Chapter 35

She's Having My Baby

"Yoochunah, shouldn't you be heading home soon? It's already late." Jaejoong asked while laying lazily on the long beige sofa in his new living room. Amidst all the tours and hoohas, he has finally moved into his new nest. While Jiyun is no stranger to the new surrounding since she had been taking part in the decoration of the house, Yoochun was pretty foreign to it.

"Nahs, i'm staying here. Haven't i told you earlier this evening?" He replied as he opened up yet another overhead cardboard door. "Nope, not here." He muttered to himself. "I mean, how can i leave my cute and innocent wifey in a house with a big fat wolf? It was ok when Su Young nuna was here with her, but now? No no... i can't allow that!" He complained.

Seeing that Yoochun and Jiyun had finally made up weeks ago and there was no more reason for her to stay, Su Young finally went back home.

"Hey, that is so mean! What's with that description?!" Jaejoong protested, throwing a cushion in Yoochun's way while the latter dodged it with ease. "And by the way, you won't find any potato chips anywhere in this house, if that's what you're looking for."

"Why?! You know i love potatos!"

"I'm putting a junk food ban on your wife cos the gyne said she should cut down on the sodium intake." He replied, now taking a sudden interest in whatever he was reading on his phone.

"Hmm... really? I didn't know that..." He said, making his way back to where Jaejoong was sitting at.

"I'll be surprised if you do..."

"Hey, i'm still a beginner ok?!" Yoochun pouted, reasoning "I'm a first time dad!"

"I'm not even a dad yet..." Jaejoong mumbled as he rolled his eyes.

"ㅎ~ It's still not fair, you have more experiences with pregnant ladies and babies!" He protested.

" Here he goes blabbering again..." He mumbled.

"Who's blabbering?" Jiyun suddenly asked as she walked out from the bathroom, hair still drenching wet from the bath.

"Do something about your boyfriend's paranoid behaviour~" He spoke in a monotone manner, not once looking at her as he finally sat up from his position on the sofa. Reaching out to the coffee table where a dry towel had been placed shortly after Jiyun went into the bathroom, Jaejoong slightly flung it towards her. "Dry your hair please, if you don't want to get sick." He sighed and spoke as if it was a normal routine for them.

"ㅋㅋㅋ~ 내 엄마~" She giggled.

Yoochun just watched the scene in front of him in silence. 'Was Jaejoong always used to this situation...?' He thought.

"Anyway, what's the topic?" She asked while carelessly drying her hair, unmotivated.

"Aigoo, you're still so lazy." Jaejoong sighed again as he walked over and took the towel and started drying her hair instead. "Your boyfriend said that he wanted to stay over for the night."

"Why?" Jiyun asked, her attention fully on the mentioned person right away.

Yoochun faked cough a little, slightly pushing Jaejoong away from Jiyun as he took over the role of hair drying. "I was thinking... it's not safe here..."

"Why? This is a private estate, security's pretty tight..." She asked, not aware that what he meant was of a different meaning.

Yoochun just looked at her in utter disbelieve.

Jaejoong chuckled, shook his head a little and said, "What he meant was, he believes that i'm a big werewolf who will attack an innocent lamb when there's a full moon."

"ㅋㅋㅋ! Chunnie dear, are you kidding? Him?" Jiyun chuckled, amused at how defensive her loving boyfriend was.

"I mean, a guy and a girl alone in a house... anything could happen right? Besides, this place is like an alcoholic's paradise! What if he unexpectedly gets drunk?! You'll be at risk!" He explained anxiously.

"Ha... ha! Like that would happen!" Jiyun chuckled as she shifted her glance nervously towards Jaejoong. "Right? Umma?"

For a fraction of a second, Jaejoong had a face which showed 'Oh no, bullseye...?! How did he know...?!'

"Yeah, i'm not interested in taken pregnant women~" He replied. Clearing his throat a little, he said (in a slightly louder voice), "Ah~ I'm hungry~"

"Hmmm... talking about that, me too..." Yoochun admitted.

"Oh well... i'll whip up a little supper for us then..." Jiyun said, quickly running away from the boys. She figured that it was better to leave the crime scene than to stay and accidentally divulge something unintended.

"Hyung... she's cooking...?" Yoochun looked at the figure running further away before disappearing into the kitchen. That was the figure who would rather order takeouts than to cook for herself just months back. Now, she has actually OFFERED to COOK for them...?

Jaejoong nodded, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Their world, at least. "She's been taking lessons from me. If you are still unaware, she was the one who cooked the porridge that time when you had a hangover."

Yoochun beamed in happiness. "My wifey is really clever! I'm so proud of her!" He said as he stood up.

"Where are you going?" Jaejoong asked when he noticed Yoochun standing.

"To go see my wifey cook?"

"........ ok shoo." Jaejoong finally decided after pausing for a while. 'It's better for him to know her cooking habits himself...' He thought as he stood up and went to grab a packet of bread from the dining table. 'I hope it's going to turn out edible, at the very least.' He shrugged.

[Later in the night]
"Chun ah, why did you bring me here? We could've just chilled at Jaejoongs' house." Jiyun asked softly as they sat comfortably on the grass patch in each others' embrace. They were at a secluded section of the Han River that was nearby Jaejoong's house.

"I just want to be alone with you..." Yoochun replied, sounding a little bothered by something. 'Away from Jaejoong hyung...' he added, whispering to himself.

But that didn't go un-noticed by Jiyun.

"Seems like someone's a little sour today..." She teased.

"Yeah..." He admitted, not caring about his image anymore. He didn't need to pretend in front of her.

"Care to explain?" She asked, her head casually set against his chest. It was beating rapidly. His heart. She smiled to herself.

"In just only a few months, you guys have become so much closer. Jaejoong, i mean. I feel so left out since it seems to me that he knows you much better than me. It's like im intruding into both of your lives... i mean, he even knows what the gyne said and... and... i don't even know where or who your gyne is... and he's so attentive to your everyday needs, he knows how you cannot get distracted while cooking... he's putting a snacks ban for your health concern... he even knows you don't dry your hair and had an extra towel prepared beforehand. Even the house has a tinge of 'Jiyun's style'... " He ranted.

Jiyun giggled and stared at the averting eyes of Yoochun's. Then, she turned back and continued staring at the night scene in front of her.

"Ah~ i feel so loved~" She commented.

Yoochun looked at her dumbfounded. Here he was, ranting about his uneasiness and there she was, saying 'i feel so loved.'?

"Jaejoong and i are just friends. He's like my mother, looking out for my wellbeing. Siblings, maybe. But we will never exceed this degree of relationship." She explained, truely happy to know that Yoochun was this jealous for her.

"But he..."

"No, he did not accompany me to the gyne before, if that's what you were trying to say. Both of us feel that it's weird to do that. But yes, he did drive me there occasionally."


"Junsu knows about my superb cooking skills too. He's tried my cooking before."

Yoochun pouted.

"But that porridge for you when you were drunk... was my first decent attempt." She admitted.

Yoochun finally broke into a smile. "Ok, that's fair enough. They can have the privilege of eating the failed attempts." He said and started laughing when he tried to imagine the looks on their faces whenever they see WWIII on their dining table.

Jiyun said nothing, but just nudged him a little from embarassment.

"But i'm really glad to have you back into my life." He mumbled.

"Yeah..." She replied, sounding a little guilty.

"You're keeping something from me." Yoochun finally said after a while of silence.

She hesitated.

"Didn't we promise that we wouldn't keep anything from each other anymore?" He pouted.

"Joon has been asking me to return back to his company....."


"And i agreed....?" She said meekly, cautiously away from him out of fear.

"What?! No i do not agree!" He shouted, truly shocked at the sudden change of event. Just a while ago he had mentioned how glad he was to be back with her... but now they have to separate... again?

"Well, too bad i already agreed..."

"I'm going to give him a call now." He said, determined as he pulled his phone out from his side pocket.

"Wait! Don't do that!" She replied, snatching his phone out from his hand. "I reaaallllllyyyy want to return back to work... don't deprive me of my interest please?" She pleaded, pouting and making puppy eyes at the same time.

"But... your job is so hectic... so stressful... you'll be in danger from the fans... and don't forget, you're pregnant!" He reasoned, feeling unsure (although he had to admit, he had already given in once seeing her irresistable expressions).

"I promise i'll take good care of myself! Joon has arranged my job scope such that i won't be exposed to dangerous or stressful situations! Please...?"

He finally let out a long sigh and messed up his hair. Although he had gazillion reasons for her not to return, he knew she won't be happy if he were to force her to stay on."Fine... but promise me we'll do video calls every night."

Jiyun grinned and started combing his hair using her fingers, singing "That's my boy!"

"So... when are you returning?" He asked, his smile returning due to her intimate, yet innocent action.

"Next Monday...?" She replied casually. At least, that's what she tried to do.


"Yeah...." Jiyun grinned sheepishly as she tried to comb her imaginary messy hair. Trying to do anything that keeps her eyes away from the angry looking male species that was literally on fire.

"........ Fine... i'll agree to this for the time being. But if i ever find out that you are starting to ill treat yourself for even a little bit... little missy you are flying back here on the first available flight." Yoochun finally spoke after the fire in him extinguished from looking at the (pretending to be) innocent looking Jiyun. He can't help but give in to her. Besides, he knew that even if he objects to it, she will still continue with it. Stubborn and independent. Not that he minds.

He sighed and rested his head on her shoulders. "Why do we have to always be apart...." He whined.

"Chun ah, it's not like we will always be separated right? We can still meet up like what we usually do... besides, we are only 6 hours apart..." She said, softly caressing his soft fluffy hair.

At that very moment, Yoochun suddenly grinned. "You're right...."



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Keahun #1
Chapter 41: Such an amazing touching story, just sad for jae, you know am a true jae fanatic, but love yoochun here in your story, thanks.
potatonaah #2
Chapter 18: i have a feeling saying that Jaejoong is actually in love with Jiyun.i just hope my feeling is
Chapter 40: very cheeky!! >.< LOL.
nar12345 #4
Chapter 40: im sorry to know that you are going to leave was a great journey to know the characters and the story that you share about them..wish to know you better too..i guess you have found a better channel to go..therefore..All the best!! *hugs*
Chapter 39: this is great love it thank you i'm craving for chunnie's story:3
Amna11 #6
Thank you for this great stroy i like it ^^
really like the wedding because it was so sweet. love your story & hoping you continue writing stories like this :)
nar12345 #8
anyeong Yoochun and Jiyun..gonna miss both of you..good luck with the basketball team project..hope to read from both of you in future upating your epilogue..and authornim..have fun with creating new world for us! need to c dentist now..sugar overload here! hehehe
really like the ending because it was so sweet! really enjoyed reading this story of yours :)
oh my that is one good read.. ^_^ I love the ending!! It's just soo sweet it's giving me tooth decay. LOL!! I love the idea of showing us the youtube vid. I can actually imagine the scene in my head. That was awesome. Thank you authornim for sharing your story. awwww.. ending this is like saying goodbye to a very close friend. I will sure miss this. but for now.. I will wait for the epilogue!LOL will there be chunnie daddy moments there? definitely happy subbing to this