ch.24- Mischieveious Jo Twins

I Hated You (Sequel)


*2 months later*

Just another month until comeback day. For two months, I isolated myself and cut off all contact with anyone to focus mainly on my music and I'm glad i did. I was prepared to go back on stage. My heart condition didn't really bother me anymore and occasionally I would go visit Jonghyun's grave and tell him about my day. The Jo Twins and I saw each other often due to practice schedules and in 4 days, we were suppose to be throwing a New Years party. CEO-oppa said I could invite anyone so I had the Infinite brothers, Changwoo, and the rest of the D.A.Q members on the top of my list.

Myungsoo and the rest of them are doing well. Myunggie would call to check up on me and sometimes all of us would go out to eat whenever we had free time in our schedules. Changwoo and the D.A.Q members were preparing for another comeback around the same time as mine and I knew I had some fierce competition with them. Jaesoo and I....we lost contact due him getting his number changed. I don't know if he's doing well or not, but I'm pretty sure he is.

I was in the dorm alone until I heard a knock. It was 12 in the afternoon and I was just relaxing for today. Who could it be? Maybe manager-oppa got me a schedule? I got up from my couch and went to open the door. I was surprised to see Youngmin standing there with a happy smile on his face.

"Y-yougmin-ah?" I looked at him confused and surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Hmm..." he looked up in thought. "I came to take you out today." I was puzzled. Hadn't we learned our lesson from that a long time ago when we got into a scandal?

"Erm...don't you rem---"

"I'm talking about going to the building's rooftop pabo~, I know better now," he merong'ed me. "I just thought you'd want to have some fresh air and relax since your comeback is in a month from now and after that, we won't be able to meet each other frequently."

He was right. Once I started my promotions, they usually lasted 3-4 months. My schedules would be filled to the max and there would be no time to meet him at all in between unless we were did a meeting or something. This is really weird...

"I guess so...let me grab my keys and then we can go to the rooftop I guess," I said awkwardly looking for my house keys so I could lock the door. I grabbed it from my bedroom and ran out into the hallway to see Youngmin leaning against the wall casually and patiently waiting for me. He looked like he had grown taller and even skinnier and his hair color was a bit lighter than before.

"Wah, you died your hair again?" I asked locking the door and walking up to him touching his fringe. He laughed.

"Yes, I did indeed, shall we go?" he said winking at me. Then I noticed it right away.

"Yah, wait a minute, JO KWANGMIN," I hit him playfully on his forehead.

"OW! WHAT?!" he answered rubbing his hair. "How'd you know it was me??" I raised my eye brow and crossed my arms over my chest in disbelief. Okay so he had me fooled for a little bit...Then where's Youngmin?

"You had me caught for awhile, but after that "wink" I knew right away," I said meronging him. "What's the real reason your here hm?"

"Like I said, to go to the roof top," he said smiling his cat-like smile that I couldn't resist.

"But for what reason?"

"Youngmin's up there if it makes you feel less awkward, we have some things to tell you," he said whistling and turning away from me. "Follow me if you wanna know~" I was so confused. What in the world is going on???

I quietly followed Kwangmin up to the roof where Youngmin was waiting for us. He smiled at me and I realized the twins both had the same hair color now, but Youngmin was still taller.

"Did she fall for it?" Youngmin asked amusement filling his eyes. Kwangmin shook his head no.

"I blew my cover by "winking" Kwangmin said in a sassy tone.

"Yah, pabo, are you trying to mimick me?"

"Hey, who you calling pabo, pabo Hyomi -.-" Kwangmin argued back. Oh how i missed these little quarrels. Youngmin continued to laugh at the both of us and didn't say much.

"Youngmin-ah! Tell your brother to stop teasing me about my height!" I said pouting. Youngmin was caught off guard by my sudden aegyo but said nothing as he held Kwangmin still.

"The things I do for you," Youngmin sighed putting Kwangmin in a head lock. The two brothers played with each other casually and finally youngmin had let go. They stood next to each other tall and big-eyed. It had been awhile since I saw them stand next to each other like that. 

"So...why am I up here?" I asked again crossing my arms impatiently. I was still clue less as to why iw as even here. the two brothers grinned at each other and smiled as they came towards me and each held onto my arm making it impossible to pull away from them both.

"YAH, YAH, JO KWANGMIN, JO YOUNGMIN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?! PUT ME DOWN!!" I yelled at them both as they dragged me back into the building and out the main door where a car was waiting for us. They jumped in pulling me with them and I knew i didn't have a choice and just gave up the fight as the car went into motion. That's when i realized all of Boyfriend was in the car. Donghyun was driving and Hyunseong was in the passenger seat smiling at me through the mirror.

"Good job Youngmin-ah, Kwangmin-ah," Minwoo said cheerfully. "Kidnap successful." I looked at Minwoo with sad eyes.

"Why would you guys plan this," I said annoyed. "Where are we going Donghyun-oppa?"

"Did these twins not tell you?" Donghyun asked laughter filling his voice.

"Wah, you guys really said you were just gonna kidnap her and go," Jeongmin joined in. What was going on?? Was there something I missed??











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Chapter 30: Woaaaah!!! Double Daebak!!! The ending is super cute!!! And Congratulations on being a trainee!! You'll get to see Got7 more!!! <3 I want to be a trainee too! if i got the chance to go to korea i'll audition on jellyfish. Instant!!! I want to see VIXX and work with them :3
bluebunny96 #2
Chapter 30: amazing~ i'm glad to have stuck by this story from the very beginning. major congrats on getting into jyp!!!! i'm proud of you, author-nim! take me there too, lol.
coloful_song #3
Chapter 30: Beautiful ending!! I really love this story line!! HyomixChangwoo!! And congrats of getting into JYP!
bluebunny96 #4
Chapter 28: oohhh if youngmin and hyomin DID end up together... another 2min couple??
bluebunny96 #5
Chapter 26: this is just... wow... so much fluff~~ the story is going great, authornim!! muah!!
EXO12forlyfe #6
Chapter 1: May u send me the link to the first part? Idk whats happening right now :3
f5sulli #7
Can you please post on my wall to the link for the first part cause I don't know it ...I really want to read the first part first cause this sounds interesting
Chapter 25: Min is Youngmin and Nini is Kwangmin! ^.^ ♥
bluebunny96 #9
Chapter 25: i'm honestly not a big fan of dogs (more like i hate dogs) but chan tho~ so cute!!! if my friends saw this comment, they would never stop talking about it... O_O