Jongups parents

The Day I Met Him...
"Jia-ah" Jongup walked through the front door and called to me i peaked from the kitchen " I'm in here" i smiled. Jongup walked into the kitchen wrapping his arms around me "eck you smell bad" i pinched my nostrils shut, he smiled " that smell is of a real hard working man" he flexed " I'll go shower" he kissed my cheek and went to shower. I finished cooking and set out the plates shortly after Jongup walked into the dining room pulling a shirt on. " It smells great Jia i can't wait to eat" he his lips, as soon as we sat down his phone started ringing i sighed "go answer it but make it quick before the food gets cold ill wait" i told him and put my hands in my lap, he reached into his pocket "its my parents" he answered and left the room. I stared at my food my stomach growling "Jia, my parents want to meet you, is it okay for them to come by?" I blinked several times. "Why are you asking me? Its not just my house anymore, you can have anyone you want over, but yes id love to meet them, i guess its good that i made enough food for more than two" i grinned, he nodded and talked into the phone for a few more minutes and hung up, "they will be here in about twenty minutes" i opened my mouth and closed it and stood up "i should change out of my sweat pants" i blushed and hurried into the bedroom to change. My nerves were through the roof, meeting Jongups parents. I bit my lip looking into the mirror, i took a couple deep breathes and walked back into the dining room to wait.... the knock at the door made me jump Jongup tried not to laugh at me. "Relax theyll lovr you dont worry" he kissed the crown of my head and went to answer the door. I heard a womans voice talking to Jongup sweetly, deep down i felt a little jealous, i never had a mother that talked nicely to me, never was interested in what i was doing. I sighed keep it together Jia, first impressions are the ones they remember most. I cleared my throat quietly and stood up from my seat, i saw a woman and a man following Jongup. I swallowed hard well this is it. Best make the most of it. I bowed deeply to them "hello. Im Jia its wonderful to finally meet you" i said nicely. The woman smiled at me "well hello dear im Jongups mother and this is his father" she walked over to me and pulled me into a hug i blinked and hugged back. She cupped my face in her hands "my Jongup you were were right she is gorgeous!!" I blushed "thank you mam" she smiled brightly clapping her hands together "so you bought and decorated this place by yourself? Its very beautiful" she said looking around, she was so nice it was killing me, "i always wanted a daughter, did Jongup tell you i used to dress him up as a girl when he was younger?"she giggled, i looked at Jongup he was as red as a tomato and i couldn't help but laugh. Everyone sat down at the table. "Now i know my son didnt make this he is a horrible cook" his father said jokingly. I smiled "oh i know, thats why im in charge of cooking and hes in charge of dishes" the rest of the evening went like this. Before i knew it they were leaving. His mother hugged me goodbye "it was wonderful to meet you Jia sweet heart, you are a doll. Jongup you marry this girl, i want a daughter and grandchildren. And i like her alot" she hugged Jongup and kissed his cheek. "I love you son" his father ruffled his hair "we should meet up again soon" he smiled and they left. I stood staring at the door "your parents love you so much" i turned to look at him "and they love you" he walked over to me and pulled me close to him "do you know what that means?" He smiled and i shook my head. He sank down on one knee. He reached into his pocket pulling out a little black box. "Jia. Ive loved you the moment i looked into your eyes when we ran into each other, our first kiss, i knew from then on tht you were the only one for me. When i thought you died i felt like i died with you. There is no me if there isnt a you, your the only thing i want to see before i go to sleep at night and the first thing i want to see when i wake up, i love you so much please do me the honor of marrying me" he said his voice shaking a little. My eyes watered. I threw my arms around his neck knocking him over "YES!" I kissed his lips as he slid the beautiful silver princess cut diamond ring on my finger. "Jongup" i whispered "ive never been this happy before, i want to spend my forever with you" i laced my fingers with his and smiled down at him
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kwistal12 #1
Chapter 37: You are awesome i look forward for more in the future but I need help on making one
Chapter 37: Wow that is the n
Best happy ending ever so
good Author-nim your the
Best ever can't. Wait for more fanfics!!!!!!
^o^ ^o^
Chapter 37: Wow that is the n
Best happy ending ever so
good Author-nim your the
Best ever can't. Wait for more fanfics!!!!!!
^o^ ^o^
Chapter 35: Wow author-nim so good happy ending
After all righ !!!!!
Chapter 34: wow this is the best so good omg screamxria
your so good author-nim !!!!!!!
Chapter 28: Love it's can't wait for them to get married!!!!
Chapter 25: Love the new chapter and please make
more great fanfic author-nim!!!!!!
Chapter 24: wow so good so much drama !!!!!!
love it good job author-nim!!!!!!!!
14_YbBoNeR #9
Chapter 22: Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 21: Love this chapter xD!!!!!!