Chapter 21

What About Us

"Come over and sit down" I say patting a free space next to me. He quickly come's and sit's down to the space next to mines. Once he sit's down Chanyeol send's him a glare that Amber and Luhan take notice of. "So whose turn is it now?" Luhan asks trying to make the tension go away. "Mine" I say happily. "Whose going to ask me?" I ask. Kai and Chanyeol raise their hand at the same time. "Umm Kai go, Chanyeol you already had a turn" Amber say's. Chanyeol slowly put's his hand down with a dissapointed look. "Truth or Dare Sulli?" Kai asks with a nervous smile. "Umm Truth" I answer. "Is it true that you actually cut your hair in the third grade becuase you thought you could fit in with the nerds?" Kai asks. I nudge his arm. "How did you know about that?" I ask in shock of his question. "So it is true" He says with laughter. "Why are you laughing? I was actually thinking for once unlike someone else" I say as I cross my arm's over my chest. "Your just too funny, So is it the truth or not?" He asks. "It's true alright, now just don't mention this again" I state. He nods and laugh's at the same time. The rest of my friend's just awkwardly sit there noticing how me and Kai talk about our past. Out of all of the three, Chanyeol looked the most upset.

Chanyeol clears his throat catching me and Kai's attention from continuing our conversation. "Sulli who are you asking next?" He says with an upset tone. "Oh yeah I forgot about that. Umm Kai truth or dare?" I ask. Chanyeol sighs in dissapointment. Amber knudges his arm. "Ouch" He mouths to her. "Truth" He replies. I think of something to ask. "Is it true that your father buyed your way into this school?" Chanyeol asks interrupting my turn. Everybody is a bit tooken off at Chanyeol's question. "Chanyeol what the h-" "No Amber or everyone, It's alright. I can answer this. Even though it's not Sulli's question I'll answer it." Kai state's. Everyone hold's onto their own thought's to hear Kai's response. "My father had wanted me to go to this school ever since he found out how good I was at dancing. After I told him how much dance meant to me, he promised me that one day I would be going to this college. When I told him how gratefull I was too go to this college and how I promised to get a job  to go here he immediantly was tooken back by my word's. He said that I shouldn't have to work and that thing's would come in easily for me since he is the boss of many company's. I didn't want thing's to come easily. I wanted to work for what I wanted and feel proud of my accomplishment's. Once I made him realize the fact that I didn't want his money for anything, I lost him. The summer before I cam here, my father stopped talking to me and just didn't acknoledge me any more. He cut off all connecton so that I can feel what the dissapointment of my hard work would feel like at times. So no, my father didn't pay for me to go to this school, I had to work three job's to come here."

No word's come out of anybody's mouth. I think for all of us, Kai's word's had given us all a new perspective of him. You wouldn't think that he would be the type of guy that had lost such a special connection like that. Under the whole popular best dancer guy there is a guy with a hardworking and determined attitude. "Now im feeling like I made everything too awkward so can you guy's please say something to change the atmosphere?" Kai asks. "I think we played for enough today, I have to go. I'll see you all later" Luhan says and then leaves. "Chanyeol can I talk to you outside for a minute" Amber says as she head's outside the door. Chanyeol being confused follow's Amber behind. When they reach outside and closes the door Amber immdianlt goes into her serious mode. "What is going on with you?" she asks. "What do you mean?" Chanyeol asks confused. "Look I know you like Sulli b- "I like Sulli? Wait why would you say that?" Chanyeol whispers nervously. "Seriously Chanyeol. Ever since last week at the party and then today when we were playing the game, you obviously were throwing some hint's around that you like her more than a friend. Every time your around her you get protective and all sweet. You have this sparkle in your eye that only show's when she is around." Amber says. "Ok your right, I do have some feeling's for her alright, just don't say anything for right now." He says. Amber nod's in understanding. "You need to control yourself a bit though. Since you like her like that try some new way's to show it without being too over protective" Amber says. "I'm not too over protective" Chanyeol defends himself. "Seriously Chanyeol? Did you ever actually find the real reason why you had this sort of dislike toward's Luhan?" She asks him. He nods no. "You obviously were jelous of Luhan's friendship with Sulli. You were too over protective of her that you even start disliking her friend's that are boy's." Amber says. "I'm not jelous..atleast I don't think so" Chanyeol denies. "Well you just need to think about your actions Chnayeol. Don't do anything that will push her away, it won't be or feel good for you" Amber says as she pull's him in for an hug.

Meanwhile, while everyone was out of the room, Kai and I had a talk. "Why didn't you tell me that back then Kai? I could have helped" I say. "I didn't want you to get involved with my own personal issues. Plus I thought you were busy with your own life, I wont ruin your life by me intruding it" He replies. I look into his eyes. "Kai, your not ruining my life. In fact, you probably made it a better place in a way" I respond. He smiles at my word's. "Sulli can I ask you something?" I nod a yes. "Do you....." He freezes up. "What is it Kai?" I ask noticing how he stopped. "Do you...still have pain in your leg?" He asks with a cough. "Oh. Umm nope, the doctor said I just need to wear this cast for a couple of more day's and then I can finally take it off and walk normally" I say happily. "Ohh do you have a marker?" He asks. "Umm there is one on the table" I respond. He get's up and find's a black one before returning back on the floor. "Can I write something?" He asks with a smile. "Umm sure" I respond. "Alright, just no peeking" Kai states. "No peeking? C'mon this is my leg your writing on" I say. "No peeking" He demands. "Fine" I reply in defeat. Once he put's the marker on the my leg I screech. He immdeiantly stop's what he's doing. "Did I hurt you!?!?" He asks worriedly. "Nope" I reply laughing. "Seriously Sulli that was not funny. Just because of that I'm going to write somewhere you wont be able to read" He says. I giggle at his reaction. He take's his time and writes something which feel's as if he's writing a story. "What are you writing?" I ask full of curiosity. "I'm not telling" He responds. Finnaly he finishes up and has a smile on his face. I turn my leg a bit and can catch only a little of what was written. "1.4.3? What does that mean?" I ask confused. "You'll find out soon" He respond's with a smile.

He get's up and put's the marker away before returning back to sit down. "Kai have you talken to your while you've been in college?" "No I haven't" He responds. "Just remember that even later is never too late to reconile your realtionship" I state. He take's in my word's. "Does this relate to us too?" He asks. I look to him. "Does it?" I ask back. His eyes focus on mines and then look's to my lip's. I can't help but to look at his too. Those round plump lip's that he has can make you belive that he is kissable. I'm falling into these thought's again, the one's in which I don't know what type of feeling I'm having. His face get's closer to me and his lip's aren't that far away from mines. "Kai do you like me?" I ask him as our face's are so close to eachother's. He stay's quiet thinking to himself of what he should say. "Just tell me how you feel Kai. Let me in" I plead. With his other hand he places it on my cheek and admires the beauty I show. "I'm not going to lie that I don't have some sort of feeling for you Sulli. But I must say that I also don't know what this is. Would you really want to be let in at uncertainty?" He asks me. I study his word's in my head and slowly back myself up from him. "Until were both certain of our feeling's we shouldn't do this. I would'nt want to jeprodize our friendship." I say. He nods in understanding. After he back's up Amber and Chanyeol walk in after their long conversation. Kai soon leaves which leaves me to think about my feeling's. I need to know exactly what I am feeling before I can even do anything.

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Chapter 34: Omgg i have been searching for kailli ff and I'm glad that I found yours! Yours is just too amazing! Hope you'll write more about them. I'm a strong kailli shipper! WOhhoo
nyyxoxo #2
StephanieTran #3
Chapter 34: i just love the ending!
louisa_marie #5
Chapter 34: how sweet!! :))
i love your story :))
foreverjonginjinri #6
Chapter 34: KAILLI is in the air yow! Lol btw thanks for wrote this awesome story, authornim! /bow/ Please make another kailli fanfic as good as this or even more keke^-^

update soon author-nim♡
foreverjonginjinri #8
Chapter 33: HUAAA SOOOO SWEET!!!:') Ahh it's sad to know this story will come to an end soon:(
foreverjonginjinri #9
Chapter 32: Omo I feel like cryin' now because these latest chapter are beautiful I cant;AAA;
zangsia1 #10
Chapter 32: so glad they are together and so sad he is leaving how will Sulli cope?
thanks authornim with the update