o27 ~ Too Late : I Stll Love You

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Too Late: I Still Loved You

A crash reverberated throughout the house as Kai knocked a vase down in his anger. “Why did I ever marry you??? You are such a worthless, insensitive, piece of trash. You can’t do anything right!!!!!” You wince at his words because you know why he’s upset, but he’s overreacting.

* * *

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Kim, but . . . you've got one day. I wish it wasn't like this, but it is. I’m sorry.” The doctor says in a sorrowful voice. You smile kindly at him and say, “Not at all Dr. Lee. I wasn't expecting much, so I’m not disappointed. It’s nice to know this information though. Thank you.”

You stood up and bowed and then turned to the person next to you. “Thank you Taemin for accompanying me. I appreciate it.”

“No problem. What are friends for? Are you going to tell Kai?”

You bite your lower lip thinking about Kai. “I don’t think so. He’ll find out tomorrow anyways.”

“You should at least write a letter to him. To help him understand.”
You just nod your as you step outside the hospital. On the way to the car you trip and Taemin catches you around the waist. Out of the blue, Kai comes and wrenches you out of his grasp and starts dragging you back home.

* * *

“You know what? I want a divorce. Let’s go tomorrow.” Your heart twists at his words because you love him. You really do, but even then, your relationship has been falling apart.

“Give me a day. Please. A day together and then I’ll be out of your life forever. I promise to never see you ever again.” You've never begged for something so much before.

“Fine. To help you keep happy memories, I’ll even try and enjoy our time together.”

You smile gratefully and then start walking out the door. “Where are you going?” Kai says. “Starting my thirty hours.” You say bluntly.


“Do you remember this place?” You ask fondly. You don’t hear a reply, so you look over at Kai. He has a soft smile on his face and his eyes are lit up with memories. “Yes,” he says. “I do remember. This is where we met for the first time.

You were a waitress at a new café downtown. It was an instant hit and you were working double time. You were carrying a large tray full of drinks on it when you tripped over nothing. The plastic cups fell with you and they all landed on this guy. Your eyes widen in horror and you immediately stand up.

“Omo . . . I’m SO SORRY!!!!! I didn't mean to. Uhm, let me get you some clothes from the back. It’ll be the uniform but at least you’ll have dry clothes right?” You start trying to dab at the liquid dripping off of this . . . really gorgeous man when he suddenly stops you.

“It’s alright. You don’t have to do this. I can see that you’re a little clumsy so it’s not your fault. You can just get me some clothes.”

“Oh, okay. Then follow me.” You lead him to the back of the café and while you’re looking for some extra clothes, he’s just waiting patiently for you. You finally find some clothes that look like they would be the right size. “Here you go. Again, I’m sorry. I’m such a klutz.” He takes the clothes and smiles at you before replying. “It’s fine, really. I’ll return these clothes to you after I wash them.”


And he did. He returned them and then he promptly asked you out. Your relationship started there at it was such a beautiful relationship. Everything you saw in dramas happened in your relationship.

Your relationship seemed perfect, but something went wrong. Kai got over-possessive, bossy, and annoying. You tried to understand him, but you couldn't. A year after you got married, you would have fights almost every day over the stupidest things.

“Why did you put so much salt and pepper on the eggs?” “I barely put any in!”

“You shouldn't wear that, it’s too revealing.” “It’s jeans and a tank top.”

“Why do you eat so much?” “You’re eating more than me!”

“Why did you do that to your hair?” “Says the guy who uses half a pound of gel every day.”

It just got worse and worse until, sometimes, you wouldn't talk to each other for weeks, months even. You miss the Kai that you fell in love with in my mid-twenties. The sweet and understanding Kai. You just can’t understand this bratty, whiny, and bossy Kai.

Walking hand-in-hand, you and Kai walk through the park. The first time you came here, Kai kissed you for the first time. The last time you came here, Kai slapped you for staying out to long with your colleagues. “We made some really great memories, huh?” Kai suddenly asks. You nod your head slowly reminiscing all those cute dates you had in this park.

As the hours passed by, you and Kai visited the past. You went to the amusement park where you guys got your first couple-tees. The restaurant where he proposed to you. Stood under the tree where he told you about his messed up family. The music shop where you confessed your feelings.

Ten hours were left and both of you were exhausted from moving around the city so much. “I want to spend my last ten hours, sleeping, in your arms. That’s it. In the morning, I won’t be there, and I’ll turn in the divorce papers.”

Kai nodded silently as the both of you trudged up your driveway. After changing clothes you settled into bed and Kai carefully wrapped his arms around you until his chest pressed against you back. You closed your eyes as you softly started to sing a special song.



Kai’s POV

I dreamed of her like I do every night. She’s as beautiful and dazzling as she’s always been. Flashing me her amazing smile, as she looks longingly at my face. She’s just so beautiful and I’m so scared of losing her.

I felt the sun’s rays on my face and I groaned in my head. I was so comfortable lying here with her in my arms . . . wait, isn't she supposed to be gone? I smiled to myself at the thought that she loved me so much that she couldn't stay with me, but as my hand drifted over her skin, she felt slightly cold.

I sit up suddenly at feel her arms and legs. She’s slightly cold everywhere. I put my ear against her chest, and what I feared is true . . . she’s dead. Tears threaten to fall as I think how this could've happened, when I see an envelope on the bedside table.

Dear Jagiya,

Your surprised right? Yes, I’m dead. I don’t know if you’ll be thrilled or devastated by my leave, but nonetheless, I want you to know the truth. Taemin wanted be to tell you sooner, but I didn't have the courage to tell you. You’ll probably understand what happened at the hospital better too.

As you know, when I was born, I was very sick. The doctors didn't even think that I would survive, but somehow I did. Yet, there was a problem. My organs were not strong at all, and they already seemed aged by years by the time I was one. I learned later that my life span would be very short. How short, I didn't know until a few months ago.

My death is easy. I just die in my sleep peacefully. I don’t know exactly where I’ll sleep, but I hope it’s in your arms. I want to die happy. And in your arms, I will. Thank you for the great memories, and I’ll watch over you always.

I love you

Big heavy tears fell on the letter. I can't believe she's gone just like that. I loved her, I truly did. I know it didn't seem like it, but she was the most wonderful thing in my life. In the morning I couldn't stop thinking about her, during work, I wanted to call her and ask her how she was doing, and at night I wanted to hold her like I used to.

I lost my chance. I should've said I love you. I shouldn't have overreacted too much. Why was I such an idiot???

Baby . . . come back . . . please. I can't live without you. Your smile, your lips, your laugh . . . please, don't leave me here . . .

Name : Rebecca Taylor
Country : USA
Age : 15
Title of oneshot : Too Late: I Still Loved You

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Chapter 8: good job. an 11 year old singaporean. IM SO PROUD OF U OMG.
Chapter 12: Okay....i understand why people chose this one. I laughed at the first sentence.
KpopLover415 #4
Chapter 20: 32,22,20,13,14,12,10,8
Chapter 12: I personally think that 22 and 12 are the most popular...is there still a need to keep voting? LOL
wondergirl49 #6
Chapter 22: I'm gonna vote for 22
XiuMinMin_ #7
Chapter 12: voting for le 12 :D

is it the only crack fic? lol
shiningUnicorn411 #8
Chapter 12: 12 for sure. period. xD
black_pearl88 #9
Chapter 22: I vote for 22!

Mine KaiSoo Feelings