o6 ~ Separated by forms, connected by love

♡ єχσgℓσвαℓ12 Admin Search One Shot Writing Contest! ♡

Separated by forms, connected by love ~

“Luhan-ah, gwenchanna?” Hae Jung took her boyfriend’s hand and intertwined it with hers. Using her other hand to caress his smooth and slender hand, Hae Jung looked at Luhan concerned. But, deep inside her, Hae Jung already knew what was wrong.

Luhan was no ordinary human being. Scratch that, he isn’t even human. He looks like one, but he isn’t. Every month, on the full moon, he will turn into his true self – a werewolf. No, not like Michael Jackson in Thriller, he still looks human, except that he will become stronger, faster, and bloodthirsty. He had powers no human could ever possess, all of his senses sharpened by 100 times. Werewolves are indeed powerful beings, and Luhan is one of the strongest of his kind. 

Hae Jung was Luhan’s classmate in high school, and ever since they said a simple “hello”, they were inseparable. Luhan trusted Hae Jung enough to tell her his true form, but instead of running away. Hae Jung didn’t even take one step away from Luhan, and instead, she stayed by his side everyday from then on. Luhan felt truly loved for the first time, and couldn’t help by falling in love the mere mortal with no extraordinary powers. Hae Jung doubted her love for Luhan, but once the werewolf shyly yet determinedly confessed, Hae Jung let her heart speak for her.

The now 23 year old Luhan just pressed his lips against Hae Jung’s forehead and replied in a sickly voice, “I’m fine babe. Don’t worry.” Hae Jung didn’t buy the lie that she easily saw through, shook her head and said, “No, you’re not.” Luhan wasn’t even in the condition to retort or fight back; he was too weak. Hae Jung knew what was happening, as she looked up at the night sky and saw the full moon almost completely showing, covered slightly by a single dark cloud. 

He was going to turn tonight.

She helped Luhan stand up, wrapped both arms around Luhan, one on his back and one across his chest. Walking him to her home, she took quick glances at her supernatural boyfriend, who looked sicker and sicker by the minute. Trying hard to quicken their pace, and such that Luhan didn’t have to overexert himself, they finally reached the door to her apartment. Hae Jung hastily took her keys from her front pocket and clumsily tried to unlock the door. 

Succeeding minutes later, Hae Jung helped Luhan into the apartment, quickly slamming the front door and locking it shut. Luhan found himself walking to her living room, and without warning, fell onto the couch, not even having the energy to open his mouth. Hae Jung ran in a split second later, making sure Luhan was lying comfortably on the sofa. He was burning hot, Hae Jung knew what that meant, it meant that his powers were charging up. Putting a cold and wet cloth on Luhan’s head, Hae Jung seated herself on the floor, looking at Luhan and his face. Hae Jung soon unconsciously found herself staring into the sky. The moon was almost completely visible now, it was nearly time. Hae Jung was at the brink of dozing off, and the last thing she remembered was a loud slam and Luhan calling her name.


Waking up more than two hours later, Hae Jung looked up, but the place was unfamiliar. The ceiling and walls were cracked, a large ceiling fan was turning slowly which created an eerie feeling in the big room she was in. Everything seemed blurry. She tried to move her hands, but she found she couldn’t move them. She tried again, it didn’t work. She tried to stand, but only felt herself barely bouncing on the seat of the chair she was sitting on. Her vision became clearer and she found she was tied up. Her attempts of breaking free of the ropes that tied her to the wooden chair were useless; she can’t escape. Finally realizing the seriousness of the situation, she screamed for help, but all she heard was her echo. She screamed again, and nothing happened. She screamed once more, and she heard a weak but completely not unfamiliar voice that softly croaked, “Hae Jung?”

“Luhan? Where are you? Where are we?” She said, her voice filled with fright. She heard the light footsteps of her boyfriend running to her, and she found herself in his comforting embrace. “I’m scared.” She whispered. Letting go, but reluctantly, Luhan placed his hands on her face looked at her with his now blood-red eyes and said, “Baby, don’t be. I’m gonna get you out of here.”

“Oh, well I don’t think that’s possible.” Another person said.

Hae Jung recognized this voice just as well, but her heart was immediately filled with hate. Looking up, she saw the face she didn’t want to see in her life again.

“Kris.” She mumbled. 

“Yes, Hae Jung, that’s right.” Looking into the face of her ex-boyfriend, Hae Jung could feel her fingernails dig deep into her hands, creating marks. But that was the least on her mind now.

Luhan’s red eyes flashed with pure hatred and anger and turned around to face him. “What do you think you’re doing?” Luhan said through gritted teeth. Kris smirked and replied, “Taking back what was rightfully mine of course.” 

“What do you mean rightfully yours? Hae Jung was never yours from the start.”


“She was, until you came. You ruined my life, Xi Luhan, the moment you stole her away.”

“It was her choice to love me, she could have chosen you. You ruined her life, you treated her like crap, it hurt me to see her crying day after day, telling me how sick she was of your , of you banging up other girls, of you even beating her up, telling her how useless she was as a girlfriend, how you would prefer other girls than her-“

Luhan was silenced with a hard slap. “I said those things because I didn’t know how much I loved her, until she left me. I want her back, Luhan. And you’re standing in the way.” Kris shouted.

“Kris, I don’t love you anymore. I don’t even trust you anymore. I hate you. So much.” Hae Jung said in a weak voice, but you could hear the anger and determination in her voice.

“Well then, I’m going to have to show you who truly deserves your heart… The hard way.” The next thing Hae Jung knew was that Luhan was surrounded by over 20 of Kris’s men. She heard punches and kicks, and one by one, the men fell to the floor, unconscious. But then Luhan was pushed down to the ground harshly and one of the men that were still fighting took a baseball bat and swung it in Luhan’s direction.

Hae Jung let out a blood curdling “NOOOOOOOO!” as she closed her eyes, angry tears falling rapidly. But instead of hearing the hit she expected, she heard a loud ferocious growl and there was a loud thud. Slowly opening her eyes, she found the man who was holding the baseball bat on the ground, unconscious with a bloody lip.

“Hae Jung, are you okay?” She turned in direction of the voice and saw Kai, one of Luhan’s fellow werewolves, smiling kindly at her. Shocked, she couldn’t speak, but merely nodded. Chuckling, Kai helped to cut off her ropes and went off to help fight. Soon, she saw the familiar faces of Luhan’s 10 best buddies, who all happened to be werewolves as well. Sehun was helping Luhan up, Chanyeol and Chen were beating up some men, Tao and Kai were doing a back-to-back combat with the men that surrounded them, Lay, Xiumin and Baekhyun were seen making shields with their powers to protect those who were fighting, and Suho ran to help Hae Jung out of the danger zone. 

Taking her hand, Suho and Hae Jung tried to run out of the abandoned warehouse, but there was a loud punch and Suho was on the floor, wincing from the pain. Kris appeared and smirked devilishly at Hae Jung. 

Kris roughly slammed Hae Jung on the wall and her ear, it felt overly disgusting. “Seems like your boyfriend has a lot of friends. But no worries, I’ll get you back, on way or another, and one of them will be…“

“GET YOUR F**KING HANDS OF MY HAE JUNG.” Hae Jung heard Luhan shout fiercely as he ran with unusual high speed in his girlfriend’s direction. Hae Jung then noticed what Kris pulled out and her eyes widened.


“LUHAN! NO!” She shouted back as Kris pointed the gun at Luhan. There was a bang, and a thud. 

Kris fell onto the floor, dead, bleeding profusely at his side. All eyes were on Suho, who slowly brought down the gun he held up just a few seconds previously. Feeling her knees give way, she fell onto the floor next to the dead Kris, as tears unconsciously streamed down her face.

“Thank you… All of you…” She muttered in a whisper, but loud enough for all of the 11 boys to hear. They all nodded and smiled at her, and it was Baekhyun who spoke up for all of them. “We would do anything to protect you and Luhan hyung, Jungie-ah. We love you like family, if anything happened to you we would never forgive ourselves.”

Touched by Baekhyun’s words, Hae Jung smiled as more tears, this time happy and relieved, fell drop after drop. Luhan went over to her and hugged her tightly. “I’m just so glad you’re okay.” Burying her face in the crook of Luhan’s neck, she mumbled, “You should’ve worried about yourself. You could’ve gotten yourself killed. I don’t know what I’ll do without you, Luhan.” Luhan hugged Hae Jung tighter as he said, “You’re my angel, you’re my life. Anyone puts one finger to hurt you, I don’t think I can stand watching.” Luhan then let go of Hae Jung, and she realized Luhan’s eyes were slowly turning back to brown. He planted a passionate kiss on Hae Jung’s lips, which drowned out of whoops and cheers of the other childish werewolves.

“We might be separated by our forms, but we will always be connected by love. No matter what, I’ll always love you, Park Hae Jung."

Name: Justine Louise Marie Aya-ay

Country: Singapore

Age: 12(turning 13 in December)

Title of one shot: Separated by forms, connected by love


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Chapter 8: good job. an 11 year old singaporean. IM SO PROUD OF U OMG.
Chapter 12: Okay....i understand why people chose this one. I laughed at the first sentence.
KpopLover415 #4
Chapter 20: 32,22,20,13,14,12,10,8
Chapter 12: I personally think that 22 and 12 are the most popular...is there still a need to keep voting? LOL
wondergirl49 #6
Chapter 22: I'm gonna vote for 22
XiuMinMin_ #7
Chapter 12: voting for le 12 :D

is it the only crack fic? lol
shiningUnicorn411 #8
Chapter 12: 12 for sure. period. xD
black_pearl88 #9
Chapter 22: I vote for 22!

Mine KaiSoo Feelings