Chapter 4

She's Having My Baby

3 weeks have passed by since the day Yoochun left Singapore. There was no form of contact made by him. Neither did Jiyun contact him. She figured that although this was weird (since they usually communicate with each other every other day), it was desirable. She would not have to worry about getting her pregnancy found out by any common friends that they have. She hoped that Yoochun was keeping his mouth sealed as well.
But unconsciously, she didn't realise that she was sighing and checking out her smartphone more frequently.

'I was right about him. Claiming to want to take responsibility but running away at the slightest possible chance. I thought he would have been extremely concerned about the baby, but i guess for a playboy like him, it's still a liability huh...' Jiyun mumbled to herself as she her flat tummy.

The baby was still too early from being discovered, but the signs of her pregnancy was so severe that she had to frequently report for work later due to morning sickness.

She used to hear about how bad morning sickness and cravings were, but she never did believe them. After all, it's just eating and throwing up... everybody should have done those at least once in their early childhood days.

She took her words back.

In fact, to cope with the major changes physically and mentally during early stages of pregnancy IS challenging.

Especially for single moms. Hooray to all moms!

'Park Yoochun, i'm gonna erase you from baby and my life since you just ruined your own chance. I don't want baby to realise that papa is an irresponsible jerk.' She thought, at the same time deleting all forms of contact communication from her phone. Tada.

Squinting with her less than perfect eyesight, Jiyun looked at the wall clock. 30 minutes more to knocking off. 'Great. I'll make a list of things that i have to get from the baby fair later.' She thought, picking up another sour plum from the packaging.

As she browsed though the pregnancy related forum for ideas, she had no idea that her boss was actually peeking at her every action from within his office. With every frown she made, he chuckled. It was only recently that he found himself following after every little thing Jiyun did.

Time passed by quickly, and soon 30 minutes was up. Everyone instantly dashed out of the office for fear that more work will be allocated to them. Except for Jiyun, who seemed to be very much engrossed with whatever she's reading.

Finally, Joon came out of his office after having a few rounds of debate with himself on whether he should ask Jiyun out for dinner.

With a backpack on his shoulders, Joon made his way out towards Jiyun's desk and knocked a couple of times on her table, snapping Jiyun out of the virtual world.

"Oh! Hi! Urm, what brings you here?" A flustered Jiyun asked as she desperately hid the list of baby items underneath another stack of notes.

"It's 7.20pm, shall we grab a bite together?" Joon asked as he tried to sneak a peek at the note.

"Omo! It's that late already!" Jiyun jumped as she realized the current time. She quickly threw a few times into her bag and stood up, "No thanks, gotta rush off to somewhere. Thanks for the offer anyway!" She smiled and switched off the monitor before running out of the office.

"Urm, ok....?" Joon was left dumfounded, AND alone, in the office.

Suddenly, curiousity got the better of him. He glanced at Jiyun's desk. The note that Jiyun had previously tried to hide was sticking out from the pile of notes. Looking around to make sure nobody was in sight, Joon pulled out the paper.

'Wha...?! Ain't those stuff used for maternity...?!' Joon thought to himself. He proceeded to switch on the monitor, revealing the pregnancy forum Jiyun was at earlier on. He read the thread title: 'What new moms should know....'

As Joon gazed at the screen in confusion, he tried to steady himself behind the desk. 'Ok, i must be thinking too much.' He thought. However, he recalled seeing Jiyun rushing to the ladies more frequently recently. She seemed to be more concerned about eating nutritious food for her meals (used to settle with either fastfood or air), and also snacking on sour plums.

'Hmmm.... what's happening...' He thought.


= Back in Korea =

"Manager-nim! Please keep to your promise! You said that you would return me my phones and laptop once i've finished recording! I've already done more than that! Return me my stuff!" Yoochun shouted as he walked into the room, slamming the door behind him. He had been severely reprimanded when he returned to the office and had most of his personal belongings, including his passport, confiscated.

He had no choice but ended up silently obeying what was being demanded of him, and he did them fast. However, work kept piling up, leaving him with nothing but frustrations. He decided it had to stop.

"Well well, simmer down. I hope this serves as a severe enough punishment to tame you down." Manager-nim, Kang said as he took off his spectacles, then facing to look at Yoochun.

Despite the difference in seniority and stern behaviour towards Yoochun, they have been close friends since young. It also meant that Kang had noticed Yoochun's abnormal behaviour, which resulted in his decision to 'quarrantine' him from his personal life so as to not affect the quality of the recording.

"What is that supposed to mean? You gonna return me my stuff?"

"Well, i guess so, since you have been diligently fulfilling your duties..." Kang said as he pulled open the drawer that contained Yoochun's stuff. "Here, please remember not to drop another missing act on us."

"I'm sorry..... hey? You forgot my passport?"

"Confiscated until a later date." Kang replied with his usual poker face.

"Wha... you can't do that?!"

"Yes i can, since you didn't tell me the reason behind your dissappearing act."

"......... forget it, i'm ok without it." Yoochu replied after pondering for a while. He turned and started walking towards the door when he got called back by Kang.

"Let's go for a drink later?"

"Kkay, i'll be in studio 2. Go find me when you're done." Yoochun replied as he strolled out of the room.

'Yoochun, whatever the reason is, i'll make sure you talk about it later....' Kang thought as he looked at Yoochun's passport, revealling the latest flight destination.


"Hey Kang, how many glasses have we drank?" Yoochun mumbled as he tried to steady himself in front of the door to his house. He pushed up the cover and attemped to punch in the password so as to open the door, but his vision wouldn't allow him to. Frustrated, he sat down lying his back on the door instead.

Sigh. "Yoochun, clear the damn doorway so we can get in the damn house! Think about your freaking image! And lose some weight!" Kang replied irritatingly as he swiftly typed in the password, kicked Yoochun out of the doorway and rolled him into the house. He then proceeded to the kitchen, completely ignoring Yoochun.

It was the first time Kang has seen a drunk Yoochun, well, till the extent of being unable to render his speech and physical ability. He took a sip of water and looked over to Yoochun, who seem to have started mumbling about something.

Another sigh escaped from Kang's mouth. He proceeded to where Yoochun was and towed him to his bed.

As he was about to turn and leave the room, Kang heard what Yoochun have been mumbling about, more audibly.

"Baby ya... you must grow up to be a fine lady yeah... don't make any trouble for mummy.... i'm sure you will become as pretty and intelligent as your mummy~ Just don't be an like me yeah.... your daddy is a useless person who can't even protect your mummy when she needs someone by her side in times like this... i'm a jerk for leaving her to fend for herself....."

Kang went dumbfounded. Although Yoochun's rambling should've been dismissed as what people call 'drunk talk', and should be taken with just a pinch of salt, Kang felt the sincerity within the words. It was just too pure and honest for it to be just a spinoff from a story which Yoochun may have watched recently.

Nevertheless he just shrugged it off. It was just too unbelievable. Yoochun, a notorious person for being a guy who will not sink into marriage, becoming a father?

"That's absurd!" Kang thought.

He looked around Yoochun's room. It felt a little different as compared to the last time he entered it. Paper bags with logos indicating that they were bought from bookshops piled up in a corner and the newly acquired books were all laid out on top of his reading desk. The interesting part was, it seemed that Yoochun had been reading/ working hard on the books judging from the wear and tear status and the small post it tags sticking out.

Kang chuckled and walked nearer to the desk in an attempt to find out what kind of books have Yoochun been into recently. There and then, he got himself another shock.

Laying in front of him were books with titles like "What first time parents should know of", "Dummy's guide to Parenting 101" and "How to predict the gender of your baby".

As if that wasn't shocking enough, Kang caught sight of a piece of paper that had been proudly pasted on the notice board. It was Jiyun's medical report.

A/N: I'm sad. Nobody likes the story? sad

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Keahun #1
Chapter 41: Such an amazing touching story, just sad for jae, you know am a true jae fanatic, but love yoochun here in your story, thanks.
potatonaah #2
Chapter 18: i have a feeling saying that Jaejoong is actually in love with Jiyun.i just hope my feeling is
Chapter 40: very cheeky!! >.< LOL.
nar12345 #4
Chapter 40: im sorry to know that you are going to leave was a great journey to know the characters and the story that you share about them..wish to know you better too..i guess you have found a better channel to go..therefore..All the best!! *hugs*
Chapter 39: this is great love it thank you i'm craving for chunnie's story:3
Amna11 #6
Thank you for this great stroy i like it ^^
really like the wedding because it was so sweet. love your story & hoping you continue writing stories like this :)
nar12345 #8
anyeong Yoochun and Jiyun..gonna miss both of you..good luck with the basketball team project..hope to read from both of you in future upating your epilogue..and authornim..have fun with creating new world for us! need to c dentist now..sugar overload here! hehehe
really like the ending because it was so sweet! really enjoyed reading this story of yours :)
oh my that is one good read.. ^_^ I love the ending!! It's just soo sweet it's giving me tooth decay. LOL!! I love the idea of showing us the youtube vid. I can actually imagine the scene in my head. That was awesome. Thank you authornim for sharing your story. awwww.. ending this is like saying goodbye to a very close friend. I will sure miss this. but for now.. I will wait for the epilogue!LOL will there be chunnie daddy moments there? definitely happy subbing to this