He stopped when we heard someone clear their throat.

“Ahem. It’s time for you to come in Mr. Park Chanyeol.” The surgeon said in a serious tone.

“Okay. See you later Mom, _______.” He smiled nervously.

Chanyeol walked in, and after him followed the surgeon, who closed the door behind them.

Now is the hard part, waiting. Doesn’t it take 3-4 hours? Ugh. I hope Channie comes out alright though. Please God! Let Channie have a successful transplant! I prayed.

“I hope this goes well. I don’t want my precious son to have a kidney problem and lymphoma.” Chanyeol’s mom said sadly.

“It will go well. These surgeons are professionals. They know what they’re doing.” I said. But everyone makes mistakes. I hope one of them don’t today! I thought.

“Hopefully you’re right.” She answered.


~Three Hours Later~

We both saw the surgeon from earlier walk towards the door and we jumped up. After he had stepped outside, I asked, “How was it? Was it a success?” I could feel my heart pounding in my ears.

“It was………a success!” the surgeon smiled. “He came out fine. No problems at all. He just needs to recover from the surgery.”

I started jumping up and down and Chanyeol’s mom starting crying from happiness. “Successful! Successful!” I exclaimed, pumping my fist. “My Channie is alright!”

“Shhh. We have other patients too. Don’t be too loud and bother them.” The surgeon put a finger up to his lips.

“Sorry!” I murmured. “When will we be able to visit him?”

“When he wakes up is a good time. That should be very soon.” The surgeon looks inside the room. “Oh he’s awake.”

“He is? He is! Excuse me, I have to go in.” I ran to Chanyeol, and his mom followed me. “Channie!” I hold his hand.

“_______-ah. Mom. Hi. I’m guessing it went well?” He asked weakly.

“Yes, it did son. Now rest. Don’t you want to get better?” His mom said.

“Of course I do. But can you leave first? I want to talk to _______ alone. If that’s okay.” Chanyeol stated.

“It’s okay. Bye son!” She waved.

“Bye!” Chanyeol waved back. “So. ______-ah, how were you with waiting?”

“I was bored and worried out of my mind!” I admitted.

“Really?” Chanyeol asked. I nodded. “Wow.”

“When you get out of the hospital, can we see the person who donated their kidneys to you? We should thank them.” I suggested.

“Oh yeah! Of course! I have to thank them! Thanks for reminding me _______-ah!” His voice cracked. “I forgot that I can’t talk too loudly. Oops!”

“Channie. You need sleep! Bye bye~ I hope you rest peacefully.” I blow a kiss towards Chanyeol. “Love you!”

“Love you too _______-ah!” Chanyeol leaned back into his pillow and closed his eyes.

You smiled and left the room, closing the door behind you silently.


~4 Days Later~

Chanyeol breathed in deeply. “Ah. It feels nice to breathe in air that doesn’t smell like medicine.”

I laughed. “So where did the donor want to meet?” I asked.

“He said the park. He said he would be near the benches where those parents were last time.” Chanyeol responded.

“Okay. So he’s……” I look for the benches and I find them. An old man is there, sitting in a wheelchair. “The elderly man in the wheelchair. I think it’s him.”

Chanyeol and I started walking towards him. When we finally reached him, Chanyeol asked, “Recently, have you donated your kidneys?”

“Yes. Why? Are you the one who received them?” He peered up at him.

“Yes I am.” Chanyeol bowed. “Thank you for donating them. I am very thankful for it.”

“You’re welcome young man. I've lived a long, full life. Now I need to use a wheelchair to get to any place. My kidneys are better with you; you're young and have plenty of life to live.” The old man said. He looked at me. “Who’s this?”

“Oh, she’s my girlfriend.” Chanyeol and I blushed.

“Girlfriend? Take good care of her.” He advised.

“I will.” Chanyeol assured.

“I’m glad you wanted to meet with me young man. I would’ve liked to know who gotten them, and if they’d been put to good use. For all I can see, they’ve made you healthy. I’m glad I donated them to someone like you.” The elderly man smiled. “I need to go now. My granddaughter is graduating from middle school to high school today. I don’t want to be late to the ceremony!”

Chanyeol smiled back. “Of course not.”

I said, “Have a fun time! I hope you have a great day!”

He waved goodbye and wheeled away.

Chanyeol turned to me. “I had surgery, and it was successful. I met the man who helped me, and he was so gracious. I have a beautiful girlfriend, and she stayed in the waiting room the whole time, even if she was bored.” He grinned, and I beamed at him.

We leaned closer to eachother and had a long, loving kiss <3.

~The End~


Name: Jessica
Country: USA
Age: 12
Title of OneShot: The Surgery

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Chapter 8: good job. an 11 year old singaporean. IM SO PROUD OF U OMG.
Chapter 12: Okay....i understand why people chose this one. I laughed at the first sentence.
KpopLover415 #4
Chapter 20: 32,22,20,13,14,12,10,8
Chapter 12: I personally think that 22 and 12 are the most popular...is there still a need to keep voting? LOL
wondergirl49 #6
Chapter 22: I'm gonna vote for 22
XiuMinMin_ #7
Chapter 12: voting for le 12 :D

is it the only crack fic? lol
shiningUnicorn411 #8
Chapter 12: 12 for sure. period. xD
black_pearl88 #9
Chapter 22: I vote for 22!

Mine KaiSoo Feelings