o15 ~ Beautiful Meeting

♡ єχσgℓσвαℓ12 Admin Search One Shot Writing Contest! ♡

 Beautiful Meeting

Friday. Today was Friday. Chen wasn’t supposed to have a shift today, but his friend called him to come over to the café in the morning.
Not used to wake up early on his day off, Chen walked tiredly with a frown. He didn’t like a bit the idea of spending some extra hours running around and serve customers with their orders.
As he pushed open the cutely decorated door, he was welcomed with a squeaky voice calling out, ‘oppa oppa oppa’ repetitively. He blinked a few times, staying at the entrance, before stretching his neck a little eyeing the open door that lead to the kitchen.
With a sigh, Chen walked toward the back and slowly peeked in. “Hyung!” he called out, sticking only his head out from the door frame.
Catching his boss’ attention, the called man turned around with a big smile. “Chen! You arrived!” the latter raised an eyebrow as he fully walked in and let out a little scoff, until he noticed a smaller figure standing behind the owner of the café. “Suho hyung, who’s that?” Hearing his question, the girl popped her head out behind the older boy. Surprise was seen on her face, she wasn’t expecting anyone at this early hour.
As for Chen, he eyed her with awe. Pretty eyes were the first thing he noticed. They were bright and beautiful, totally his ideal type. She had a rather small face, but cute. Her overall showed a delicate figure, though her face would express cheerfulness.
With a sweet smile, Suho put an arm on the female’s shoulder, “This is Sunmi,” he lightly patted her shoulder, “She’s from China, she’ll be staying for the next two weeks.” Sunmi frowned, hearing him, “Three.” she corrected him, with a pout. “Three weeks,” Suho repeated with a chuckle as he now patted the younger girl’s head. With a smile, Sunmi wrapped her arms around Suho’s torso, an old habit when she’s happy whenever she’s with the older male.
At the sight, Chen’s heart somewhat stung. He wasn’t sure what to think about the two people in front of him. He looked around until he heard his name called again.
“Yah, Chen!” Suho shook his hand in front of the latter’s face. “Y-yeah?” he slightly stuttered, which surprised himself. “I asked if you could take this girl around during the day,” Suho requested, “I’m busy with the café, can’t take her out, so I called you earlier.”
Chen shrugged, “I guess I’m free?” He showed indifference, although the inside of him was screaming of joy. Honestly said, who would refuse such offer to walk around with this pretty demoiselle.
“You won’t mind right, Sunmi?” Suho asked her, to which she responded as she shook her head. “I don’t mind. But you got to take me out sometime soon, oppa.”
“Well then, bring her back before closing time. Her parents will kill me if I lose her.” He joked, “And be careful, this girl can be very childish at times.” Hearing his comment, Sunmi glared at the older male with a look of annoyance.
Turning on her heels, she grabbed Chen’s arm and pulled him outside without turning around. But before taking a step out, she didn’t forget to shout out loud, “Bye oppa!” With a knowing smile, Suho, who leaned on the door frame watching his dongsaengs going out, shook his head with a chuckle. “This girl…”
Surprised by her behavior, Chen’s eyes kept staring at her, until she suddenly stopped walking and abruptly turned around. “What’s your name?” He blinked a few times before introducing himself, “Chen.” “Oh, you’re Chinese?” she asked with a bright smile, but to her dismay Chen shook his head. “My real name’s Jongdae, but people call me Chen. Like how they call hyung ‘Suho’” He explained, as Sunmi nodded, taking in the information.
“Chen-sshi then” she nodded once again, but the latter interrupted her, “Call me oppa.” “Oppa? You’re older?” she asked with a surprised expressed on her face.
He shrugged back in response, “92, you?” “A year younger~” she sing song as she slightly pulled her tongue out, liking the fact that she was younger. Chuckling at her behaviour, he understood why Suho liked her.

As the day went on, the two walked around the park then took the bus and finally arrived to Hongdae. They first went to a nice little restaurant, before walking around and discovering the city of Seoul.
As they were going back, Sunmi suddenly entered a shop and started to walk around as Chen slowly followed behind, momentarily ignoring that they had to go back to the café, or they’d meet an angry Suho.
“Oppa, let’s get this!” she showed two t-shirts. Chen blinked at he saw the tops. Sunmi laughed at his expression, making him confused a little. “You blink a lot, you know?” She imitated him, making him laugh as well.
After their little fit of laughter, Sunmi asked again, “Can we get these?”
Chen eyed the shirts, then to Sunmi, then to the shirts again. “We? You’re sure Suho-hyung wouldn’t mind?” Raising her eyebrows, the younger girl tilted to the side with confusion. “I mean, Suho hyung and you are together, he wouldn’t be happy if he saw you wearing a couple clothing with another boy, and—” Sunmi started to laugh again, making Chen confused this time.
“Suho oppa and me? A couple?” she shook her head, “No way! He’s my cousin actually.” She replied, “Kim Junmyeon, Kim Sunmi?”
Chen widened his eyes with surprised, “What?” he wasn’t sure if he understood well. The whole day he restrained himself to touch the girl, fearing Suho’s scolding. Even at slight skin ship, as when their hands brushed, he excused himself, but Sunmi didn’t seemed to mind at all, nor did she say something. With a little sigh of relief, he asked “Then you’re single?”
With a small giggle, Sunmi nodded. “If you’re trying to court me, do it well. Oppa wouldn’t approve if you don’t. I’m his precious cousin after all~”
Chen smiled at her comment, “Let’s go, we’ll get these shirts.”
As they walked out of the store, Chen slightly leaned toward Sunmi, whispering in her ear, “I’m sure hyung wouldn’t mind having such handsome cousin-in-law.” He laughed as he walked forward, leaving Sunmi with a bright blush on her cheeks.

Name: Ling
Country: Canada
Age: 17
Title of the oneshot: Beautiful meeting

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Chapter 8: good job. an 11 year old singaporean. IM SO PROUD OF U OMG.
Chapter 12: Okay....i understand why people chose this one. I laughed at the first sentence.
KpopLover415 #4
Chapter 20: 32,22,20,13,14,12,10,8
Chapter 12: I personally think that 22 and 12 are the most popular...is there still a need to keep voting? LOL
wondergirl49 #6
Chapter 22: I'm gonna vote for 22
XiuMinMin_ #7
Chapter 12: voting for le 12 :D

is it the only crack fic? lol
shiningUnicorn411 #8
Chapter 12: 12 for sure. period. xD
black_pearl88 #9
Chapter 22: I vote for 22!

Mine KaiSoo Feelings