Chapter 16

What About Us

It's 6:00 am and I still haven't gotten alot of sleep. I just keep thinking about what occurred between me and Kai. From his action I believe he has feeling's for me but I'm not completely sure if I have feeling's for him. I know I feel this special connection whenever were together buut I'm not sure what type of connection this is. Is it a friend connection or a love type of connection. Aissh Sulli you seriously need to stop thinking so much. I stay in bed for a couple of more minutes thinking that I'll get some rest but that doesn't happen. Instead i decide to get up early and get ready for the day. When I'm finished washing up I decide to have a quick breakfeast. Ramen sound's really good. Last week Amber went shopping and I'm not sure if she bought the ramen. I immediantly begin to look for the ramen all over the kitchen.

"It's on the top shelf in the cabinet" Amber say's as she walks in the kitchen. "Thanks" I say shyly. It's very awkward between us. Ever since last night when she cuaght what almost happened between me and Kai, we haven't really spoken much to eachother. I silently prepare my Ramen and  feel her stare watching me. "So are we going to talk about what happened?" She asks. "Since you brought the topic up I guess why not" I reply back. "So did you want it? I mean the kiss, did you want it?" She asks curiously. "I don't know. Over the past few week's i have been having some unconfirmed feelings for him. I don't know what these feelings I have are?" I respond. "Well I think it's pretty obvious that he has a crush on you. You guy's have almost kissed twice now." She states. "And your extremely lucky I'm the one who catche's you two. If anybody saw you two together like that, Both of you would be in some serious trouble and the talk of school." She adds on. "I just need to talk to him. That's a good thing to do right?" I ask. She nods. "And the right thing to do." She also says. I take in a breath thinking about what I have to do. "Sulli you should also know something." Amber states. "What is it?" I ask curiously. "Whatever happens just please be aware of people's feeling's that  might get conflicted with your guy's relationship." She states. I take a moment trying to understand her words. "Don't worry too much about what I said your Ramen is ready" She says trying to cover up her own words. I eat my Ramen and begin to think about what I'm going to do.

After I'm done with my food I head off on my way to class. I get stopped in the hallway by Chanyeol. "Good morning Ssull" Chanyeols says as he ruffles my hair. I pat my hair back down to normal. "Good morning Channie" I say to him. "So how was the party last night?" He asks curiously with an eager smile. "It was really fun, I enjoyed it alot.Thankyou so much Chanyeol." I say. "No problem. I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself. Do you know when your leaving?" He asks a she walks me to class. "I think in two more days" He nods in understanding. "Don't miss me too much." I teasingly say too him. "Well since your leaving soon, then let's spend a day out with a eachother. Just the two of us hanging out enjoying your last few days here." He states really into the idea. "So like a date?" I teasingly ask. H rubs the back of his neck and tries to his his blush. "If thats what you want" He stutters out. ":et's hangout, when should we do this?" I ask eagerly. "Tommorrow after your last class come to my dorm" He says with a smile. We soon reach my class. "Alright. Thanks for bringing me to class." I say and we bid our goodbyes. When I get into class I pay attetion to the whole lesson and actually perform a singing piece infront of the class. Between me and Luhan we were the both top two best singers in the class including the devil Krystal.

Once class finishes I head towards the stair case making my way up to the roof. Me and Kai said we would meet achother here to talk. As I'm walking up the flight of stair's I see Krystal sitting on one of the steps waiting patiently for someone. I avoid her and make my way up the stair's until she hold's onto my arm halting me to a stop. "We need to talk." She says avoiding my gaze. I pull my arm off from her grip and head back down the stair's facing her. "What do you want Krystal?" I ask. "I warned you before about staying away from Kai." she says still not looking at me. "You can't tell me what to do Krystal." I say angrily at her. "You dont know how to stay away when told." she says. "Krystal, Kai is my friend. I know you may hate it but it's a real friendship and you just need to accept that fact" I say. She put's her gaze on me. "Never mess up a game that has already begun" She says. I begin to start thinking about what her words mean. Before I can find out that she means, with all force she pushe's me back making me fall down the stair's. I tumble all the way down and hit the floor hard twisting my leg once I reach the bottom. Everything is in pain in my body right now. She give's me one last glare before running off somewhere. Tears escape my eyes. I cry in pain. I try picking my upper body up but I am still weak from what just happened. I feel a lot of pain in my right leg and realize I can't move it. I try moving my legs but they are just in too much pain and are weak. I want to hold back my tears but they just keep coming out. Kai comes walking up the stair's and see's me sprawled out on the floor in pain. "Sulli!? What happened?" He asks worriedly. He rushes over to me and holds me in his arms. I try to speak but i'm in too much pain. "My leg hurst. I need to get to the nurse" I manage to get out. He picks me up in bridal style gently before bringing me to the nurse.

*Author's Note*

How was the update? I'm sorry if it's shorter than the usual. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I know that I haven't told you guys how much all your comment's and support for this story mean to me, But your support really does mean alot to me. Thankyou to all of you awesome readers!!! Anticipate for the next chapter. ye :D

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Chapter 34: Omgg i have been searching for kailli ff and I'm glad that I found yours! Yours is just too amazing! Hope you'll write more about them. I'm a strong kailli shipper! WOhhoo
nyyxoxo #2
StephanieTran #3
Chapter 34: i just love the ending!
louisa_marie #5
Chapter 34: how sweet!! :))
i love your story :))
foreverjonginjinri #6
Chapter 34: KAILLI is in the air yow! Lol btw thanks for wrote this awesome story, authornim! /bow/ Please make another kailli fanfic as good as this or even more keke^-^

update soon author-nim♡
foreverjonginjinri #8
Chapter 33: HUAAA SOOOO SWEET!!!:') Ahh it's sad to know this story will come to an end soon:(
foreverjonginjinri #9
Chapter 32: Omo I feel like cryin' now because these latest chapter are beautiful I cant;AAA;
zangsia1 #10
Chapter 32: so glad they are together and so sad he is leaving how will Sulli cope?
thanks authornim with the update