o3 ~ Pucca & Garu

♡ єχσgℓσвαℓ12 Admin Search One Shot Writing Contest! ♡

Pucca & Garu 

I plunked down in my chair and heaved a heavy sigh, I looked around the café and I couldn’t see my brothers anywhere. The waitress came and I ordered a Caramel Macchiato. Time passed as minutes turned into hours when finally the 8 loud boys walked through the doors and I swiveled in my chair. They saw me and made their way over to my table.

I sat next to the brightly painted orange wall so it was kinda hard not to miss me. The boys pulled chairs over and sat down. 
“Ara” Chanyeol called me, I directed my attention towards him, “Guess what today is?” I glanced at the boys around me. I tapped my chin in mock thought.

I finally pointed at each of my brothers guessing what happened, “Luhan won the painted contest. Xiumin I bet anything you got into the play. D.O I’m guessing choir is traveling again? Kai, did you win yet another dancing competition?! Suho lemme guess, you bought new grandpa shoes?” I chortled when I saw his face loose its smile, but continued;

“Chanyeol I bet anything you got a detention for starting that food fight during lunch I just know it was you. Chen did you get honor roll again? And Tao? Did you win that competition?”
I glanced at each of them and did everything in my power not to laugh at their expressions, that is, until Suho cleared his throat.

“No Ara, that’s not it,” he said while pulling something out of his backpack and my mood brightened. He set the colorfully wrapped box on the table- followed suit by my other Oppas. Tears brimmed in my eyes and Chanyeol wiped them away- kissing my temple.

“Listen Ara” Luhan began, “I know its been tough since Mom and Dad passed but we’re alright. Now I want you to smack a big smile on your face and open your presents!” He said with excitement.

“But Oppa! No cake?” I pouted. Kai swooped in and kissed my pout and I shoved him away. “Yah! You can’t just push me away!” he fake cried.

I huffed, “Oppa I know you like having skinship but for crying out loud, I’m your sister!” Kai shrugged and I narrowed my eyes at him, *Jerk. Sometimes I just know you’re erted*

“Ara, when’s Sehun and the others getting here?” Tao asked. “I don’t believe I know-“ I stopped when a pair of hands covered my eyes and kissed my neck. I shrieked and spun around to face the culprit. But when I saw who it was, a big smile lit my face.

“Sehunnie!” I stood up and he captured me in his arms. I heard gagging and looked at Baekhyun with Chanyeol making faces at us.
“Oh Shut up Oppas. You guys are jerks,” I pointed a finger at them. Baekhyun shrugged with a happy face, “So what? You’ve lived to deal with us”

I was about to retort when Kris came out of no where with a candle lit cake. I almost drooled when I saw it was chocolate and vanilla. 

“Now, sit down before you create a puddle” Lay slapped my shoulder playfully. I nodded and turned to sit but someone had already taken my seat. And by ‘someone’ I mean Sehun. I gave him a look and he just patted his lap.

I looked at Suho Oppa for approval and he nodded- with that I sat on Sehun. Chanyeol pulled a bottle of soda out of nowhere along with cups and poured everyone a drink.

“Okay lets sing ‘Happy Birthday’ now” Sehun said. The twelve boys chorused together and within minutes I blew out my candles. The room was filled with ‘Whoops’ and “Yays’. I opened my presents and devoured my slice of cake. 

When everyones attention was on Kai dancing to the upbeat music, Sehun pulled me out of the café.

“Wae?” he kissed my cheek and told me to hush before we sat on a bench. “Ara, you know I love you and today was suppose to be the best day ever.”

“Sehunnie it was the best day ever” I whispered. He held my hand, “But its not over yet.” He looked at his watch and counted down from 20. I sat there in confusion until he reached one and the sky erupted in fireworks of all colors.

“Whoa!” I stood up. I looked at Sehun who’s eyes shined. He hugged me and I s my arms around his neck. His lips captured mine and I pulled away- panting. Sehun rested his forehead against mine.

“What did I ever do to get someone as perfect as you are?” I pecked him.

“You’re right. You don’t deserve me, “ I looked at him, “you deserve better, but I love you too much to let you go. So you’re stuck with me forever.”

My heart melted, “You’re the best Sehun.” 
He kissed my cheeks, “I love you Pucca.” I hugged his waist. 

“I love you Garu.”

He hugged me back and we heard ‘Awws’ from behind us and turned around to see the guys with wet faces. Especially Baekhyun. 
Chanyeol cradled Baekhyun in his arms while he cried uncontrollably. Kai was hugging D.O and Suho was being comforted by Lay.

I looked up at the sky and saw the fireworks, and Sehun kissed my cheek.

“You’re mine, and don’t you forget.” I kissed him, “And you’re 


Name: (on AFF) BananaMilkAddict

Country: USA

Age: 14

Title: Pucca & Garu

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Chapter 8: good job. an 11 year old singaporean. IM SO PROUD OF U OMG.
Chapter 12: Okay....i understand why people chose this one. I laughed at the first sentence.
KpopLover415 #4
Chapter 20: 32,22,20,13,14,12,10,8
Chapter 12: I personally think that 22 and 12 are the most popular...is there still a need to keep voting? LOL
wondergirl49 #6
Chapter 22: I'm gonna vote for 22
XiuMinMin_ #7
Chapter 12: voting for le 12 :D

is it the only crack fic? lol
shiningUnicorn411 #8
Chapter 12: 12 for sure. period. xD
black_pearl88 #9
Chapter 22: I vote for 22!

Mine KaiSoo Feelings