o29 ~ Loving You

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Loving You

"Oppa! Wait for me" you huffed and puffed as you chased your best friend down the trail.

"Catch me if you can" he said in a laughing manner and sticked his tongue out at you.

"Yah Byun Baekhyun get back here!" You mustered all your energy and tackled him to the ground, both of you tumbled onto the soft green grass. Laughter filled the air and created a lively mood. It was a beautiful warm summer day. Oh how you wished it was liked this everyday but sadly it's the last day of summer. Baekhyun's voice interrupted your thoughts as he spoke.

"Yoomi ah" he whispered,

"Neh" you whispered back,

"Pinkie promise that we'll always be friends no matter what" he said with sincerity in his tone.

"Okay I pinkie promise!" You replied and then locked pinkies.

**********10 years later**********

Your POV

Your eyes fluttered open and saw sun streaking in the windows. You got up and stretched, the time now is 8am which gives you an hour to get ready. Today was the first day of university and you certainly don't want to be late. So you ate breakfast, washed up, and started walking. Once you got there you stopped and stared at the building. It was gorgeous, oh my god. The glass windows that reflected the sun made the whole building look like it was shimmering. On one side there was a beautiful rose garden; on the other was a fountain. As you stepped inside you gasped. It was like a fairy-tale; there was a huge chandelier and a golden floor that twinkled in the light. You went over to the reception desk to register and to get your dorm key. As you walked looking for your dorm number, you accidently bumped into someone and fell down.

"Yah watch where you're going" the boy said obviously irritated

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" you gathered your stuff and looked up and thought he looked awfully familiar.

"What's your name?” you asked.

"Baekhyun" he replied quite harshly.

"No way" you thought, eyes widening and you sat there frozen.

"B-B-Baekhyun? Byun Baekhyun?!” you sputtered.

He look at you weirdly, "how do you know?"

"Do you remember me? I'm Yoomi" you replied slowly. Now it was his turn to be frozen.

"Are you sure you're Yoomi? You're prettier than I thought" he said in a joking manner.

You giggled, “same old Baekhyun" you thought

"Of course it's me you pabo!", and playfully slapped his arm.

He smiled and said, “fine just come here and give me a hug"

You felt his warm presence against yours. You really love his hugs and it’s been ages since you had one. For some reason you always felt safe whenever you were around him and realized that you really missed him. Once you pulled away from the hug, Baekhyun offered to walk you to your dorm. And so there you were talking like there's no tomorrow, trying to catch up on each other's lives. Once you reached your dorm you thanked him and gave him another hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow' he whispered in your ear, which gave you shivers and walked away.

Back in the dorm, you started to unpack your things and started to get ready for tomorrow. You hopped onto bed and fell asleep, dreaming of Baekhyun. Day by day, you patched up your relationship with him and bit by bit you started to have these feelings for him. You asked yourself, "Am I falling in love with him?' Baekhyun changed for the better, he doesn't tease you anymore and he's really nice and funny not to mention handsome. You smiled to yourself and thought you really like this new Baekhyun and hope he'll stay that way.

On the day of your birthday right when you woke up, you received a message from Baekhyun and decided to open it.

'Happy 19th birthday Yoomi!  I hope you have a great one because I know you will! Meet me outside as soon as you get this okie dokie? -Bacon"

You laughed at his nickname; when you first met him you couldn't pronounce his name properly and said bacon instead and so it became his official nickname. Anyways as instructed you got dressed and went outside to meet him. When you went outside a blast of cold winter air hit your face and you couldn't find him anywhere but then a pair of soft hands covered your eyes. You froze at the contact but relaxed when you realized it was Baekhyun. He back hugged you and whispered, “Happy Birthday". It sent chills down your body and made you blush at the close contact. You managed to mumble 'thanks' in return.

"Oh I have I present for you' he said and pulled out a small pink box with a ribbon on it, you took it and anxiously opened it. Inside was a silver heart necklace with 'Y+B' carved in it. You gasped and blushed even harder at the letters Y and B. "Oh my god Baekhyun it's beautiful thank you" you put the box away and wrapped your arms around his neck. You stayed like that for a while until he broke away.

"Listen Yoomi I have something to tell you" he said nervously. You were curious on what he was thinking so you let him continue.

He took a big breath and said, "Ever since I met you I think I became a better person. To be honest when you were gone I missed you like crazy and that day when I bumped into you I couldn't believe my eyes and thought that we're destined to be together. You're the nicest and the funniest and the most beautiful girl I ever met and...." 

“And what?” you asked. He gulped, took another breath and continued.

"And I want to tell that...I-I love you" he finished blushing like mad but so were you. Your heart was thumping against your chest and for a moment you couldn't breathe. You were speechless but at the same time happy and relieved because now you could confirm your feelings with him.

You kissed him on the cheek and said, “I love you too".

For a few seconds you just stared at him but then he started leaning in and before long he pressed his soft lips on yours. It was magical, his lips were so soft and warm and you wished you could stop time so you can cherish this moment forever. 

When he pulled away you said, “I thought we promised to be friends forever"

"Well I might have to break that promise" he replied and leaned in to kiss you again. You felt him smiling during the kiss and it made you feel warm despite the bitter coldness of winter. Baekhyun started to kiss you passionately just as it started to snow.

This is definitely a birthday to remember.

Name: Sundy Lai
Country: Canada
Age: 15
Title of oneshot: Loving you

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Chapter 8: good job. an 11 year old singaporean. IM SO PROUD OF U OMG.
Chapter 12: Okay....i understand why people chose this one. I laughed at the first sentence.
KpopLover415 #4
Chapter 20: 32,22,20,13,14,12,10,8
Chapter 12: I personally think that 22 and 12 are the most popular...is there still a need to keep voting? LOL
wondergirl49 #6
Chapter 22: I'm gonna vote for 22
XiuMinMin_ #7
Chapter 12: voting for le 12 :D

is it the only crack fic? lol
shiningUnicorn411 #8
Chapter 12: 12 for sure. period. xD
black_pearl88 #9
Chapter 22: I vote for 22!

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