Chapter 30

What About Us

"Im leaving", His words replay in my head. "What?" I ask once again as I wipe my mouth with the napkin on the table. Maybe he's joking, Maybe he just want's to mess with me. Kai can be playfull at times, but this is a wrong time to be. "I'm leaving Sulli" He says nervously as he stares into my eyes. When I look back, I know for sure his words are true. His eyes sadly tell when he's being truthfull, in this case I really wish he was lying. "Your joking right?" I ask with a slight chuckle trying to keep calm. Ever since I was young, I had always laughed whenever I was sad. I thought it was better to laugh insted of cry. Sometimes I can't help but to cry, But not infront of Kai. No, I would never let him see me breakdown infront of him. "Sulli, don't make this harder than it really is" He says looking away. "I'm making this harder? You want to be telling jokes on our date, I laughed didn't I" I retort back. "Sulli, I'm not joking. I have to leave you" He says now more slowly as if each word needs to hit me twice as harder as before. I stop my laughing and thats when it turns into silence.

He grabs my hand, However I quickly pull back and cross my arms over my chest. "What do you mean your leaving?" I ask finally knowing that's what I had wanted to say but never wanted to hear the answer. "I got a scholarship into one of the music companys" He announces. I want to hug him, congratulate him, kiss him and know how good this is for him. I want to do all this but can't. Knowing that he'll be leaving me and moving on to bigger and better things pains me. I don't budge a single sound or move one bit. He waits for me to say something but I remain silent. I slowly get up and push my chair in. He looks up and notices a single tear slide down my right cheek. "When did you find out?" I ask. "Umm a couple of days ago, I didn't know how to tell you and I wanted to tell so bad." He responds. "So you decide to tell me on our date?" I ask. He stays silent. "Look, There really wasn't a certain time that I could tell you properly. I had to get it out there Sulli, I needed you to know" He says with a pleading tone for me to understand. "So your leaving? Your leaving this school and going into the music industry?" He nods lightly. I slowly get up and push my chair in. "Congrats Kai, You really deserved it" I say before walking out the door and heading home.

My feet rush down the stairs in hope to reach my dorm before my tears starting pouring out, But I can't help it and start crying right there and then. I sink down to the floor and sit on one of the steps. Nothing is really going as good as it seems anymore. Frienships have tooken wrong turns, People aren't as always as good as it seems, and in the end someone so important to you ends up leaving. In this case, Kai was leaving me - again. I lost him back then, and I luckily found a way to connect with him again. How could this happen twice? I lost him before and I wasn't looking forward to losing him again. Kai's not just any guy either, He was my first love. When he leaves, I really doubt that he would remember me. Not only was it about not being remembered but the fact that I might forget him too. Our worlds were both going to be seperated and there was nothing either of us could do about it.

I open the door to my room and plop myself on the bed as I kick off my shoes and remove my jewlery. I get up and head to the bathroom where I see in the mirror a messy teary eyed girl. My mascara is messed up and my eyes look super puffy from all the crying thats been done. Seeing myself like this reminds me of when I had cried like last time, I felt such pity for myself and I hated that. Right here, right now, I'm promising myself not to cry anymore. I won't waste another tear anymore.

*Ring* The door bell goes off again. Amber looks at me which I only focus on my book that I'm reading. She rolls her eyes before getting up and snatching the book out of my hands. I look up at her with no reaction at all. "What the hell is up with you Sulli?" She asks as she plops her self on the couch with me. "Ever since last night, you've been so quiet and then Kai won't stop ringing the door every time he comes from a class, it's justtoo much." She states. "Kai's leaving, Amber. He got accepted into one of the music company's and is leaving" I say keeping my gaze on the blank wall infront of me. "He's leaving!? Oh my gosh what's going to happen to you two?" She asks surprised. "Well I really do doubt that we will stay in touch, Long distance relationships never last" I state as I start fidgeting with my fingers. "When had he told you this becuase you seem completly okay with it?" She asks. "Last night on our "Date" I respond. "Sulli, this isn't good, your not good" She states as she pats my back. "Im fine" I say irritatedly as I get up to get myself something to drink. She notices my sudden outburst and walks over to the kitchen area and leans on the counter. "Your fine? Take a look at yourself Sulli, Your a mess" She says. "I really don't care what you think Amber!" I finally say as I slam my cup down on the counter. She's a bit surprised at my actions but doesn't flinch or make any movement at my action. "Just know one thing before you start thinking your the only one in pain here. Kai had to tell you the news on his own knowing that it would hurt you. He loves you Sulli and it must pain him to leave as well. Kai doesn't have much time left with you, So don't take the time left for granted" She says before walking off into her room. As much as I hate to admit, Amber is right. I had only a limited of time left with him and wasn't doing anything about it.

I walk down the hallway to my next class. A group of guys come from behind and start patting me on the back. "Great job Kai!" "We'll miss you bro" Some of them say. I hear such encouraging words from them but the one I would want to hear it from can't be here as well. It was stupid of me to tell her last night, but seeing her happy and knowing that something was missing to tell her I had to tell her the truth. I'm supposed to be leaving in two days and it saddens me to know that I won't spend them with her. I love Sulli so much and want to be with her for as long as possible, However, with what I did last night I doubt our relationship lasting. I walk out the building and begin walking across the campus heading towards the park. Most of the leaves have fallen and it's getting much colder now. Winter is on its way and there's nothing stopping it from coming. My arm is tugged on and when I look back at who's there I'm a bit tooken back. "Sulli?" I say. "Can we talk?" She asks calmly. I nod and start walking side by side with her. I know that this converstaing might not go well but things have got to get resolved.

*Authors Note*

Updated. I'm not completly staisfied with this chapter since I had to be rushed so I don't blame you if you too believe it wasn't as good. So some of you may still be confused on what exactly is happening but in the next chapters coming up, I'm hoping all your questions will be answerd. Please leave a comment and anticipate for the next chapters! ye :D

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The last chapter is coming up


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Chapter 34: Omgg i have been searching for kailli ff and I'm glad that I found yours! Yours is just too amazing! Hope you'll write more about them. I'm a strong kailli shipper! WOhhoo
nyyxoxo #2
StephanieTran #3
Chapter 34: i just love the ending!
louisa_marie #5
Chapter 34: how sweet!! :))
i love your story :))
foreverjonginjinri #6
Chapter 34: KAILLI is in the air yow! Lol btw thanks for wrote this awesome story, authornim! /bow/ Please make another kailli fanfic as good as this or even more keke^-^

update soon author-nim♡
foreverjonginjinri #8
Chapter 33: HUAAA SOOOO SWEET!!!:') Ahh it's sad to know this story will come to an end soon:(
foreverjonginjinri #9
Chapter 32: Omo I feel like cryin' now because these latest chapter are beautiful I cant;AAA;
zangsia1 #10
Chapter 32: so glad they are together and so sad he is leaving how will Sulli cope?
thanks authornim with the update