o31 ~ Where Fate Takes Me

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Where Fate Takes Me

"I want to break up... I just don't feel the spark anymore..."

Hana blinked in a rapid speed, trying to somehow blink away the tears. This couldn't be true, her long time boyfriend breaks up with her right after she just had a hit and run accident?
Hana grabbed her wheelchair handle till' her knuckles where white as snow. 
"N-No sparks?", Hana said, holding in her sobs by biting her now red lips. Her brown, curly hair and bangs covered her face as she was looking down at her lap. She could hear him shift leg as he sighted, every breath he took sent shivers down her spine.
"Yeah...", he simply answered. 
A tear fell on Hana's white hospital robe, and Hana quickly sniffled, "Uhm... A-are you sure?", she said.
"Look at me", he said and Hana debated in her head wether to look up or not.
"Hana", he said in a cold tone.
Hana looked up, her face was bloated and her milky skin's only visible on her neck as her whole face was a dark shade of pink.
"Just stay here and get well soon", he said and looked at her in slight disgust.
Hana could seriously feel her heart shatter into a million of peaces. Her chest felt heavy and her breath went slower and slower.
"S-Sehun... I don't want to loose you", Hana said with pleading eyes, her hands slightly raising as if wanting to touch his face.
Sehun looked away and sighted, "Is it going to be this hard...", he mumbled to himself, but Hana heard.
"I-Is it because of the accident?", Hana didn't want to ask that, but she needed to know.
"No, no, of course not...", Sehun let out a nervous chuckle, "As I said, I just don't feel the spark any-"
Hana looked down at her thighs again, "J-just go...", Hana cut him off.
After a few seconds, she heard the door open and close and that was her , she started sobbing loudly while clutching her heart tightly.
Tears were flooding from her eyes, and she couldn't breath, her chest heaved up and down in a rapid speed, "S-Sehun... Why?!", she yelled and fell on the floor with a thud.
Lying on the floor, not being able to stand up, she started to hit the floor and yell, "AAAAAHHH!!! WHY?!", she pulled on her hair as she yelled and continued hitting the floor with power.
She pounded on the floor hard until her poundings became weaker and weaker, her arms started getting limp and her loud sobs dying down to soft whimpers. 
"S-sehun... C-come back...", she whispered to herself as she looked at the door Sehun left from with teary eyes filled with hurt and lost.
"Please...", her voice started getting hoarser and hoarser as she continued to breathe in and out heavily to regain her breath. 


Hana blinked and squinted her eyes at the bright light shining on her, she looked around, she was a bit foggy with sleep. The white room was like a light itself as the sun shined on it from the slightly opened window.
Where was she? 
Hana took a deep breath in, and there it was... The smell of sickness, tears, sanitizer, blood, medicine, coughs and dead.
The smell of Hospitals. 
Hana felt trapped, she wanted comfort, she wanted warmth, she wanted him...
Hana sat up on her bed and sighted, she looked to her left and found her little hand mirror and grabbed it with her not so strong hands and looked at her reflection on it.
She looked like a panda. 
White, milky skin and gray, bloated eye bags under her big, pitch black eyes.
Hana sighted. Her heart was pounding so hard, and she felt a tear slip down her cheek.
Hana sniffed and wiped her tears, "Huh... Crying over a boy...", she said to herself and and shook her head.
She laid the little hand mirror back on its place and pulled the covers off of her.
Hana looked at her bare legs. They don't work. She can't stand up. They are numb. 
Hana frowned and looked to her right and saw her wheelchair, with a sight she reached out with her arm to hold it and drag it towards herself but it was too far away. She continued and tilted closer to it, "A little bit more...", she said to herself as she tilted out from the bed a bit more, only to fall on the cold, wooden floor with a thud.
Hana couldn't feel anything on her legs but her body hurt from the fall, and she scratched her head, "ow~", she moaned and pouted.
A sight slipped from her rosy lips as she sat up and reached for the wheelchair once again.
This time she was closer so she grabbed the wheelchair and pulled herself up on it.
And with a grunt, she was on the wheelchair, "well, that was easy", she sarcastically said to herself as she rolled her eyes and pushed the wheelchair towards the door.
As Hana reached for the handle of the door, it opened, "Oh! Hi, Kim Hana, right?", a woman with a big grin plastered on her face said to Hana.
The woman had blonde hair and a doctor coat. She was holding a pile of papers on her right arm and a pen in her left hand.
'Left handed', Hana thought and gave the woman a small smile.
"Hi...", Hana said but her voice was surprisingly hoarse so it just came out as a whisper.
"Uhm... Well, where are you going Hana?", the woman said and bowed down to be on the same level as Hana.
Hana hated it, she was not a child, and she didn't like the woman.
"Eating breakfast...", Hana whispered back with her hoarse voice and pushed her wheelchair past the woman and down the hallway.
The woman furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Hana's back, "Excuse me? Could you repeat that? I didn't quite catch that", she said as she walked behind Hana.
Hana rolled her eyes. She wanted to just get well soon and go home but they said that the process with her legs are going to be painful, hard and long.
"Kim Hana!", the woman yelled after her but Hana pushed the wheelchair faster and faster towards the cafeteria.
She just wanted to grab her breakfast and be alone.
"Kim Hana!", the woman yelled again.
"Leave me alone!", Hana yelled back, but it didn't come out so strong because of her hoarse voice, but the woman heard it and stooped her tracks with a shocked expression on her face.


After getting her breakfast, Hana took the elevator to the rooftop and sat there while eating her food.
The juice tasted bitter and weird, but Hana drunk it all up in one go, and her croissant was hard and difficult to chew on but of course she ate it because the doctors told her to eat all the food on the tray so she could get better soon.
All Hana had left was her chocolate bar, 'I'll save it for later', she thought and looked up at the sky.
It was a very cloudy day and the breeze was cold and refreshing at the same time. The sun was hidden behind the white, snowlike clouds.
The sound of cars honking, people talking, kids playing and life's circle going on, calmed Hana.
With another deep breath, a tear slipped from her eyes down her cheeks to her chin and lastly falling on her white, hospital robe before drying off by the wind and another tear filled with sadness was washed away by the wind.
It was like the wind dried Hana's tears off, and whispered in her ear not to cry.
Hana smiled with her eyes closed, and hummed a song her mother used to sing for her when she was a kid.
Hana's mother was dead. She died when Hana was only 3 years old, so Hana lives with her father and her stepmother now.
Even though Hana has no memory of how her mother looked, she still remembered that little lullaby that haunted her dreams every night.
A calming, momentarily silence took over the rooftop.
"Hey, are you going to eat that?"
Hana held her heart tightly with her right hand as she, with a shocked expression, looked behind her only to find a guy with a puppy face looking at her chocolate bar.
He had tanned skin, brownish hair, plump lips, one black eye, a big thing around his neck and he was walking with crutches.
Hana's eyes went down from his crutches to one of his bent legs that was bandaged. He was folding his knee to keep his injured leg off the ground.
Hana looked back at his face with a frown, "Later", she said with her hoarse voice and the boys expression fell, "Oh...", he said and looked around awkwardly.
Hana turned back in her seat, she didn't want to be disturbed now. She wanted to be alone right now.
"Uhm... Well, can I sit here?", the boy asked and Hana only shrugged with her shulders, "Do whatever you want", she mumbled and sighted.
Hana heard some shifting and then a sight from the boy as he sat down next to her.
A few seconds of silence occurred.
The birds whistling happily and the kids laughs were something that Hana was really thankful for being able to hear.
"Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby~ Let me know! Girl Imma show you how we do it and we start real close. You just put you lips together as you come real close, can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby~", the boy next to her sang.
Hana looked at his side reflection as he sang. He didn't have the best voice, but it was good.
Hana smiled unknowingly when he was done, "The birds whistling are so calming, right?", he said and turned his head to look at Hana.
When he saw that Hana was looking at him with a smile, he smiled back and Hana frowned and turned around making him confused.
"Yeah...", Hana whispered back, she then took her chocolate bar and laid it on his lap before turning her wheelchair and rolling to the elevator leaving the boy speechless.
When he thought Hana was gone, the boy looked back at his lap, "Hi, My name is Kai, nice to meet you", he said sarcastically to himself as he took the chocolate bar in his hands.
'Kai...', Hana thought before the elevators doors closed in front of her.


The next morning, Hana went to the rooftop again in hope of seeing him. She did like him, he sounded energetic and fun and that was exactly what Hana needed right then.
She purposely saved her chocolate bar for him, and waited.
The birds whistling once again calmed Hana's nerves and blew the thought of Sehun away like dust on a old book.
Kai's scent still lingered in her mind and his voice haunted her dreams, Hana didn't know why, but Kai seemed special in someway. Kai was a whole lot different than Sehun. Or that was how Kai appeared to be.
Sehun was a cute boyfriend, he would always want to cuddle and he only smiled for her. That's why Hana was so confused when he broke up with her, like, why would he just break up with her from nowhere? Hana had a second thought that he maybe broke up with her becaus of the accident but she didn't want to believe that it was like that, so she just decided to dupe herself into thinking that he broke up with her for another, more serious, reason. 
Hana sighted and started singing with her hoarse voice, "Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby~ Let me know! Girl Imma show you how we do it and we start real close. You just put you lips together as you come real close! Can you blow my whi-"
"You can sing!"
Hana hastily turned around and looked at Kai with a chocked expression on her face.
Kai was grinning at her, happiness written all over his face.
Hana looked down awkwardly, "uhm... No I can't", Hana said followed by an embarrassed laugh.
Kai walked up to her with his crutches and sat next to her, "You can! You sound like Gain from B.E.G!", he said followed by a laugh.
Hanna laughed to, "Really? Is it because of my hoarse voice?", Hana said and held with her right hand.
Kai nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah!"
Hana looked at Kai and took in his features, he didn't look all so perfect like those celebrities on television, but he was ok.
Kai gave her a big grin, "How come you're so happy today?", he said and eyed Hana suspiciously.
Hana, without a seconds hesitation answered, "You're special"
Kai froze and he was left speechless.
Hana smiled and turned to look at the clouds, and just swing left and right in harmonization with the wind.
Hana took the chocolate bar with her right hand and laid it on Kai's lap, "Here, take it", Hana said without even looking at him before turning her wheelchair towards the elevator.
"Hey!", Kai yelled after Hana.
"I'm Kai by the way!", he said with a smile.
"I know", Hana responded with her hoarse voice. A smirk painted on her lips as she entered the elevator.
"What... Is your name?", Kai sarcastically said to himself as he opened the chocolate bar and took a big bite out of it.
For some reason, her chocolate bar tasted sweeter and more tasty than the other ones, Kai couldn't put a finger on why, but it just did.


After swiftly three months, Hana could go with crutches and even without them.
Kai left the hospital after the first two weeks Hana first came there but he came back at the second month with serious injuries.
Hana asked him what happened, but he only jokingly said that he wanted to come back to be with Hana, that's why he hurt himself.
Hana was still a bit sad about Sehun but otherwise, he was completely forgotten and was a bit replaced by Kai.
Hana had gotten really close to Kai that past month and they had a whole lot of fun together.
They would talk until dawn, and they would practice walking or Hana would practice with Kai cheering beside her.
It was a cold Friday on a December morning. Hana did her routine of taking her breakfast from the café to the rooftop.
She sat down at her spot and ate her breakfast, and of course never touching the chocolate bar because that was ,as usually, saved for Kai.
It was foggy outside and all that Hana could see of the outer world was, well, fog.
And all she could hear were children's laugh and the cars honking at each other. 
The elevator door opened and Kai walked on the rooftop, "Morning sunshine", he said and back hugged Hana.
Hana held up the chocolate bar and Kai took it happily, "Thanksss", he said and ate it in one go.
After a few seconds of silence, Kai spoke, "Hey, Hana. There is a new Panda café across the street called 'Pabo's café'", Kai said with a smile.
Hana looked at him and nodded, "okey...", Hana answered unknowingly.
"Well... Should we go there?", Kai said with big, hopeful eyes.
Hana cocked her head to one side, "will the nurses let us?", she said and pouted.
Kai nodded, "We'll ask them, now come!", he said holding out his hands, "Today I'll be your crutches, so just hold onto me", he said with a smile and took her crutches with his left hand and held her hand with his right.
They walked down and met up with their nurses and asked if it was okay to go to the café and the nurses both said it was ok if they came back early and wore warm clothes, which they did.
Hana and Kai made their way towards the café in a slow pace as Hana still had a bit trouble walking, but Kai didn't mind at all. 
When they arrived, they took seats as next to the windows of the café.
Hana ordered a chocolate creamed cupcake and Kai ordered a cappuccino with a heart signed on it.
The waiter had a name tag on his uniform, it stood, Baekhyun.
"Thanks, Baekhyun", Hana said happily and gave Baekhyun a big grin and she earned a grin back from the waiter.
"What was that?", Kai said a bit annoyed as jealousy washed over him.
Hana furrowed her eyebrows playfully and looked at Kai, "What? I just want to make someones day!", she said and gave Kai a light punch on his shoulder, "What? Are you jealous?", Hana playfully teased Kai.
Kai's mouth opened as if wanting to say something but he swiftly closed it again and blushed.
Hana smiled and pinched his cheeks, "So cute~"
Then she hugged him, "Oh my god, Kai! YOU'RE SO FLUFFY, I'M GONNA DIE~!", Hana yelled as she swayed them from left to right.
Kai laughed and hugged her back, "Oh, stop it~", he said playfully.
"Here's your orders~"
Kai and Hana stopped hugging and took their orders from Baekhyun who looked at them with a playful, suspicious look before giving Hana a wink and turning around to walk away.
"Ok! What was that!?", Kai said angrily as Baekhyun walked away.
"What?", Hana said and took a bite out of her cupcake before rolling her eyes in awe, the cupcake was so delicious! 
"He winked at you!", Kai said and pointed at the way Baekhyun had left.
"Calm down, he's gay", Hana said and patted Kai's head.
"Gay? How do you know that? Do you know him?", Kai said with furrowed eyebrows.
"Nah, but you can tell by the way he carries himself and from how he acts", Hana said and gave Kai a smile.
Kai sighted, "ok...", he huffed before drinking from his cappuccino.
"Oh! Can I taste?", Hana said and looked at Kai with hopeful eyes.
Kai nodded, "here", he said and held out the cup.
Hana looked down at her chocolate, dirty hands and gave Kai an awkward smile, "Can you quench me?", Hana asked.
Kai laughed, "what a child", he sighted with a smiled and quenched her.
Hana gave him an eye smile while taking a sip out of his cappuccino.
Hana's eyes wandered around the café as she saw something she didn't want to see in a million years.
Sehun holding another girls hands and smiling.
He looked around the café and as his gaze fell on Hana, her heart stopped.
Kai pulled the cup away from her and put it down on the table as he looked at Hana confused.
Hana blinked and shook her head, "Uhm... Well, let's take these to the rooftop and eat them there.", Hana said and stood up hastily, "come on", Hana said and looked at Sehun again.
He was still looking at her and his eyes widened when she stood up.
The doctors back then said that there would be a 10% chance that Hana would've been able to stand up again, ever in her life.
Hana slightly smirked and took Kai's left hand as they walked out of the café together.
Hana let out a breath when they were in the hospital again, "Hana, tell me what's going on, right now!", Kai said concerned.
Hana's gaze on Kai softened, and she, right there and right then, told him everything about Sehun and how he broke up with her and how he just now walked in with a new girl and looked at Hana.
"Jerk", was all Hana heard before Kai was out of vision.
Kai had ran out of the hospital towards the Café with a target.
Hana ran after him as fast as her legs could take her.
Kai opened the door angrily, "WHO IS SEHUN?!", he yelled and everyone looked at him in shock. 
One girl looked at her boyfriend, "is he talking about you, oppa?", she whispered to the guy and Kai heard.
Kai made his way towards the couple, his gaze narrowing at the boy.
"Sehun?", Kai said and cocked his head to the side.
The boy nodded, "yeah", he said cooly, his expression never changed.
Kai snickered before throwing a punch on Sehun's face.
Sehun fell on his on the floor with a thud.
"Oh! God!", the girl with him said and backed away while holding her hands over her wide opened mouth.
Sehun looked at Kai in shock.
Kai bent down, "Listen, brat. If y-"
All eyes went to the door where Hana stood with a shocked expression.
"Let him be!", she yelled and walked over to Kai as fast as she could.
"Hi", Hana said coldly towards Sehun without even looking at him before holding Kai by his shoulders, only to be pushed back.
"Sehun, you little brat! Listen here! You may have broken up now, but if you ever say a word to her again, you're dead. Dead!", Kai said before snickering, "So ungrateful... Hana is simply too good for you. How could you not see what a wonderful person she is?! She friggin captured my heart in one month!", Kai yelled and pointed at Hana who looked at him in as much disbelief as Sehun.
Tears were forming in Kai's eyes, "Why would you break up with her because she can't walk?! Then it means, you didn't actually love her... Just using her! SHE'S MORE THAN JUST A FACE, YOU SICK BASTARD!", Kai yelled and stormed out of the café.
Hana looked at Sehun.
He was looking at her with pleading eyes, Hana looked at him in the eyes with an angry expression painted on her face, "I'm not just a face, Sehun. And she isn't either", Hana said and pointed at the girl who was crouching next to Sehun.
Hana looked at the girl, "Don't be lured by his face... He's a ", Hana said before turning to walk away but stopped her tracks and turned around again.
"Oh, and I can walk now... 10% here I come! Uhm... Thanks for the support too!", Hana said sarcastically before making her way out of the café but not before saying sorry to Bakhyun.


"Kai? Are you there? Please open the door", Hana pleaded as she nocked on Kai's room.
The door opened within a few seconds and Kai was standing there, his knuckles red with blood and his veins popping out on his arms.
Hana felt so sorry, "Oh, Kai", she said and took his hand.
Without even realizing, Hana was inside his room teary eyed, as one of her tears fell on Kai's wound and he flinched, Hana woke up from her little 'trans'.
"Oh, sorry", Hana said and wiped her tears off of her face. 
"I'll heal those wounds", Hana said and turned around to walk out only to be pulled back with a back hug.
"I'm sorry... Don't hate me", Kai said in a hoarse voice and Hana remembered how her voice was exactly the same after Sehun broke up with her.
Hana laid a hand over his, "I don't", she said.
"Please don't go", Kai whispered as he buried his face into Hana's hair, taking in her scent.
Hana sighted, "okay"
She swiftly turned around in his arms and hugged him, "I like you too"
Kai froze.
"Wa- what?"
Hana let out a hushed laugh, "I said, I like you too", Hana repeated.
Kai pulled away and held her face with his hands.
"Say it again"
Hana poked his stomach, "I like you, pabo!", she hit his head and he smiled.
"May I give you a ki-"
Kai was cut off by Hana's lips on his, he smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist before responding to her kiss.
'So this is where fate takes me...', Hana thought into the kiss and wrapped her ams around Kai's neck, 'I like it' 

Name: Jesmin
Country: Sweden
Age: 14
Title: Where fate takes me.


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Chapter 8: good job. an 11 year old singaporean. IM SO PROUD OF U OMG.
Chapter 12: Okay....i understand why people chose this one. I laughed at the first sentence.
KpopLover415 #4
Chapter 20: 32,22,20,13,14,12,10,8
Chapter 12: I personally think that 22 and 12 are the most popular...is there still a need to keep voting? LOL
wondergirl49 #6
Chapter 22: I'm gonna vote for 22
XiuMinMin_ #7
Chapter 12: voting for le 12 :D

is it the only crack fic? lol
shiningUnicorn411 #8
Chapter 12: 12 for sure. period. xD
black_pearl88 #9
Chapter 22: I vote for 22!

Mine KaiSoo Feelings