Chapter 27

What About Us

Happiness. That is what I was starting to feel now. I need to let go of all the guilt and let the negative go. I can't keep feeling down about myself and other's. I need to enjoy what I have going for me and enjoy life with the people involved in it. This all sound's pretty good until the sight of something so strange, so odd catches my eye.

On my way to my first class I see Krystal and Chanyeol acting so lovey dovey infront of the room door. I didn't think they were so "close". He look's so happy with her arms surrounding his neck as she laughs at something he say's. The once dark bags and emotionless Chanyeol is no longer present. Krystal look's as if all her worries are gone. I would say that I'm feeling jealous but then I would be kind of lying. He look's so happy and that's all I really want for him. Knowing that I'm not the reason for his happiness and Krystal is kind of cuases a somewhat pain in my heart, but it's bearable. If being with her make's him happy then I should be happy. Right? Someone's hands envelope with mine. I look up and see Kai standing there which make's me really happy. He's always there for me and I can't be more than thankfull for that. I'm happy and so is Chanyeol. Everything seem's alright now. Kai places a quick peck on my lips before heading off to class with Luhan. I take a deep breath before approaching the lovely couple infront of the class entrance.

"Good morning" I say as I bow to both of them. Chanyeol bow's back but Krystal doesn't. "Good morning Sulli" He says back with a wide grin. I smile at his expression. Krystal entwines her hand with Chanyeol and show's off a slight smirk. "I'm happy that you two are together. It's cute" I say feeling the slight awkward air that's been created. "Thanks. If it wasn't for you breaking his heart then I wouldn't have him today" She says looking into his eyes. Chanyeol's a bit stunned at her words but goes with it. Hearing her word's pains me but I don't put too much mind to it. "You better get to to your class before you get late." Krystal says as she releases a sigh. "Alright. I'll pick you up after class then" He says walking away. Krystal pulls him back and give's him a quick peck on the cheeck before leaving. "See you later Sulli" He says waving. I wave back and then head into class.

When I walk into class Amber pulls me by the arm and drags me to a seat right next to her's. "What did you do!?" She asks worried. "What do you mean what did I do? I haven't done anything for this whole past week except go out and buy groceries and- "Not that type of stuff, I mean what did you do to Chanyeol?" She asks cutting me off. "Well other than my countless attemtps of apoligizing and getting rejected by them, nothing" I respond. "Chanyeol and Krystal are a couple now! How the hell did that happen!?" She asks me still in shock yet dissappointment. "I did see them hanging around a couple of times. Maybe they found some feeling's for eachother and got together" I suggest. "No that can't be it. Chanyeol would never date a girl like her, and Krystal! That girl has trouble written all over her. She's always up to something even if that means she has to use somebody to get it" Amber says. "So are you not ok with his relationship with her?" I ask already knowing her answer. "Of course not. I am extremely upset about it. When I get him alone I am definently going to smack some sense into him." She states as she mimmicks slapping him. I laugh at her response.

During the rest of class, Most of the student's are following the instructions of the teacher except forr one person in particullar. Krystal is seen on her phone smiling and giggling randomly. The teacher doesn't notice but Amber and I certainly do. During one part of class Amber kept mimicking her laugh and the faces Krystal would make. I can't help but chuckle over it. Once the bell ring's signaling class is over Amber and I head over to the cafeteria to get something quick to eat. When we get over there we meet up with Luhan and some of his friends. "Hey Lulu, how have you been?" Amber says laughing at the nickname. "Seriously, when my friends are here don't call me that" He says. "So have you two heard?" He asks with his tone of voice becoming more quiet. "About?" I ask. "The new "it" couple" He says. "Don't remind me, Is that the only interesting thing that is happening here?" Amber asks annoyed. "Other than the next scholarships that have been handed out and the fight that happened like a month ago, this has to be one of the most interesting and new gossip's going around school" He responds. "Right" She agrees. "We shouldn't gossip so much about their relationship. If they want to be together then just let them. Plus, I would love to be spending time doing something fun rather than talking about some new couple" I respond. "Of course your always right Sulli" Luhan says swinging his arm around my shoulder and swinging the other around Amber's shoulder. "Your always thinking positive. Isn't that boring?" Amber asks. "Not really. It's one of the many ways to be relaxed" I answer. From behind Luhan's friends come and approach us.

"Hey guy's, sorry to intrude but there's an invite to a party tonight. Would you guy's want to come?" Xiumin asks. Before Amber and I can answer Luhan responds "Of course we would" "Hey, don't start speaking for me" Amber warns him. "Where exactly is the party at boys?" She says with a raised eyebrow. "Near the school's park" Chen answers who is standing behind Luhan. "C'mon guy's it's a party. Please come, weren't we just talking about how we need to start having some fun. This is a pretty simple sighn that says we should go" Luhan says with his puppy eyes. "Fine, I'll go just stop doing that" Amber says in defeat. He then turn's to me and does the same. "I'll go but not because of that cute face of yours" I say pinching his cheek's. During our time in the cafeteria, All of us hangout and talk about random stuff. For once in awhile, I felt really good and happy being around these people. I felt like I was relly fitting in with this school.

The next class I had to attend was Dance. Since I haven't been there in awhile I had alot to catch up on. We were learning hip-hop since Kai wanted to learn that dance. This meant that I had alot of catching up to do. Of course Kai was there to help me cacth up on some of the moves but he couldn't teach me all the moves. The choreographer had splitted us apart this time, meaning that the girls and boys would have some seperate moves but also some of the same part's. I had to have one of the girl's help me learn the dance and the teacher picked Krystal. Of course, with a smile on her face and a plan already in mind she accepted to help me. From across the room Amber looked at me as if I was in need of some serious help to get out of this situation. I knew too for a fact that I was in need for some help. Once class ended, I left that thought alone and got ready for the awaited party that was about to happen.

He slams the door hard behind him cuasing some of the picture frame's to slightly shake. "What the hell happened to you?" Krystal asks as she look's through his closet trying to pick something nice for him to wear out. "I know that I agreed to be in this relaionship, but constantly telling people about how "you saved my heart" from Sulli "ripping it out of my chest" isn't doing well with me. "So what exactly are you saying?" She says as she takes out this one nice suit but then places it back in the closet in continue of her search. "I'm not some boy in trouble Krystal. You make it seem as if your my god or something when that's not the case. I looked like a fool back then, don't make me look like one now" He states. She finally finds the perfect outfit for him and places it on his couch. "Wear this, and pick me up at 7" She says as she makes her way to the door. He grabs hold of her arm causing her to stop in her tracks. "I'm sorry alright? I shouldn't make you look like a fool and I apologize. But you should really get those thought's out of your head so that we can focus on tonight. I have alot in plan for us" She says and then walk's out.

I place the pin on the side holding back some of my hair making it the last finishing touch. I smoothe down my black and white plaid dress as I stare into the mirror's. Makeup is good, hair is done, dress is slightly puffy, heels on, earrings are stunning, pin in place, I'm all good. The last time I went out to have fun was with Kai. He took me to the arcade which was the most funnest place I've been since I came here. Remembering that day instantly makes me smile. Speaking of Kai, He should be here in a few with Luhan. "Amber are you ready?" I ask loudly. She comes out wearing a nice white tee covered with a vest and some black skinny jeans with her favorite pair of sneakers. "All ready. You look so pretty Sulli" She compliments. "Thanks. The same goes to you. I love those earrings" I say back. "Why thankyou, I bought them last time we went to the mall" She replies. A knock is heard on the door signaling that it's time to go.

It's nice and dark out with a slight breeze. "You look really beautiful" Kai compliment's as were walking. "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself" I respond. He places his hand at the side of my waist bringing me closer to him as we continue walking. "Seriously, cant you two wait till we get to the party until you begin getting all touchy with eachother" Luhan says causing us all to laugh. We soon reach the park and hear the music playing and the people dancing. There are nice light lines placed around the area making the mood feel even more good. From afar I notice that the new talked about couple has finally arrived. Chanyeol is wearing a nice white tee with some black pant's, while Krystal is seen in a black mini dress that is tight showing everything with her nice black hair straightened. Her heels click announcing that they've came. Amber pull's me away from Kai onto the dancefloor to well of course start dancing. Kai and Luhan soon joins and everybody is having a great time. The fast nice song's soon turns into a slow one which Kai takes this time to dance with me. Amber goes off to get something to eat while Luhan is gathered around by a whole bunch of girls trying to get him to dance with them.

Kai places his arms around my waist while I place my arms around his neck. "So are you enjoying yourself?" He asks me. "Of course. Tonight has been very fun. Are you enjoying yourself?" I ask back. "When I'm with you, Yes" He replies locking his gaze on my eyes. "Is that so?" He nods. "Well, Honestly, this moment right here has to be my favorite part of the night" I confess. "Are you sure? I think that there might be an even better moment later" He says. "Like what?" I ask curiously. He answers by placing his lips upon mine. I enjoy this moment very much. With his sweet kisses all the time this one had to be the best. It felt so right, It's the type of kiss that makes you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach. He breaks it off becuase of running out of breath. I lay my head on his shoulder as we continue dancing. The song ends causing us to stop dancing. I head over to Amber who is talking to some girls and we beging our own conversation. Kai is with Luhan until Krystal come's and interrupts their conversation. "Luhan can I have a talk with him alone please?" She asks nicely but also with a smirk. Luhan look's to Kai who say's it's ok. "If you try anything, my fangirl's will attack you" Luhan warns her before going off somewhere.

"So what do you want Krystal?" He asks seriously. "Just to talk. Can't a girl just talk to someone like a regular human being?" She asks with a chuckle. "Your not normal. You are crazy" He tells her. "Crazy for you, I suppose" She says as she sips her drink. "Your dating Chanyeol, I don't believe he would be too happy at what your telling me" Kai says seriously. "Chanyeol is a nice guy. He pay's attention to me, cares about my feeling's, and listens to what I have to say. He's all the thing's that you weren't, he's a great guy" She says griping her cup really hard. "But you see the problem is, That Chanyeol is too perfect me. And he's not you. You are the guy that I want to be with, need to be with." She says as she releases her tight grip from her cup. "Krystal you can't be doing this. I moved on and so should you" He states. "No. I'm not going to move on. I don't think that it's ever going to be possible for me to move on. Your the guy for me Kai. And I think it's time we both accept that fact." "Krystal I don't have feeling's for you. I, I'm in love with Sulli. I already have feeling's for her Krystal and you can't come and take that away." He says feeling pity for the girl infront of his eyes. "Don't be too sure on what you say?" She warns him.

I feel a tight tap on my shoulder and see Chanyeol there. "Can we talk somewhere privately?" I nod and follow him. We end up taking a little stroll over to where the entrance of the party is at. "I'm sorry for avoiding you Sulli, I really missed you and I couldn't bear to shwo you my face at that time when I looked a mess" He confesses. I immediantly hug him which he gladly accept's. "I missed you so much Channie. I should be the one apologizing though" I confess. "No, you apologized so much already. I'm sorry, do you forgive me?" He asks. I nod. "So how has everything been. I mean you and Krystal look serious" I ask. "Were good, I suppose" He says placing his head down. "Did I say something wrong, I'm sorry" I begin apologizing. "No,it's not that. I just didn't expect you too be happy about us being together" He says. "It shouldn't matter what I feel about your relationship. If you two like eachother than that's great. I'm happy if your happy" I say. "Then be with me" He says looking at me. "Escuse me?" I ask a bit tooken off. "You want me to be happy than be with me" He repeat's himself. "Chanyeol, I can't do that. I- "I know your with him Sulli, But be with me. I won't hurt you" He says as he comes a bit closer to me. "Chaneyol, I can't be with you. I like somebody else" I state. "Please Sulli. Just please, give me a chance" HE begs as he comes more closer now only a few inches away from me. I back up to only have him come closer. He cups my face in his hand's and has his gaze locked on mine. His face begins to come closer to mine's and I already know what's about to happen. Before his lip's can even reach mines, With my free hand I slap him in the face. I didn't even think about doing it, it just happened. He backs up and holds onto his cheek that's in pain.

"Chanyeol, I-" I'm cut off when I hear Kai's voice coming from behind. "What the hell do you think your doing" He yells angrily. Kai grabs Chanyeol by the collar and has the most furious look in his eye. Luhan pulls Kai back causing Kai's grip on Chanyeol to be loosened. Kai struggles to get back at Chanyeol but Luhan is too strong at holding him back. "Party's over. Everybody leave" D.O says. Amber comes up and checks on me before going to Chanyeol. Luhan calms down Chanyeol as much as he can before letting him out of his grip. Kai comes up to me and checks to see if I'm ok. "Did he hurt you" Kai asks worriedly. I nod no. I can still see the anger in his eye's which isn't as bad compared to before. I know that Kai is ready to go back over to where Chanyeol is and before he can I grab hold of his arm. "Don't" I manage to say.

On our way back to the dorm, Silence fills the air. When we reach my dorm Amber isn't there because of her need to take care of Chanyeol. I take my heels off and sit down at the corner of the couch. "You haven't made eye contact with me ever since we left the party. What happened?" He asks still standing infront of the door. "I saw the way you looked at Chanyeol. The anger and rage that was in your eye's. You looked like you could kill him, like you could kill anyone. I never saw that side of you before" I manage to say. "Are you scared of me?" He asks with a calm tone. I keep my gaze fixated on the floor. He slowly walks up to me and takes a seat on the couch. "Please don't be afraid of me. I know I was really angry but I would never hurt someone so bad. I would never hurt you" He says. "I don't want to be that girl that asks for alot, but please promise me that you won't  get like that again?" I ask of him. "Of course, I promise." He says as he takes me into a hug. I hug him tighter than ever. "I love you" He whispers in my ear. "I love you too" I whisper back. He gives me a quick on the lips before leaving the dorm.

*Author's Note*

How was the chapter? Comment Please! I took alot of time to write this chapter since I don't update much often and I really hoped you like it. How is the story is going so far? The next chapters are going to be really good so look forward to it. Anticipate for the next chapters and enjoy this story. Boo Bye! :D

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Chapter 34: Omgg i have been searching for kailli ff and I'm glad that I found yours! Yours is just too amazing! Hope you'll write more about them. I'm a strong kailli shipper! WOhhoo
nyyxoxo #2
StephanieTran #3
Chapter 34: i just love the ending!
louisa_marie #5
Chapter 34: how sweet!! :))
i love your story :))
foreverjonginjinri #6
Chapter 34: KAILLI is in the air yow! Lol btw thanks for wrote this awesome story, authornim! /bow/ Please make another kailli fanfic as good as this or even more keke^-^

update soon author-nim♡
foreverjonginjinri #8
Chapter 33: HUAAA SOOOO SWEET!!!:') Ahh it's sad to know this story will come to an end soon:(
foreverjonginjinri #9
Chapter 32: Omo I feel like cryin' now because these latest chapter are beautiful I cant;AAA;
zangsia1 #10
Chapter 32: so glad they are together and so sad he is leaving how will Sulli cope?
thanks authornim with the update