o12 ~ Finding Yixing

♡ єχσgℓσвαℓ12 Admin Search One Shot Writing Contest! ♡

Finding Yixing


/"I touched the ,"/ Yixing whispered, looking down at his trembling fingers.

"You touched the ! You touched the !" Baekhyun chanted. He dance around Chanyeol, who was doing a jig.

They, and the rest of Exo, were standing next to their cruise ship, waiting for the captain to return. The early morning light fell softly on them, the warmth already indicating that it would yet be another hot day.

"Hush, children!" Kris snapped.

He pushed up his expensive-looking sunglasses and jabbed a thumb towards the tall male next to him. "Tao isn't fully awake yet! You'll ruin his mood!"

"But Yixing /touched the /!" Baekhyun informed, leaning in towards the leader's annoyed face. "/The /"

"So? Why does that matter? And what the heck, 'the ?' What even, okay? Please."

Baekhyun gasped. "No, no, no! You don't understand!"

"Yeah, I don't."

"I don't either," Chen piped in, raising a hand.

The captain returned and started to usher the members aboard.

"Do you know who he is now?" Baekhyun side-glanced at the JPG unicorn. "He's...he's /Nemo/."

Kris wanted to flip a table so badly. Or even just slam his face on the wall. But he needed to remain calm, so he leaned against the ship's railing. "You make no sense."

"Actually we make a lot of cents," Chen said. "10 cents, 50 cents, 100 cents, so many cents because we're so rich, y'know?"

Luckily D.O was there and dragged him away. Thank The Lord.

"See? Even Chen understands."

"Chen was rambling. So no."

Baekhyun grumbled and tapped his chin. Then he walked over to Yixing and nudged him.


"Are you talking to me?" The man looked up from where he was crouching.

"Yes! Do you know who you are?"

"Yeah I'm Yi--"

"NO! You're not! You're /Nemo/."

"I-I...I'm /Nemo/...?"

Baekhyun nodded solemnly. "After all, you touched the ."

Kris groaned and strode over to the two of them. "Don't listen to him, Yixing! He's just on a morning high or something."

"Yixing? Who is that?" Yixing scoffed.

"Um, excuse you?" Kris's eye twitched.

"I'm Nemo. Who is Yixing and why am I here." He slowly stood up and looked around him. "Why am I not swimming in the ocean?"

Baekhyun cackled. "I can't believe you, Yixing. You're actually going along with me." He raised a hand for a high five, but all Yixing did was climb onto the railing.

"Wait! What are you trying to do?" Kris asked suspiciously. He was about to grab his fellow member.

/"Just keep swimming,"/ Yixing whispered before he jumped overboard.


"All hands on deck! Lower the anchor! We have a man overboard!" Chen shouted, flailing his arms around. Baekhyun and Chanyeol flailed with him. They ran around the large, private cruise ship, shouting out random commands.

"Raise the sails!" Chanyeol screamed. He tripped on his large feet and fell face flat. Baekhyun and Chen started to run backwards to him. But the fallen man opposed.

"No!" Chanyeol commanded, waving an arm. "Leave me!" He coughed somehow and grinned weakly.

"No, Channie!" Baekhyun knelt next to his friend. His friend who only slipped. His friend who was in no life-threatening danger whatsoever. "I won't leave you!"

"I will!" Chen laughed, and sped off.

"You have to, Baek. I'm...sorry." And then Chanyeol put his face on the floor and tried his best to not move.

While the two were engrossed in their tragic play, Suho was making calls on his sparkly studded phone. The members could hear his crazed yells of 'send in the helicopters! and the rescue team!! and all the lifeguards!'


Cold water splashed against his face as he tried to swim against the currents. Baekhyun swam on and on, his limbs growing tired. "Yixing-ah! Where are you!" Another wave hit his face. "Yixing!!"

"Stop that!" Kris shouted, rubbing his temples. "Don't cause any extra trouble, okay?!"

Baekhyun made a face and reluctantly climbed out of the swimming pool. "Geez, why are you like this? It's not like Yixing really thinks that he's Nemo."

"If he jumped off the ship and into the ocean, then it obviously means that he does!!" Kris threw his hands up in the air with a frustrated growl.

"Don't worry about it, hyung," Luhan smiled, patting Kris's back. "I'm sure he'll find Yixing."

"He? Someone's already looking for Yixing? It's only been five minutes since he jumped."

"Well...yeah. Tao took a lifeboat and he's paddling around." Luhan pointed down at the ocean, and Kris's gaze followed the finger.

"/Oh my/...." Kris pulled at his hair.

"Hey, gege!" Luhan laughed, waving at Tao.


"Oh, he can't?" Baekhyun joined their conversation. "But he's not swimming so why does it matter?"


"He'll drown?" Baekhyun guessed.

The leader face-palmed and stalked away to call Sehun to rescue Tao. Why was life so hard?


The worried Exo members never expected to find their precious unicorn with a troll. Actually, they never expected their precious unicorn to /be/ a troll. And yet there they were, in one of the ship's room, chilling and drinking juice.

The whole situation was very simple actually. Xiumin was on his way to the bathroom after slipping on a banana peel when he heard laughing coming from one of the rooms. Creeped out, he ran back and called D.O. The two, followed by the other eight members, tiptoed to the room. Tao kicked the door open- or actually, kicked the door off, and entered with raised fists.

"Oh hey. Wassup?" Yixing smiled, drinking his grape juice.

Chen was sitting besides him, a plate of food in his hands.

"What...is going on...," Kai muttered.

"You were here all along?" Kris growled.

"Uh, yeah. Duh," Yixing scoffed, flipping his bangs.

"But you jumped off the ship...," Sehun said.

"Um, I only did that because I was confused about who I was."

"Oh, so you don't think you're Nemo anymore?" Kris asked cautiously.

Yixing nodded happily and put an arm around Chen's shoulders. "Thanks to this man here, I've finally remembered who I am!"

The rest of Exo breathed sighs of relief.

"Ugh, I would get mad at you, but I'm just glad you're back, Yixing." Kris smiled warmly.


Kris narrowed his eyes and squinted threateningly at Chen. "You /did/ tell him he really is Yixing, right?"

From behind him, Baekhyun and Chanyeol cackled.

Yixing blinked and looked at Chen. "Who's this Yixing that Kris is talking about? I'm Jack Dawson."

Name: Christine Liu
Country: United States
Age: 15
Title of Oneshot: Finding Yixing


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Chapter 8: good job. an 11 year old singaporean. IM SO PROUD OF U OMG.
Chapter 12: Okay....i understand why people chose this one. I laughed at the first sentence.
KpopLover415 #4
Chapter 20: 32,22,20,13,14,12,10,8
Chapter 12: I personally think that 22 and 12 are the most popular...is there still a need to keep voting? LOL
wondergirl49 #6
Chapter 22: I'm gonna vote for 22
XiuMinMin_ #7
Chapter 12: voting for le 12 :D

is it the only crack fic? lol
shiningUnicorn411 #8
Chapter 12: 12 for sure. period. xD
black_pearl88 #9
Chapter 22: I vote for 22!

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