o5 ~ Best Rainy Day Ever

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Best Rainy Day Ever

Chanyeol's P.O.V (He's dreaming.)

"Chanyeol-ah!" A girl shouted my name. I turned around and saw Dana smiling as she ran up to me. God. That smile is so perfect. "Hey, Dana." I hugged her. "Chanyeol we've been friends for 2 years and I've been wanting to tell you something." She bit her lower lip. "Um... Okay. Tell me." I smiled. What the hell is she going to tell me? Wait... Does she know I like her? Oh lord! If Kris told her, then I will beat him up! "Chanyeol... I like you. No! Wait!... I love you." She blushed and looked away. D-did she just confess to me? PARK CHANYEOL!! THE GIRL THAT YOU LOVE SO MUCH LOVES YOU BACK!!! THANK YOU GOD FOR ANSWERING MY PRAYERS!! I grabbed both of her hands and kissed it. "I love you too, Dana. I just couldn't find a way to confess to you." I chuckled. "Aish! Don't be shy!!" She laughed. "I know I won't be shy to do this." I kneeled down on one knee as I held her hand. "Yah. Park Chanyeol. Get up or else people will get the wrong idea." Dana looked around then she looked at me. "I don't care what people think. I've loved you ever since we first met. Dana... Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled wide enough to show my pearly white teeth. "Chanyeol... I-I don't know what to say! I..... Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." She giggled happily. "YES!! MY BEST FRIEND BECAME MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" I stood up and did a small happy dance. After I did my little happy dance. I looked at Dana who was smiling happily. I caressed her cheeks softly and took a quick glance at her lips. I closed my eyes and slowly leaned in wanting to kiss her kissable lips. "Chanyeol-ah." Dana softly called me. I ignored her as I continued leaning in. "Chanyeol." She softly call me again. 

(We're out of his dreams.) "Chanyeol!" A person hit my with a pillow. "What the hell, bro?!" I hid under my blanket and groaned. "It's already 12 PM and you wouldn't stop saying Dana's name." Kris patted my head gently. I sat up and looked at Kris. "I kept saying her name?" I blinked and thought to myself. Why would I say Dana's name in my sleep? Well... I was dreaming about her. But! I don't like her like a girlfriend!! She's... She's just a friend. I sighed as I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Once I finished freshening up, I looked outside the window. I see gray clouds forming. Damn. Looks like it might rain today. What am I going to do on a rainy day?! Hmmm... I should ask Dana if we could hang out. Yeah! I'll do that! I quickly ran to the bathroom, fixed my hair and changed into this: (http://data.whicdn.com/images/67409015/large.jpg) After I changed, I put on my shoes, grabbed an umbrella and went to Dana's dorm. I hope she's there. When I arrived at the girls dorm, I knocked and waited for someone to answer the door. Once I heard the door open, I looked up and saw Tiffany. "Chanyeol? What are you doing here?" Tiffany opened the door wide and let me in. "Well, I was wondering if Dana is free this afternoon." I placed the umbrella by the door and sat on the couch. "Oh. Well, let me go check on her." She smiled and went to Dana's room after she closed the door. I really hope she's free. I may sound obessed about her, but I'm not. I'm just being friendly. Wait... Why am I talkting to myself? What the hell Park Chanyeol. I shook my head and chuckled.

Tiffany's P.O.V

What's with Chanyeol wanting to be with Dana? Does he like her? Hmmm... Something fishy is going on. Time for Tiffany Hwang to do some detective work!! I went to Dana's room and opened the door. I saw her drawing a minion from "Despicable Me 2". Such a little child. "Danaaaaa. Chanyeol's here." I sat beside her and smiled. "Why is he here?" Dana placed her crayon on the desk. "He was wondering if you're free this afternoon. I guess he wants to hang out." I shrugged. "Oh.. Well... Tell him I'll be ready in 2 minutes." She gave me a sweet smile. "Alright. Now go get ready." I laughed as I left her room. I went to the living room and saw Chanyeol looking at pictures hanging on the wall. I cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked at me and smiled. "Dana will be out in 2 minutes. So.. Just wait." I did my famous eye smile. Chanyeol nodded and looked around. "So Chanyeol. What do you think of Dana?" I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. "Well, I think Dana's a nice girl. She's funny, dorky, kind and sweet. I don't see why people would hate her and you." He looked at his reflection and fixed his hair. "Ahh. I see. Do you like her more than a friend?" I was so curious to hear his response. "Um... I'm not really sure." He put his hands in his pocket. "Hmm.. Okay." I shrugged. I really need to do some detective work.

Your P.O.V

I went to the bathroom, freshened up, fixed my hair and changed into this: (http://taeyeonism.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/taeyeon-snack.jpg Just imagine you or me wearing that outfit. ^^) After I exited the bathroom, I looked out my window and saw rain pouring down. Rain?! What made him think we should hang out on a rainy day?! I sighed and shrugged. I put on my shoes and went to the living room to see Chanyeol and Tiffany talking. Chanyeol saw me and smiled sweetly. "Hey. Are you ready?" He got up from the couch and grabbed the umbrella by the front door. "Yeah. Let's go." I opened the door and walked out the dorm with him. "Have fun you two! And be careful! Chanyeol you better watch her!" Tiffany stood by the door. "I will!" Chanyeol laughed. Tiffany closed the door. (Listen to this while reading. It'll make you imagine everything. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-FLrtmiUV8)Once Chanyeol and I exited the university, he opened the umbrella and covered both of us from the rain. I stayed close to him as much as possible so I wouldn't get wet from the rain. "So, what made you decide to hang out on a rainy day?" I chuckled. "Well, I didn't wanna stay in my dorm all day so I decided take you with me." Chanyeol smiled at me. "Oh. Well, I bet Kris would've wanted to come with you." I looked around while smiling. "Yeah, but he had homework to do." Chanyeol chuckled. "Oh. I see... So, where are we going?" I looked at him. "Oh yeah! We're going to the park!" He looked at me also. "The park? What are we going to do at the park?" I poked his head.

"We're gonna do something fun." He smirked. "Something fun? Like what?" I was curious what he had planned. "We're gonna play around in the rain and get wet. Besides! No one goes to the park on rainy days!" We stopped walking since we arrived at the park. "Yeah, no one except us!" I laughed. "Alright. I'm gonna close the umbrella. Ready?" He looked at me with excitement. "Ready!" I nodded. "3! 2! 1!" He closed the umbrella and laughed as he felt the water get on him. I screamed in happiness. I felt so free. I looked around and found a puddle.An idea came into my head. I ran to the puddle and jumped in it. Chanyeol did the same thing and laughed. I touched his arm. "Tag! You're it!" I quickly ran away from him. "Hey! No fair!!" He laughed and started chasing me. But because he has long legs, he was able to catch me in his arms in a minute. "Gotcha!" He laughed. "Well, that's because you have long legs!" I also laughed. He let me go and pointed the small/medium hill. "Let's roll down the hill!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me up the hill. He layed down first then I layed down beside him. "Ready?!" He looked at me and smiled wide. "Ready!" I smiled. "Okay! 3! 2! 1! Go!!" We rolled down the hill the same time. Once we stopped rolling, I ended up going on top of Chanyeol while we were both laughing. When we stopped laughing, we looked at each other. My head protected his face from the rain. He looked into my eyes as I looked into his. As we looked at each other, I felt an arm hug my waist and a hand caressing my cheek. I felt my heart beating fast and my stomach full of butterfiles. What is this feeling? Why is my heart beating fast? Why do I feel butterfiles in my stomach? Am I.... In love with Chanyeol? 

Chanyeol's P.O.V

My heart was beating fast just from looking at Dana. Her eyes twinkled when I looked at them. She looks better without glasses even though I've never seen her wear any. While I was hugging her waist and caressing her cheek, I pulled her closer and slowly leaned. I took a quick glance at lips then I looked at her eyes. Without thinking... I kissed her sweet soft lips. Right when I kissed her, my heart exploded. She responded to the kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck. As we kissed, I sat up, made her sit on my lap and placed my hands on her hips. This moment felt so perfect. I never wanted this kiss to end. I just wanted this to last forever. A minute later, I broke the kiss and looked at her. She covered her lips and her cheeks turned red. She got up from my lap and smiled a bit. I stood up and looked at my watch. Damn. It's 6 already?! I should take her home now. I grabbed the umbrella from the bench, opened it and covered both of us. "C'mon. I'll take you home since it's getting late." I smiled and offered my hand. "Alright. Thank you, Chanyeol." She held my hand and we both started walking back to the university. While we were walking back to the university, there was an awkward silence. Maybe I should apologize about earlier. "Dana, I'm sorry about earlier. I-I couldn't control myself." I looked at her. "It's alright, Chanyeol. I forgive you. It's not your fault." She gave me a sweet smile. I nodded. Once we entered the university, I closed the umbrella and took her back to her dorm. I hope Tiffany doesn't get mad. Suddenly, I heard a sneeze. I looked at Dana and saw her sneezing. Right after she sneezed, that's when I started sneezing too. I quickly dragged Taeyeon to her dorm before she could get any worse. I kept knocking on the door till Tiffany opened it and gave us a shocked look. "Why are you guys all wet and dirty?!" Tiffany shouted.

When I was about to answer, I started coughing then Dana sneezed. "Aish! C'mon! Let's go inside get you guys warmed up!" She pulled us inside the dorm and started making hot chocolate while calling Kris. (Tiffany and Kris's conversation)


"Kris. It's me, Tiffany. Can you bring Chanyeol some clothes, please?"

"What? Why? What did he do this time?"

"I guess, he and Dana played around in the rain. Now they have a cold."

"That idiot. Alright. I'll bring him some clothes. Bye"

"Okay. Bye."

"Alright. Dana, go shower right now. Chanyeol, Kris is going to bring you clothes." Tiffany made Dana a warm shower ready while she placed warm clothes for Dana on the counter. "Thanks, Fany." Dana coughed. Just then, someone knocked on the door. "Chanyeol, get the door. It's Kris. He has your clothes." Tiffany closed the bathroom door. I nodded and answered the door. Kris threw my clothes and phone at me. "Thanks!" I shouted at him. "You're welcome, Idiot!" He shouted back and went back to our dorm. "When Dana is done taking a shower, you go shower." Tiffany went to the kitchen to make chicken soup. Man. I hate being sick! I can't think properly! I sighed while waiting by the bathroom. "Danaaaa!" I sneezed. "Are you done yet?" I sneezed again. "Y-yeah!" She opened the bathroom door and revealed herself covered in a towel. She leaned against the door frame and closed her eyes. "Y-you can go shower..." Dana coughed. "Do you need help?" I placed my clothes on the counter. "No. I'm fine." She tried to walk, but almost fell down. I sighed. I grabbed her clothes then I picked her up bridal style and took her to her room. When I placed Dana on her bed, I noticed she fell asleep. Damn... She's only in a towel. How am I going to put.. Nevermind. I'll just ask Tiffany. I kissed Dana's cheek then went to the kitchen to see Tiffany pour chicken soup in bowls. "Tiffany, Dana fell asleep when I carried in her to her room and she's only in a towel so... You put her clothes on for her." I rubbed my nape. "Oh. Alright. Thanks, Chanyeol." Tiffany jogged to Dana's room. I nodded. I went to the bathroom, locked the door, stripped myself off and showered. While I showering, I thought to myself why I kissed Dana. Why did my heart skip a beat? Why was my stomach full of butterflies? 

I shrugged. I finished showering, dried myself off and wore warm clothes. Once I exited the bathroom, Tiffany instantly handed me a bowl of chicken soup and a mug of hot chocolate. "Uhh.. Thanks."I bowed my head. "You're welcome. Also, you'll be sleeping with Dana tonight." Tiffany went to check on Dana. "Okay?" I sat on the couch and started eating my chicken soup then I took a sip of my hot chocolate. So, I'm sleeping with Dana tonight? Wow... C'mon. I just kissed her at the park and now I have to sleep with her. God what are you doing? Once I finished eating and drink, I placed my dishes in the sink. I walked to Dana's and I already see her sleeping. I looked around and I see no sheets or pillow on the floor. I didn't think I would actually SLEEP with her. I carefully placed myself under the covers with her and looked her. She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping. I smiled and kissed her head then I went to sleep 5 minutes later.


Name: Dana Barcega (I'm just a roleplayer of Kim Taeyeon. c:)

Country: California

Age: 14

Title of the onshot: Best Rainy Day Ever...


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Chapter 8: good job. an 11 year old singaporean. IM SO PROUD OF U OMG.
Chapter 12: Okay....i understand why people chose this one. I laughed at the first sentence.
KpopLover415 #4
Chapter 20: 32,22,20,13,14,12,10,8
Chapter 12: I personally think that 22 and 12 are the most popular...is there still a need to keep voting? LOL
wondergirl49 #6
Chapter 22: I'm gonna vote for 22
XiuMinMin_ #7
Chapter 12: voting for le 12 :D

is it the only crack fic? lol
shiningUnicorn411 #8
Chapter 12: 12 for sure. period. xD
black_pearl88 #9
Chapter 22: I vote for 22!

Mine KaiSoo Feelings