The Day I Met Him...
"Jongup, I'm leaving dont forget your job interview today, good luck. I'll see you when i get off work" i smiled and waved goodbye before walking out of the door, i plugged my headphones into my ears and started to jog to work. Id barely worked a sweat when i got to the studio, if i hadn't quit smoking then id be out of breath a long time ago. I took a deep breath and walked inside the studio a few of my students were early and greeted me, i bowed to greet them back, once everyone was here i started class. About half way through i got a phone call "yea, totally, come on over theyd love it, ok I'll see you in a few, aissssh i love you too" i blushed and quickly hung up "Noona, who was that? Why did you blush when on the phone, was it Onew? No she never blushed when it came to Onew" i blinked listening to them go back and forth, they sure noticed a lot i thought and smiled at them. " Me and Onew are not seeing each other anymore, you'll meet him soon enough, since you all know me so well we'll see if you can figure out who i was talking to" i winked. "Jia Noona, were here!!!" I heard Zelo call cheerfully. All six guys walked in, i heard all my female students gasp. I walked over to B.A.P and said with a quiet voice "stand in a line, their going to try to figure out which one of you is my boyfriend" i held up my hand " don't ask" they all nodded and stood in a line. I introduced them all, they took a minute to think it over, then finally deciding "Noona, we think it's him" one girl pointed at Jongup, i widened my eyes, "my i guess you to know me to well" i laughed scratching the back of my neck. Jongup stepped forward " would you guys like to see your Noona a few years ago?" He gave me a wicked smile pulling out his wallet showing them a picture of the two of us "whoa you had orange hair! Noona you were so cool" one girl exclaimed making me blush "ahhh ok picture times over." I grabbed his wallet from him " play times over.' I clapped my hands "B.A.P here is going to show you a dance" Jongup " you have to do a dance too, how about that 4minute is it poppin song" i glared at him " deal" after my class ended a few girls came up to us "yahh Noona your so good at dancing i hope to become as good as you!" I bowed and said thank you, they skipped off. "I got the job, that's why we stopped by really" Jongup said smiling. I threw my arms around his neck and he spun me in circles "yaaaa Oppa I'm so proud of you" i giggled and kissed his nose. B.A.P stood uncomfortably at us and i started to blush "i say we celebrate!" I shouted grabbing my things following B.A.P outside and locking up. We went home to shower and change, i put on a leopard print dress that was backless and a pair of black heels " were meeting them at the bar- wow you look hot" Jongup looked me up and down " it's a special occasion so why not?" I took his arm and walked to his car. B.A.P was already there drinking when we joined them. We were out until late, i hadn't had this much fun in i don't remember how long
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kwistal12 #1
Chapter 37: You are awesome i look forward for more in the future but I need help on making one
Chapter 37: Wow that is the n
Best happy ending ever so
good Author-nim your the
Best ever can't. Wait for more fanfics!!!!!!
^o^ ^o^
Chapter 37: Wow that is the n
Best happy ending ever so
good Author-nim your the
Best ever can't. Wait for more fanfics!!!!!!
^o^ ^o^
Chapter 35: Wow author-nim so good happy ending
After all righ !!!!!
Chapter 34: wow this is the best so good omg screamxria
your so good author-nim !!!!!!!
Chapter 28: Love it's can't wait for them to get married!!!!
Chapter 25: Love the new chapter and please make
more great fanfic author-nim!!!!!!
Chapter 24: wow so good so much drama !!!!!!
love it good job author-nim!!!!!!!!
14_YbBoNeR #9
Chapter 22: Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 21: Love this chapter xD!!!!!!