o33 ~ Unrequited

♡ єχσgℓσвαℓ12 Admin Search One Shot Writing Contest! ♡


You smile widely as you witness the marriage between your best friend Jongdae and his new wife Susie. The day he told you he wanted to be married to this girl was the day your heart felt like it was going to shatter into a million tiny pieces. Since that day it had been a total of five months, three days, and eight hours. 
“You may now kiss the bride.” The priest announces. 
Tears fall from your eyes, but they aren’t happy tears. As the newlyweds walk down the aisle you pat Jongdae on the shoulder and whisper, “congratulations.” 
He smiles widely at you then hugs you tightly, his wife already going on without him. 
“Thank you for always being there for me.” He sighs. 
You shrug your shoulders and look into his sparkling eyes, “what are friends for?” 
After the wedding, Jongdae spent less and less time with you. It wasn’t until he stopped calling you all together that you began to think something wasn’t right. His wife could already sense you had feelings for him and you suspected she had something to do with this. But to you a friendship of twenty years meant more than a relationship of only two. Jongdae was never the type to realize when he was being used, and no matter how many times you mentioned to him his girlfriend was no good he just wouldn’t listen. 
So with renewed determination you grab your things and head out the door. There was no way you could stand to see your best friend being used by some random gold-digger. 
Once you arrived at their apartment you knock on the heavy wooden door as loudly as you can. 
“Jongdae!” You call. 
The next moment the door opens, however it isn’t a warm face that greets you, it’s the scowling face of the woman he married. 
“What do YOU want?” She glares. 
“I want to talk to Jongdae.” You say. 
The woman rolls her eyes and starts to slam the door in your face, but before she could a smiling Jongdae appears with a washcloth in his hands and a wrench in his pocket. He looks like he wants to hug you but you could see his wife’s fingernails digging into his forearm. 
“We need to talk.” You say. 
Jongdae looks nervously from his wife then to you and sighs. “I don’t think that’s possible…” He says. 
Immediately your heart drops. “W-why?” 
“He agreed to no longer talk to you or else I’m leaving him for good.” His wife says looking you up and down as if you’re the dirtiest thing she slayed eyes upon. Hurt and dismayed you stare into Jongdaes eyes, no longer able to keep the sob from escaping your lips. 
“I can’t believe you let this happen.” You say as tears stroll down your cheeks. 
Before Jongdae could say another word you turn on your heels and sprint away. The tears falling from your eyes blur your vision but you didn’t care. You kept running on the slick wet ground till you made it to your vehicle. The rain began to poor down hard which made your vision seem worse but at the moment you couldn’t care less. You revved the engine and sped out of the parking lot just in time to see your former best friend stare after you, calling your name with the uttermost urgency. His eyes seemed wild; he feared what could happen on the slick roads at this time. 
As you were driving at a speed you shouldn’t have, a semi-truck seemed to have popped up out of nowhere. Before you could slam on the breaks, the truck piles you into a nearby building. Before you knew it the sound of sirens filled your senses, bright lights blinded you as the emergency crew tried to get you out of your crushed car. Once they were able to pull you out and lay you on a roll away bed your eyes scanned the sea of bystanders. You spotted Jongdae staring at you with tears streaming down his face. His wife keeping him close to her, he looked about ready to burst away from her and run to you. You were a bit surprised he didn’t, if the situation were reversed….you couldn’t even fathom it. Your senses began to dull as the EMT tried to get you to focus on him. They pulled you into the emergency truck and slammed the doors in haste. 
“Keep looking at me.” The EMT said. 
However…you felt perplexed as your mind began to wonder what kind of bliss would await you on the other side. 
He doesn’t care about me…if he did…he wouldn’t let anything ruin our friendship. 
Silent tears kept streaming down your face. You closed your eyes and went limp. This is the perfect opportunity to just end the misery on both sides. Your unrequited love for the one you held most dear, and his wife whom desperately wants to start a family with him. 
Your hand went limp and the heart monitor signaled a long beep. As your heart stopped beating for more than just life…but for the love you had lost as well.

Name: Alexis Reina
Country: U.S
Age: 20
Title: Unrequited 

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Chapter 8: good job. an 11 year old singaporean. IM SO PROUD OF U OMG.
Chapter 12: Okay....i understand why people chose this one. I laughed at the first sentence.
KpopLover415 #4
Chapter 20: 32,22,20,13,14,12,10,8
Chapter 12: I personally think that 22 and 12 are the most popular...is there still a need to keep voting? LOL
wondergirl49 #6
Chapter 22: I'm gonna vote for 22
XiuMinMin_ #7
Chapter 12: voting for le 12 :D

is it the only crack fic? lol
shiningUnicorn411 #8
Chapter 12: 12 for sure. period. xD
black_pearl88 #9
Chapter 22: I vote for 22!

Mine KaiSoo Feelings