not again.

The Day I Met Him...
After washing up i changed into a black shirt, a black studded leather jacket, ripped up black skinny jeans an black heels. I let my orange orange hair fall loose. I looked at the clock. "Aish Taemin will be off school soon, why did i tell him id pick him up?" I silently cursed myself. I picked up my purse and headed out the door locking it Minho must be with everyone else. I shrugged and started my walk home, i text Min for her to meet me so we could leave together after dropping Taemin off. I waited outside his school patiently. "JIA!!" I could tell it was Min from a mile away from her bubbly voice. I greeted her. "Ah, Min sorry i promised Taemin id walk him home from school today" i sighed taking out a cigarette and smoking it. "Its fine i dont mind, hes such a cutie" she smiled, i looked over at her a eyebrow raised. "Ok, well i didn't need to know that, hes two years younger than us Min," i replied she just giggled "ohh i see him!" She exclaimed pointing with her finger at him, i finished my cigarette and put it out, Taemin smiled "Noona, you did come, hello Min" he greeted her. "I told you id be here didnt i?" I said and hit the back of his head "Pabo" Min mostly talked like usual, i had my hands in my pockets walking in the middle of them. I was thankful when we reached my house. "Tae me and Min are going out i wont be home until later the doors locked, i dont know where Minho ran off to" i called to him he nodded "okay Ji Ji I'll see you tonight, bye Min" he smiled and waved before entering the house. "Aish i need a drink" i rubbed my temples, Min shook her head "no not yet we have to go to the race remember?" I cursed myself "ahhh i forgot, we better hurry then huh?" I said to her. We stopped by the body shop to pick up the car. "I have a good feeling about this, thanks Key, helment in the back?" I asked him pulling out fifty dollars. He nodded. "Im about to meet Minho and the rest of them now, ill see you there, do well out there and make us proud" i nodded "when havent i" i smirked. Key worked on cars mostly mine, i raced cars to help pay bills and for Taemins school. I slid behind the wheel and the car, the engine roaring to life sending chills down my spine. Min got in beside me. Once we were driving she looked over at me "i think Key likes you" she said batting her eye lashes "could it be young love?" She added dramatically. "Yah! What are you talking about? Me and Key? Never" i made a face at her. She merely shrugged, i pulled up at the starting line and Min got out "right on time it seems, knock them dead." She said before closing the door. Five other cars were lined up engines roaring. I put on my helmet and stared straight forward, the green flag dropped and i sped off. A car stayed on my heel the entire time, bumping into my bumped trying to spin me out, he came up on the side of me and i jerked the steering wheel trying to run him off the road, at the end of the race i came out on top the guy on my heel came second. He jumped out of his car and started towards mine pulling his helmet off. I stepped out gracefully and took off my own. He stopped in his tracks "i was beat by a female?!" He made a face, "your that rude smelly jogger from earlier" he sneered. I glared at him "and your the rude Pabo" i spat back walking towards him we were almost touching noses for the second time that day. " You cheated" he called out, i merely shook my head and laughed looking him in the eyes. "Dont be upset, its not your fault your a terrible driver who cant pass a female" i smirked af him, i saw rage flow through him, only making me smile more. I reached up and pinched his cheeks, he quickly pulled away and pushed me backwards. Minho came running over to me making me stand behind him. He glared at the guy and grabbed him by the shirt. "If you ever put your hands on my sister again i will make it so your legs never work right again understand?" He said deeply, scaring me a bit, he pushed the guy making him fall, i pulled on his sleeve "i could have taken care of that myself oppa" i frowned "i dont need my big brother to fight my battles for me.. thank you though" i quickly added, he seemed to calm down a bit "come on lets go" he turned and started to walk back over to where Min was standing her eyes wide "whoa, he was cute" she said dreamily. I shook my head "hes a pabo, and you think everyones cute it seems, go get him if you want him" i laughed. I dropped my car off at Keys shop and went to the club with Min, we both got slightly drunk and went onto the dance floor our bodies flowing to the beat. I saw the guy from earlier and groaned inwardly he started walking over to me. "Howd i know to find you here"he spoke softly in my ear sending chills down my spine. I pushed him away but he pulled me back to him. "Yah let me go" i pushed harder but his grip only tightened, "no id rather do this" he grabbed my chin forcing it upwards and gave me a kiss, my first kiss, once he pulled away he smiled " you know your not half bad looking" he winked and walked away, i stared after him my eyes narrowed. This guy was going to die...
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kwistal12 #1
Chapter 37: You are awesome i look forward for more in the future but I need help on making one
Chapter 37: Wow that is the n
Best happy ending ever so
good Author-nim your the
Best ever can't. Wait for more fanfics!!!!!!
^o^ ^o^
Chapter 37: Wow that is the n
Best happy ending ever so
good Author-nim your the
Best ever can't. Wait for more fanfics!!!!!!
^o^ ^o^
Chapter 35: Wow author-nim so good happy ending
After all righ !!!!!
Chapter 34: wow this is the best so good omg screamxria
your so good author-nim !!!!!!!
Chapter 28: Love it's can't wait for them to get married!!!!
Chapter 25: Love the new chapter and please make
more great fanfic author-nim!!!!!!
Chapter 24: wow so good so much drama !!!!!!
love it good job author-nim!!!!!!!!
14_YbBoNeR #9
Chapter 22: Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 21: Love this chapter xD!!!!!!