Ch.9- Collaboration

I Hated You (Sequel)

Hyomi's POV:

The next couple of days were filled with busy scheduals and i had no time to play around anymore.I was getting ready for my next comeback and there were also promotions in Japan too. Almost all of the Starship groups were promoting in Japan right now like Boyfriend. I was even told i was going to appear in one of their M/Vs.

"You leave for Japan in 3 days," Manager oppa spoke looking through his phone serious. "BUt right now, we have to shoot pictures for you're next mini album, and then right after, you have some interviews for mnet, and then after that, you have you're goodbye stage performance." I sighed at the load of scheduals i had to do, but that wasn't the end of it.

"Make sure you practice the new song later too, you're popularity isn't going up as much as we planned, so the concept this time is a bit strong compared to the current song you're promoting, so we have to expose you to M/Vs and collaborations, also since you're a soloist, you may even be able to sing some OST's for upcoming dramas, you're next colaboration will be with...." he looked at his phone again and scrolled down. "DAQ's Lee Changwoo." I felt my heart immeditally jump up and down with happiness.

"Do you know him?" manager asked looking at me questioningly.

"Yeh, he's my childhood friend from awhile back," I smiled foolishly. I get to collab with Changwoo!!! And Youngmin!!! wah...

"Ahhh, okay, well, we gotta get to the photoshoot, Jaesoo is waiting for you," manager said as i followed him into the car. Truthfully, i was never really at the dorm long enough to see Jaesoo. The last time i saw him was the birthday incident. 





When we arrived, i saw Jaesoo taking pictures with another girl. Another model from the company? Wah...she's....gorgeous... I walked into my dressing room trying not to stare at the two taking pictures together but it somewhat lingered on my mind for the longest time and it was starting to irratate me. When i walked back out, the two were standing so close to each other that their noses were practically touching. 

"OK!!! Now can we have Hyomi on the set?" the photographer smiled towards my direction. I bowed to everyone and said," Let's work hard everyone!" The other girl that was modeling with Jaesoo before brushed passed me with a smirk. What was that for?! I stood beside Jaesoo feeling smaller than usual and looked up at him. He looked at me, his eyes glimmering with professionalism. 

"Long time no see, Pabo Hyomi," he smiled. I  glared at him and replied," Right back at you."

"Get ready to shoot!" the photographer announced.

"Where've you been? i don't see at the dorm anymore?" He asked me getting into a pose leaning on my back.

"Scheduals, you know all that "fun stuff," i spoke quietly so only us two could hear. Then there was silence as we got serious, but the thought of that model who modeled with him still bugged me so i was stiff the whole time.

"Hyomi, is there something wrong? You're stiffer than usual." the photographer asked.

"Ani, i'm just a bit tired is all from the scheduals, don't worry," I laughed it off awkwardly. Jaesoo elbowed me on my rib softly and gave me a side glance.

"You okay?: he whispered. It was weird hearing him say that. It's like he changed or something. I gave him a weird look and said," Are YOU okay?" He scoffed.

"Wow, okay, i was gonna be nice since i haven't seen you in awhile, but i guess not," he shrugged. I felt disappoint lurk in my heart the next few shots we took making my poses even more awkward. Did i say that abit too harsh?....but even so...he's not acting like usual today....

 "OK! Hyomi get ready for individual shots, Jaesoo, thank you for your hard work!" the photographer thumbs up'ed. "Get ready to take some more model shots with Suyeon." Oh so thats her name....

Jaesoo eyed me with a poker face that i couldn't read through and smirked. Why is everyone doing that to me today?!

He leaned down to my ear making me startled and whispered,"I.....I refuse to apologize what happened on your birthday just so you." My face turned hot as he walked away laughing. Bowh?! What...wait a minute, who the hell does he think....ASDFGHJKL.

I stomped my way into the dressing room to see that girl model getting her hair. Indeed she was even more beautiful up close. She focused her eyes at me through the mirror and smiled. 
"Annyeonghaseyo," she spoke. Even her voice sounded perfect. Just like Jaesoo...

"Annyeonghaseyo," I bowed. I was given my clothes and changed right behind the curtain. When i stepped out, Suyeon was standing and scannign me from head to toe making me self cautious. 

"W-waeyo?" I laughed awkardly trying to read her thoughts.

"You're figure is really nice, but you don't match with're posture seems rather stiff, and you're not all that tall, but i do give you props for singing and dancing," she critized making me slightly annoyed. 

"Uhm, thank you?" i spoke not sure what to think. 

"Oh I'm Yang Suyeon by the say, i'm one of the female models for Starship, nice to meet you Hyomi, i'm an unnie by one year," she bowed on her 4 in high heels and mini dress. She was really tall even without the heels. 

"Uhm...hello, i'm Kim Hyomi, nice to meet you Unnie," I bowed back nervous and intimidated. She laughed at my stiffness.

"I heard you're friends with Krystal-ssi right?" Suyeon asked me with a smile. Then i thought about it. I haven't talked to her in the longest time...i wonder what she's doing...

"Hha yeah i guess so," I replied back sincerely. 

"Suyeon-ah, it's time for your turn!" her manager called through the door.

"Neh!" Suyeon called back. "It was nice meeting you Hyomi-ssi, let's meet again sometime!" She waved me goodbye and ran out the door.

"Wow...are all models so.....critical?" i sighed and made my way out. And theres still so many scheduals after this...













A/N: Its not much of a good chapter but whatever xD imma double update later on tonight so wait for it :)) Sorry it's been a long time since i updated though >__< My bay sister is gonna be due any minute now so im up on my toes waiting >_< Subscribe and COmment <3 Thanks :DD I'm really thankful towards those who have been with me for the longest time reading my story <3 It means so much to me <5 Thank you :))

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Chapter 30: Woaaaah!!! Double Daebak!!! The ending is super cute!!! And Congratulations on being a trainee!! You'll get to see Got7 more!!! <3 I want to be a trainee too! if i got the chance to go to korea i'll audition on jellyfish. Instant!!! I want to see VIXX and work with them :3
bluebunny96 #2
Chapter 30: amazing~ i'm glad to have stuck by this story from the very beginning. major congrats on getting into jyp!!!! i'm proud of you, author-nim! take me there too, lol.
coloful_song #3
Chapter 30: Beautiful ending!! I really love this story line!! HyomixChangwoo!! And congrats of getting into JYP!
bluebunny96 #4
Chapter 28: oohhh if youngmin and hyomin DID end up together... another 2min couple??
bluebunny96 #5
Chapter 26: this is just... wow... so much fluff~~ the story is going great, authornim!! muah!!
EXO12forlyfe #6
Chapter 1: May u send me the link to the first part? Idk whats happening right now :3
f5sulli #7
Can you please post on my wall to the link for the first part cause I don't know it ...I really want to read the first part first cause this sounds interesting
Chapter 25: Min is Youngmin and Nini is Kwangmin! ^.^ ♥
bluebunny96 #9
Chapter 25: i'm honestly not a big fan of dogs (more like i hate dogs) but chan tho~ so cute!!! if my friends saw this comment, they would never stop talking about it... O_O